August 18, 2024

Volume 4; Issue 3; August 18, 2024
A Message From The Director
Dear NWI Families,
Thank you to those students and families that attended the onboarding sessions this past week. I am also proud of the students that attended or attempted to attend live sessions during the first three days. Remember, students are expected to login to live sessions this week, too.
One of the key requirements when applying for enrollment into the Northwest Indiana Online School (NWIOS) was the understanding that students would periodically need to come onsite for local and state assessments. We also have additional annual items such as vision and hearing screening and body safety presentations that we are required to provide to students as well.
We have been working to plan to the first of these days on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Our goal is to get as many of these items done in one day to reduce the need for onsite visits for our NWIOS families. The NWIOS Office is now located in the southeast corner of the former Chesterton Middle School. Our first onsite day, will take place at 601 W. Morgan Ave at entrance 9. This entrance is located between the football and tennis courts. A map is provided further in this newsletter.
On September 3rd, we intend to have the following take place:
- Students in Grades K -8 will take NWEA Reading, Language and Math Assessments
- Students in Grades K-4 will work with a Reading Specialist to participate in their mCLASS DIBELS Assessment
- Students in Grades 1, 3, 5, & 8 will have vision screening (time permitting)
- Students in Grades 1, 4, & 7 will have hearing screening (time permitting)
- Students in Grades 5-8 will participate in our Annual Body Safety Program through Dunebrook
- ALL Students (Grades K -12) will have their school pictures taken.
Students should bring their fully-charged Duneland-issued iPad to the session to participate in all assessments. If you do not have a Duneland-issued device, one will be provided to you on the day of testing.
Thank you again for a wonderful first week!
Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Christy Jarka, Director, & The NWIOS Team
Need Help Finding the Live Lessons (K-5) or Overview Lessons (6-12)?
Need a Reminder of How to Navigate Edmentum?
PICTURE DAY: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Pictures for ALL students enrolled in NWIOS
Picture day for NWIOS is set for Tuesday, September 3rd. Students in grades K-8 will be onsite for testing on this day making it convenient for pictures. In addition, students in grades 9 -12 who are not testing will also get their photos taken. Students in grades 9-12 should stop by the NWIOS office between 10:00 am -12:00 pm to have their photo taken.
Order Code is: 87574MT
Website: https://inter-state.com/
Your Unique Web link to order is: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/87574MT
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 9/3/2024
Grades K-8 Onsite Testing Day. 📝
All Students Grades K-12 -- School Pictures 📸
Tuesday, 9/17/2024
Grades 3-8 Onsite Testing Day. iLearn Checkpoint #1 📝
More Details for Tuesday, 9/3/24: Onsite Testing & Picture Day
📝 📷 😄
Grades K - 8. Onsite Testing
Time: 8:15 am - 12:15 pm
Location: 601 W Morgan Avenue, Chesterton Middle School - Door #4
- Onsite required assessments - mClass and NWEA
- Vision and hearing screening
- Body Safety by Dunebrook
- School Pictures
- NWIOS Arrival: 8:15. (Door 9).
- NWIOS Pictures for Grades Kdg - 8th ~ 8:15 - 8:45
- NWIOS Pictures for Grades 9 - 12: 10:00 - 12:00
Links to Helpful Resources
Logging into Edmentum
Login to Academy - Genius
Login to Edmentum. Click the button to the above or type
NWI Calendar of Events
Meet the NWI Online School Staff from Duneland
Mrs. Christy Jarka, Director
Mr. Doug Adams, Mental Health Counselor - for Duneland
Mrs. Michelle, Palko, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lorenz, Success Coach
Miss Lewis, Success Coach
Northwest Indiana Online School Office Location
The NWI Online School Office is located at 601 W Morgan Avenue, Chesterton, IN 46304
Specifically, you can find Door 9 on the south side of the former Chesterton Middle School near the pool entrance.
Call 219-983-3473 to reach Mrs. Palko and the NWI Online Office
Contacting IT (Technology) Support
Contact the Duneland School Corporation IT department via one of these methods:
- Open a IncidentIQ ticket by sending an email to: helpdesk@duneland.k12.in.us
- Log into IncidentIQ and submit a request duneland.incidentIQ.com
Other Helpful Supports
Common Support Needs
While not an inclusive list, but rather a short list of common TVA support needs. If you're not sure who to contact? Call 219-983-3743. Mrs. Palko, Administrative Assistant, will help guide you in the right direction.
Questions about classroom work:
Your Edmentum Teacher
The DSC TVA Success Coaches
Special Education Teacher, if applicable
Questions about technology support:
If it’s a Duneland issued device: https://duneland.incidentiq.com/requestor/dashboard
If it’s an Edmentum login issue: Edmentum Support or Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Looking for parent or guardian login information: Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Questions about scheduling:
Email: nwionline@uneland.k12.in.us
Questions about pacing status:
Success Coaches
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Director, Mrs. Jarka cjarka@duneland.k12.in.us
Questions about attendance:
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Director, Mrs. Jarka cjarka@duneland.k12.in.us
DSC 2024-2025 Calendar
The new 2024-2025 Duneland School Corporation Calendar has been adopted by the Duneland School Board of Trustees. Click the link above to see all the date for next school year.
Procedures for Delaying/Closing School
Click on the button below to learn more about the procedures.
Community Connections
Community Connections
The goal of the Duneland School Corporation district school newsletters is to inform students, parents and the school community about school-related information.
This year, the Duneland Schools will share information that pertains to opportunities our students may be interested in outside of school on a special page on our website. These available opportunities are offered by not-for-profit partnerships and organizations within our school district boundaries and local communities. Follow this link to Community Opportunities.
Want your event/activity/camp posted on this page? Submit a request by email with the flyer/information to the Duneland Schools Administrative Center to ahicks@duneland.k12.in.us and bmartinson@duneland.k12.in.us.
DSC School Fundraisers/Camps/Activities
For more information on ALL the current Camps being offered at CHS visit Athletic Camps/Events on the CHS Athletics webpage.