Panther Press
Empathy and Engagement
Welcome to the 24-25 school year! As I mentioned during orientation, our theme is chaos. I wasn't joking. You've all had a challenging re-entry, including moving several times, new room set ups, site changes, class changes and title changes. Bussing and placement have been more confusing than normal, and you all have students "waiting" in your classes for the right site.
THEN, we changed the schedule as well, moving away from self contained work in September. It is a lot to ask, and I know it's been a struggle. But, as always, you have welcome our students, new and returning, with kindness and open arms. You have reached out and supported new colleagues and families. You've worked incredibly hard to make all of our sites into welcoming and engaging spaces.
I see you, honor your incredibly hard work and appreciate it more than I can express here. I mention to all of you (quite often) that I see us as a family. A big, messy, funny, loud, and joyful one. On your most frustrating day, I hope you still want to be a member. I know I do, because there's nothing like BTC.
Here's to a fabulous, fantastic, and yes, frustrating year. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Be Curious, Not Judgmental
Recently, I saw an excerpt from the show Ted Lasso. If you're not familiar, it follows a former US football coach who is hired to coach soccer (football) in England with zero experience in the sport.
However, while out of place and overwhelmed, he focuses on making connections and truly getting to know his players and the people he works with.
In the clip below, Ted outlines his philosophy with a quote from Walt Whitman "Be curious, not judgmental". It really spoke to me, because It's often easier to assume, to belittle and bemoan other people, their actions and their motivations. To gossip and judge. But in that judgement we miss an opportunity to connect and learn, find commonality and engage. We all have much deeper motivations, histories, and experiences than anyone will ever know. Before you cast judgement or disparage, be curious. Ask a question. Reach out. Maybe have a hard conversation. That's they way we develop community and build morale.
Meet the Faculty Night
This Thursday, we will host Meet the Faculty Night from 5-7 PM. This is a mandatory virtual meeting for all teachers, and a chance to introduce parents to our school and programs. Please reach out to families and share our website splash page- a flier will also be sent home tomorrow.
Welcome Back to School Event- Ellery site
Hispanic Heritage Month Curriculum
Hispanic Heritage Month begins this Sunday, and we will implement our aligned curriculum on Monday the 16th. You should use this curriculum and SANDI in a station teaching model- with an additional focus on Lexia or IXL.
We will present a training on our year-long curriculum map and Nearpod on Monday, September 23rd.
Upcoming Due Dates
9/13 - 408 Forms (Teachers)
9/16- SANDI opens
9/16 - Bloodborne Pathogens Training (All Staff)
Check your email; Do a Search for: Staff Training Notification
9/16 - Google Classroom (Teachers and RSPs)
9/20 - Essential Information Area (Homeroom Teachers)
9/20 - Physical Structure of Your Classroom
Classroom set up for Station Teaching/Structured TEACCHing or Lab
Classroom Bulletin Boards
Hallway bulletin Boards
9/24 - Formally known as Voc (Vocational) Level Ones (Teachers)
Student Interview (Teachers)
Teacher Interview (Teachers)
Parent Interview (Teachers)
***Upload to SESIS by 9/30 (Check for an email from Kara)
Monday September 16, extended day
Kat Marocik will facilitate an online SANDI training on Monday the 16th at 2:30 PM. All staff should should attend.
ELA teachers will log off at 3PM and log on to Readtopia training (links will follow from Mr. McGlone)
SANDI link:
Topic: How to Complete the 2.0 Version of SANDI
Time: Sep 16, 2024 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 944 2033 4562
Passcode: 123456
Ellery Site Coverage Request Form
Ellery Street staff,
Please use this form when you need a coverage during the work day- this will make requests easier to track and honor.
Epilepsy Walk, September 29th, 2024, 9:00 AM
Please join Team Heather as we walk in memory of Ms. Lifland and to raise funds for the NYCM Epilepsy Foundation.
From Mr. Tomlinson at Medgar Evers College
Class L37 has partnered with Medgar Evers College and Jessi Driving School to provide driving lessons to Tahir Tate and Harry Guaman. Their road tests have been scheduled. Congrats to these young men!!
I Am Working at Top Golf...
Thank you to KelliAnn Foss for this great TikTok about a neurodiverse person preparing to work at Top Golf🤗
Sprit Day
Flatbush Town Hall
Around Ellery
Gotham TV Plus- Coming Soon!
Gotham's Delightful Deli Opening
Gotham Town Hall
We survived the Great Gotham Flood!
Construction projects often come with some hiccups, and we saw one at Gotham last week. Thank you to Khalilah Summers, Todd Wilson, Barry Wizoreck, Pierce McGlone and Gotham custodial staff for their quick clean up efforts!
Shout Outs
A big welcome back and shout out to Maura Flanagan and her Buena Vida team (Ms. Hilario and Ms. Ramirez) and students!
They weeded and prepared the front gardens for planting, and for Vianey's memorial space!
Song of the Week
RIP Frankie Beverly