East High News

September 8, 2024
Discovery Day
The Wyoming Air National Guard invites all middle and high school students to embark on a journey of exploration and learning at its 4th Annual Discovery Day. This event will take place Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wyoming Air National Guard base at 217 Dell Range Blvd. in Cheyenne. Discovery Day is a free educational event designed to inspire and engage students. The event features dozens of interactive displays showcased by local businesses, colleges and industry leaders, all within the massive aircraft hangar of the Wyoming Air National Guard.
Click Here to sign up or see Mrs. Steil in Room 402.
Students that attend school 95% of the time are more likely to graduate from high school.
Last week, the school-wide attendance rate was only 93%.
Please encourage your student to attend every class, every day. Only students with a fever over 100, vomiting, or diarrhea should stay home from school.
Important Dates
September 11
Patriot Day
September 13
B Day
September 20
A Day
September 23 to September 27
Homecoming Week
September 26
Discovery Day (WY Air National Guard)
September 27
B Day
October 1
Senior ACT Retake
Fridays - C Days
Order School Photos
East High School Photos Are Ready! Visit https://my.photoday.com/s/HighFiveWyo/east and use code EHS2024 to order. michael@smithphotostudios.com
See the flyer linked below for more information.
iPad Insurance
If you opted for iPad Insurance ($25.00) during online registration, payment is due by September 9, 2024. You can pay online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, credit card by calling the bookkeeper at 307-771-2467, or stop by the school with cash, check, or credit card. Payments will NOT be accepted after September 9, 2024.
Junior Leadership of Laramie County
Junior Leadership of Laramie County is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year. High School Juniors please join us and learn about the Leadership opportunities available in Cheyenne, Laramie County, and the State of Wyoming. You will have the opportunity to meet with Government officials, such as the Governor, the Mayor, and Legislators, one month and the next month with banking officials or industry leaders or even educational leaders. There is one-one day class per month from October through May that will afford you the chance to meet and learn from today's leaders.
If you are interested, please pick up an application packet from the Main Office, your Counseling Office or from the Civics/Social Studies Department Chairperson. They have electronic versions that they will be happy to print for you. Application Deadline is September 30, 2024.