Clyde Erwin Elementary School
Dr. Patterson's Weekly Update
Eagle Pride: Video by Dr. Patterson
May 21-25, 2018
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
It was another fun week at the ER! The fifth graders did such a great job with their PYP exhibition, and we were very excited to see so many parents in the classrooms listening to their presentations. They amaze us with how many ideas they have for solving real-world problems and how much effort they put into their research and thought processes.
The pep rally on Friday afternoon was a blast! All students did so great with their cheers and songs! The cheerleaders and Eaglettes put a lot of thought into their EOG pep rally performances as well. A huge shout out to Ms. Andrade, Ms. Novak, Mrs. Abney, and Mrs. Darby for your work with these groups. Another shout out is due to Mrs. Burford for working with all students in K-5 to learn their pep rally performances.
EOG Testing
EOG testing is beginning this week for students in grades 3-5. Wednesday, May 30 is the EOG Reading test, and Thursday, May 31 is the EOG Math test. Students in grade 5 will take the EOG Science test on Tuesday, June 5. Breakfast will be provided for students on testing days. Students need to have a good night of rest prior to each test, and please encourage your students to take their time and do their best. We know they can all do great!
Thank you to all of our parent volunteers! We appreciate your willingness to volunteer and advocate for our school. We need volunteers for the Watermania PBIS event on June 1, and we need volunteers to help with rolling diplomas and setting up for the kindergarten graduation on June 8. If you are able to volunteer for either of these events, please contact the office at 910-347-1261.
Box Tops
Hey there everybody! Our next Box Tops label deadline will be June 1. What do YOU need to do? Simply have your friends and family cut and save those Box Tops for CEEM. On or before June 1, turn them in to your classroom teacher or at the Box Tops drop-off box directly across from the school receptionist. It really is that simple! To see the list of participating products, visit
THANK YOU for being a Box Tops Hero!
Coca-Cola Give Program
Our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you can support us in one of two ways:
(1) Scan or enter product codes here: select Clyde Erwin Elementary Magnet School; or
(2) Drop off product caps to the school receptionist.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events:
May 28: Holiday (no school for students)
May 30: EOG Test (Reading) **breakfast provided
May 31: EOG Test (Math) **breakfast provided
June 1: Box Tops Deadline
June 1: WaterMania PBIS Celebration
June 4, 9:00am: Awards Program Grades 1-2
June 4, 1:00pm: Awards Program Grades 3-4
June 5: EOG Test (Science - Grade 5 only)
June 6: Ice Cream Party (celebrating all students who made growth in reading and math
June 7, 11:00am: 5th Grade Awards Luncheon
June 8: Last Day of School/Report Cards go home
June 8, 12:30pm: Kindergarten Graduation and Awards Program
Positive Behavior Expectations
We review our behavior expectations with students regularly so they can show school pride at CEES and earn Class DoJo points. Students must earn 100 Class DoJo points during the month to participate in the schoolwide PBIS celebrations. Please review our CEES acronym with students at home to help support our program:
Clyde Erwin Eagles SOAR!
Staying safe
Owning your actions
Acting responsibly
Respecting everyone and everything
About Us
Mission: To be innovative, culturally compassionate, life-long learners!
Location: 323 New River Drive, Jacksonville, NC 28540, United States
Phone: (910)347-1261
Twitter: @CEEMEagles