Donovan Dispatch 5
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!
September 27, 2024
Our newsletter can be translated into another language!
- Go to the top of the newsletter and click "translate".
- Select the language you would like the newsletter translated in.
¡Nuestro boletĂn se puede traducir a otro idioma!
- Vaya a la parte superior del boletĂn y haga clic en "traducir".
- Seleccione el idioma al que desea traducir el boletĂn.
Quote of the Month Winners...Fiona & Hayden Plumacker
Halloween Costume Donation
We are looking for varied sizes of new/like new (clean and in a labeled package with character name and size) Halloween Costumes to be donated for some of our students in need for our October 30th
There will be a collection bin outside of West Freehold School that says "LDS Costumes" until October 17th. Thank you in advance.
Dear Families,
We realize that due to some transportation bumps this years, some families have sent students in with smart watches. Please note, that while smart watches are permitted to be worn while riding the bus, they may not be worn during the day, as it is a violation of district policy.
This has been an increasing distraction, as well as students using them to make calls and texting. Even when they are in "school mode", they should not be worn, as per district policy.
Students should keep smart watches in the backpack only.
If any watches are out, staff members will kindly ask parents to pick up the device when convenient.
Please see the district policy below:
According to the district policy, any electronic device that can be used as a texting device is allowed in school; however, it must be turned off and kept in their backpack for the entire duration of the day.
Any student who uses a phone/watch during the school day will have the device sent to the office, a parent contacted and asked to come pick it up from school.
If you could have an additional conversation with your child at home about district expectations for devices, that would be greatly appreciated!
Please see the District Handbook for further information and review.
District Policy 5516 https://www.straussesmay.com/seportal/Public/DistrictPolicy.aspx?policyid=5516&id=6cd9f7f9033b49bc87090f26ef6d9803
Students are permitted to bring cellular phones to school. Cell phones also shall include all other electronic devices providing text messaging. All phones shall be turned off and placed in lockers or backpacks while the pupil is in school or at a school-sponsored event. Pupils on class trips may not use phones without the permission of the teacher or administrator. Pupils who use their phones while they are in school, or at a school-sponsored event, may have their phones confiscated and shall be subject to disciplinary action. Confiscated cell phones may be returned only to the parent/guardian. Repeat offenders shall be subject to the district’s student discipline code. You may review this Board Policy 5516 on our website
Please remember to report your child absent by 7:30 a.m.
Via The Parent Portal: Notify Attendance Office – allows parents to notify the school of a student absence or tardiness instead of calling the attendance line.
* Please see instructions below
If you choose to email, please include both Mrs. Lopes flopes@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us and Mrs. Rusterholz drusterholz@reeholdtwp.k12.nj.us on your email.
We’re excited to remind all elementary school students that breakfast is available for purchase in the cafeteria! You can grab a meal to bring to your classroom as soon as you arrive at school.
Menu: https://freeholdtwp.nutrislice.com/menu/laura-donovan-elementary-school
- Regular breakfast: $2.05 (charged to your meal account)
- Free breakfast for students eligible for free lunch
Attendance Policy (Important)
New Attendance Guidelines
Absence Categories
Student absences are recorded in one of the following categories based on the information provided (or not provided) by parents/guardians.
â—Ź State-Excused Absence: Any absence from school that meets the criteria of the following
applicable reasons granted by the New Jersey Department of Education:
â—‹ Religious observance, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-14, 15, and 16;
â—‹ Participation in observance of Veterans Day, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-13.2;
â—‹ Participation in district board of election membership activities, pursuant to N.J.S.A.
â—‹ Take Our Children to Work Day (must be on the designated date);
â—‹ College visit(s), up to three days per school year for students in grades eleven and twelve
(absences are only excused for the individual student pursuing college);
â—‹ Closure of a busing school district that prevents a student from having transportation to
the receiving school; and
â—‹ Attendance at a civic event, one day per school year for students in grades six through
twelve, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-33.2.
â—Ź District-Excused Absence: Any absence from school for a full day or a portion of a day for one
or more of the following reasons:
○ The student’s illness supported by a physician’s note provided upon the student’s return to
○ The student’s required attendance in court supported by a subpoena or other
documentation provided by the court;
○ The student’s suspension from school;
â—‹ Serious family illness or death supported by a written letter from the parent or guardian
upon the student’s return to school;
â—‹ Necessary and unavoidable medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled at a
time other than the school day supported by a physician’s note provided upon student’s
return to school; and
â—‹ An absence considered excused by the Commissioner and/or a NJDOE rule.
â—Ź Unexcused Absence Towards Truancy: Any absence that is not listed above, including
iReady Information
Freehold Township Schools is excited to share that our district is implementing a new benchmark assessment tool and digital content provider called i-Ready. i-Ready is an online program that will help us determine your child’s strengths and instructional needs, personalize their learning, and monitor their progress throughout the school year. Please click the letter below to read more.
Our first iReady diagnostic assessment window for reading and math begins on 9/27 and ends on 10/11.
*Specific testing dates will be communicated by your child's teacher.*
All children will need wired headphones. Assessment information will be shared after the testing window has completed. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.
Please send in to your classroom ASAP.
Thank you!
Pawlie's Parade Permission Slip (please complete one per child)
LDS Spirit Wear-Fall '24
Let the Sun Shine for our amazing Donovan Community...
We want to thank the numerous Donovan Families who have gone out of their way to send positive messages, generously donate, deliver beautiful little surprise care packages and tokens of love and appreciation to show you are thinking about our school! It is appreciated more than words can express.
It was also wonderful to see our Donovan community out in full force at Jersey Freeze on Monday. What a special event that brought all of the energy and good vibes that LDS always puts out.
Do you have creative ways to spread sunshine to our staff and/or students? While our family is separated, this is a special way to remind them that we are thinking of them, and always together in heart! Below is a Sign up form for the next couple of months to participate.
If the slots are filled, and you would like to do an extra date, please reach out! Never too much magic!
Staff count: 76
Student count: 436
From our PTO
To Our LDS Families,
We are truly inspired by the resilience and unity of our community. You've chosen to show up and rise up with unwavering dedication when we received the news about our beloved school being temporarily closed. This is not where our story ends. In fact, it's just the beginning! Our school year may look a little different, and you may have some questions about the PTO and what we plan on doing during this unconventional time.
Our number one goal is to be here for our families! We have many fundraisers that benefit our children's school. Just last year, we were able to put in a new sound system due to many fundraisers that families participated in.
We want to reassure you that we are still committed to doing fundraisers this year. Coming together as a school and a community is a priority, and we're confident that with your help, we can continue to enhance our children's school experience. Like most events, they will remain in the TBD category.
Please continue to bear with us on this wild ride! We are eager to have you as part of our PTO this year and would greatly appreciate your commitment through the payment of our annual dues.
As always, we are here to support our families. We are DONOVAN STRONG!
Warmest Regards,
Laura Donovan School PTO
To join our PTO, scan the QR code to complete the membership form.
Check out ways other FTS Elementary Schools are supporting LDS.
Scholastic Book Fair
Book Fair will be at Erickson next week, part of your child’s purchase of merchandise is coming back to LDS! Happy shopping.