Stillwater School Newsletter
January 24, 2025
Board of Education Meeting 1/27/25 7:00 PM in Library
PTA Valentine's Day Shop 2/3/25 to 2/7/25
Board of Education Meeting 2/10/25 at 7:00 PM in Library
PTA Snow Ball Dance 2/14/25
Presidents' Day - School Closed 2/17/25
Board of Education Meeting 2/24/25 7:00 PM in Library
PTA Meeting 6:00 PM 2/24/25
PTA Snow Ball Dance Snow Date 2/28/25
Kindergarten has been working hard to grow our reading and writing skills! In reading, we are “Super Readers” and are working hard to use our various powers to help us read and decode words accurately! Our students are doing a great job decoding CVC words and recognizing sight words before trying to chop/ tap them into their sounds. In writing, students have been working hard to write their first nonfiction “All about” book! We brainstormed things we were experts on, organized our brainstorming into topics and are working to write a short chapter on each subtopic. Our books contain a title, a table of contents, and organized chapters complete with sketches, labels, and sentences. We have been working hard in math, too! Students have been exploring ways to solve addition equations using various tools and strategies. Strong mathematicians do not just tell their answer, they share their thinking, too! Keep working hard, kindergarten!
Mrs. Leppert
First graders have been learning about the phases of the moon in science. Students were able to model the different phases using Oreo cookies. A fun time was had by all.
Mrs. Knapp
The second graders are working very hard learning to regroup with both addition and subtraction. Students are practicing the steps that allow them to set up two digit problems. In math, second graders use their fluency of fast facts to solve larger problems. It is recommended that students practice addition and subtraction facts to twenty so that they can recall them quickly when solving problems. Some fun games are: using flash cards in the car, drawing and solving facts with chalk on the driveway, and writing facts with fun tools such as markers or paint. Lastly, a free website called Fact Monster is also helpful to strengthen your child’s fact recall skills. Keep working hard, second graders!
Mrs. Collier
Fifth graders have started the New Year off by setting goals, choosing their word of the year, and continuing to show us that they are enthusiastic about learning! In ELA students completed their opinion essays on a topic of their choice. They also combined their opinion writing skills with their response to reading skills to convince a reader of a chosen topic such as animals living in zoos, cell phone use for teens, use of plastic water bottles or plastic straws. Students also began reading Newbery Medal winning classic Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli this week. In math, students are learning all about fractions- comparing benchmark fractions, making equivalent fractions, and more! We encourage students to notice all the ways fractions appear in their world!
Mrs. Phlegar
The Let's B-Social Club met weekly through December. Children in first and second grade participated in social and play skills building through role-play, videos and activities. The club will run a second session this spring for Kindergarten students. Be on the lookout for more information in the newsletter this spring!
Mrs. Riva & Mrs. Earley
ATTENTION 6th Grade Parents
6th Grade Parents it is that time of the year for you to submit your child's baby picture for the yearbook. You may email the baby photo to meghan.earley@stillwaterschool.net or you may send in a copy and we will scan the photo and get it back to you! We would like to have them all by the end of January!
Thank you!
Mrs.Earley & Mrs. Green
Increasing Motivation In School
Fostering motivation is essential for a child’s academic success and personal growth. At times there may be obstacles getting in the way for a child who is struggling in school and doesn’t seem to be motivated to make an effort. Learning issues, social challenges, attention difficulties and emotional problems can interfere with your child’s motivation. However, not all underperforming children have a diagnosis or disability. Either way, parents can help to support motivation in their children.
Environment: Carving out time and creating environments that are free of distractions and competing demands will allow you to show genuine interest in your child’s school day and encourage meaningful conversations. It's a great chance to share about your own day with them. Homework spaces should be organized and free of distractions to ensure that time spent is productive and enjoyable.
Involvement: Show interest in schoolwork and achievements, no matter how small. Ask questions about what your child is learning and show excitement. Young children tend to be excited in whatever you are excited about. Do homework with them, be available to answer questions and help. Sit down together with your child even if you are both working independently on different tasks. This models important skills and can help your child stay engaged.
Reinforcement: Use reinforcement. Children respond to praise, hugs, and high fives. Pair non preferred tasks with a preferred activity to follow. Also, break work into small chunks with short breaks to reinforce getting through each chunk. Remember to praise the effort not the outcome! Send the message that you recognize and respect your child’s hard work, sustained effort, and following through. Celebrating your child’s effort and success no matter how small will help to build confidence!
Allow mistakes: Don’t focus on perfection. Mistakes are necessary for learning. Remember to focus on the effort, not just checking that it is correct or complete. It is also important for children to learn what happens when they are unprepared.
Mrs. Smetana
Here is a guide to help you tell if it is a cold, the flu or covid.
Thank you,
Mrs. Hurley
Our student council is planning a "Soup-er Bowl" with the PE teachers. On Friday, February 7th, students are asked to wear their favorite team's jersey/colors and bring in a can of soup. Staff, please wear jerseys and jeans and bring in a can of soup instead of a cash donation. All students may bring their soup cans to the gym during their scheduled "paper football event". Information about when you will bring your classes to the gym will be sent out soon. Homerooms, please share this information with your classes. A copy of this flyer will be posted in the newsletter. This is also our 100th day (as of now) so our goal is to collect 100 cans!
Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your support!
The Student Council