OES Family Update
A Place Where Performance Elicits Pride
Message from the Principal
February seems to go by in a blur and it is hard to believe we are already in March! Our staff and students are doing a great job continuing the positive momentum with our learning from the beginning of the year. A reminder that we will be on Spring Break from Monday March 24 through March 28th. We will return to school on Monday March 31. Following Spring Break, our 3rd-6th grade students will begin taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness starting April 7th. This consists of 3 assessments in Math and 3 in English/Language Arts that are designed to determine how are students compare to others in the state in addition to providing us information on how students in 4th grade and beyond are growing from year to year. While no single assessment is an accurate measure of a student's capabilities or defines who they are as a student, we relish this opportunity for our students to show just how much they have learned at OES! We encourage you to have conversations with your child about taking their time, doing their best, persevering through any challenges thrown their way. On last year's assessment our students were the HIGHEST performing students in Ogle County on the ELA assessment, and I look forward to more opportunities to celebrate them and our staff following this year's assessment.
Additionally, we are actively preparing for the 2025-26 School Year. If you have a child who will be old enough for Pre-School or Kindergarten next year, please see the information below in regards to signing up for the screening events. I am pleased to say as of this week, we are FULLY staffed for certified teaching positions for the 2025-26 School Year, which in a time where many districts have multiple unfilled openings with limited quality applicants is a testament to the positive school environment our staff, students, and community have worked to create. Thank you for your efforts in helping our staff have a positive work experience.
Ryan Huels
OES Principal
Parent/Principal Advisory Meeting- March 17 5:30 PM
We had a much greater turnout in February with a shift to a virtual format. We will continue with a virtual meeting for the March Meeting.
Meeting link to join here:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zfd-meuj-awa
RSVP ahead of time: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehEJNvS21DIL8IFrguW09dDM598xCNRFNpwEdDE9-Go4trPg/viewform?usp=header
Upcoming Dates
3/7 4th Grade - FLOW - 9am - 1pm
3/11 Suessical Performance OHS- 1:15 1-3,5 grades
3/12 Preschool Family Fun Day 8:30-11:00am
3/18 Spring Pictures
3/20 6th Grade - The Rink 9:20am - 12:30pm
3/21 World Down Syndrome Day
3/21 Class Color Competition - PK/yellow, K/green, 1/white, 2/purple, 3/blue, 4/red, 5/black, 6/tie dye
3/21 5th Grade - The Rink 10:25am - 2:00pm
4/7 - 4/10 Preschool Screenings- NO PREK Classes 4/7-4/11 due to screenings
4/17 Donuts with Dudes - 7-7:45am
4/17 Book Fair begins
4/18 No School - Good Friday
4/21 No School - Easter Monday
4/22-25 Book Fair
4/24 Fine Arts Night
4/25 Mornings with Moms - 7-7:45am
4/30 Celebrate Neurodiversity
Oregon Elementary School Principal