Southern Ohio Educational Service Center

October 2024
Welcome to the October installment of the SOESC Connection Newsletter!
Topics we will cover in this installment:
- Bullying Prevention Month
- Breast Cancer Awareness
- Resources for Suicide Prevention in Schools
- Updates for Employment Opportunities
- Resources to cover Internet Safety for Students
- Updates within our organization
- Mental Health Awareness
- Download the October Wellness Calendar
- Plus more!
As always, thank you for your dedication and commitment to our shared goals.
Follow us on social media as we highlight the latest news, updates, and the diverse services we offer to the public school districts in Adams, Clinton, Fayette, and Highland County schools.
Connect With SOESC 👉 bit.ly/m/SouthernOhioESC
Awareness and Prevention
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- About one in eight U.S. women and one in 726 U.S. men will develop breast cancer over the course of their lives.
- In 2024, an estimated 310,720 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in the U.S. An estimated 56,500 people will be diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), a non-invasive breast cancer.
- An estimated 42,250 women will lose their lives to stage IV or metastatic breast cancer in 2024.
- In 2024, there were over 4 million women living with a history of breast cancer in the US.
- About 9% of all new breast cancer cases are diagnosed in women 45 and under.
- Though Black women have a lower incidence of breast cancer than white women, Black women are 40% more likely to die of breast cancer.
Bullying Prevention Month
There's no room for bullies in 2024!
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" - Maya Angelou
Additional Resources
SOESC Opportunities
Professional Learning Opportunities
- Elementary & Secondary Administrator Forums, October 15
- Superintendent Network Meeting, October 18
- Speech Therapy Network Meeting, November 1
- School Counselor and Social Worker Roundtable, November 7
- Treasurer Roundtable, November 14
- Superintendent Network Meeting, November 22
SOESC Network Opportunities
- Curriculum Roundtables
- Elementary & Secondary Administrator Forums
- Instructional Coaching Network
- Literacy Leaders Network
- Regional School Psychologist Network
- School Treasurer Roundtables
- Speech-Language Pathology Consortium
- Superintendent Meetings
- Technology Specialist Network
Employment Opportunities
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center is dedicated to providing our member districts with the highest quality of services in a collaborative environment that is cost-effective. This service allows many of our employees to work outside of our main offices and directly in one or multiple member school districts.
Our Mission: "Together, we empower excellence by transforming education through dynamic partnerships for our students and community."
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC)
We have added/updated webpages! Check it out 👇
Interested in learning how to become a substitute teacher? Find out here 🔽
Keeping Our Body & Mind Healthy
SOESC Connection Newsletter: Better Communication for a Stronger Community
Our top priority is to promote clear communication throughout our organization and among our partners and followers. The SOESC Connection Newsletter is one form of communication we share monthly to work to achieve this goal. We are proud to be a part of this community. Join us on our mission and subscribe today!