Superintendent Newsletter
January 10, 2025
"Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace."
- Confucius
Important Dates
Messages from Healthy Quaboag & Town of Ware
In-Home Vaccination Program
Hello all,
During the cold season, us here at Healthy Quaboag emphasize the importance of accessible vaccine clinics. Therefore, we want to inform you of the In-Home Vaccination Program offered by the state’s Department of Public Health.
This program is available to anyone who has difficulty in getting to a community vaccination location, particularly those facing mobility or transportation challenges. There is no cost to the patient (note that if you have insurance, they will be billed for the cost of the vaccine).
To schedule an in-home vaccine call the In-Home Vaccination Central Intake Line at (833) 983-0485 or go online to the CDR Health Patient Portal page at patientportalma.com.
Both Covid-19 and Influenza vaccines are available. For more information, visit https://www.mass.gov/info-details/in-home-vaccination-program-covid-19influenza.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email back.
Stay healthy,
Maitri Chandrashekar
Healthy Quaboag Intern
Healthy Quaboag & Town of Ware
Serving the towns of: Barre, Belchertown, Brimfield, Brookfield, East Brookfield, Hardwick, Holland, Ludlow, Monson, North Brookfield, New Braintree, Palmer, Spencer, Wales, Ware, Warren, West Brookfield & Wilbraham
Visit the Healthy Quaboag Website: https://healthyquaboag.org/
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healthyquaboag
At-Home COVID-19 Tests
Hi all,
Us at Healthy Quaboag want to make you aware of the option to order Covid-19 testing kits to your home. Every home is eligible for 4 free at-home tests, administered by the Administration for Strategic and Preparedness Response of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
To order the tests, please visit the website linked below. If any other questions arise, please feel free to email back. https://covidtests.gov/
Maitri Chandrashekar
Healthy Quaboag Intern
Healthy Quaboag & Town of Ware
A Message from the Ware River Valley Domestic Violence Task Force
If you have any questions regarding the Parenting In The Digital Age presentation,
please contact Monica Moran, Coordinator.
Join us in cheering on the Ware Indians Basketball Teams this season!
Schedules can be found by using the links for each team below:
School Committee
Contact Information
To ensure you are receiving communication from the district, please make sure your contact information (phone, email, address) is updated with your child's school.
Food Services
The Ware Public Schools Food Service Department provides a comfortable and encouraging environment in which nutritious and wholesome meals are offered. A well-balanced diet is essential for growing children and teenagers, so we design each meal to include all major food groups. Our meals provide the nutrients students need to focus on academics and to perform their best.
Ware Public Schools participates in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. As part of this program, all schools offer healthy meals every school day at NO COST to the students for the 2024-2025 school year.
Monthly menus can be found on our website at https://www.wareps.org/for_parents/food_services
Student Registration
To enroll your student in Ware Public Schools, begin with our online registration.
If you have any questions regarding the enrollment process, please contact
Cheryl Dauksewich at cdauksewich@ware.k12.ma.us or 413-967-4271, ext. 3710
Academic Calendar
For your planning, view our 2024-2025 Academic Calendar for important dates.
District Contact Information
Central Office: 413-967-4271
Stanley M. Koziol Elementary School: 413-967-6236
Ware Middle School: 413-967-6903
Ware Junior Senior High School: 413-967-6234
Website: www.wareps.org