Living Informed ... Symposium
on Mental Heath/Wellness for BCHS/ you won't want to miss it
Mental Health Symposium
Lunch and snacks provided
Mrs. Spellman Cann , Mr. Damen , Mr. Osenten (your school counsellors) and the Mental Health Wellness team are happy to invite you to a great opportunity and event.
You can look forward to a day with social media expert, Dr. Alec Couros who is a professor of educational technology and media and the Coordinator of Information and Communications Technology at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
Dr. Couros has given hundreds of workshops and presentations, nationally and internationally, on topics such as openness in education, social/networked learning, instructional design, digital citizenship, and critical media literacy.
This interactive symposium will focus on mental health and wellness using the networked learning experiences of Dr. Couros
This will be an amazing opportunity and there will be fun surprises too.
Living Aware Living Informed Living Empowered
Develop Mental Health Literacy Skills
Reduce Stigma
Connect with BCHS students to make a difference
We all know someone who struggles with their mental health /wellness sometime in their lives
Take a leadership role when it comes to mental health