Tiger Tales
Hemmenway Elementary - February 2025 Edition
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A Note From the Principal
2025 has already been a very exciting year! It was amazing to experience snow right here in Katy! I know our kids had a blast. They had lots of fun memories to share. February is also going to be a fun-filled month. We have so many family events planned to foster the love of learning and show our love for the Hemmenway community.
Working together we'll be moving "Up, up at Hemmenway"!
Principal Hammond
Attendance Matters! ~ Our Goal is 97%
Quarterly Attendance Incentive
3rd Quarter - Jan. 7, 2025 - March 7, 2025
We want to celebrate our students who attend school every day!
PK - 1st grade students who attend school every day earn PERFECT ATTENDANCE and participate in a class celebration.
2nd - 5th grade students who attend school every day earn PERFECT ATTENDANCE and participate in the campus Breakfast of Champions celebration.
PK - 5th grade students who are at school ON TIME (8:45am) for the FULL DAY (no early checkouts, except for doctor's appointments --Note from the doctor required. - [Not a parent written excuse note.]) will be entered into a raffle. There will be one winner in PK-1st and one winner in 2nd - 5th.
2nd Quarter winners will be announced soon!
Federal Report Card Available Online
Dear Parent:
Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website at this link:
· Select a campus level (ex: Elementary, Middle, High)
· Find your campus
· Click 2023-24
· Click 2023-24 Federal Report Card
Information on these report cards includes:
· Part (i): Description of State Accountability System
· Part (ii): Student Achievement by Proficiency Level
· Part (iii): Academic Growth and Graduation Rate
· Part (iv): English Language Proficiency
· Part (v): School Quality or Student Success
· Part (vi): Goal Meeting Status
· Part (vii): STAAR Participation
· Part (viii): Civil Rights Data
· Part (ix): Teacher Quality Data
· Part (x): Per-pupil Expenditure
· Part (xi): STAAR Alternate 2 Participation
· Part (xii): Statewide National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
· Part (xiii): Cohort Rate of Graduates Enrolled in Postsecondary Education
· Part (xiv): Additional Information—Chronic Absenteeism
· Part (xv): Section 1003 Fund
· Part (xvi): Counts of First Year English Learners Excluded from the State Accountability
If you are unable to access the information from the website, hard copies of the reports are available at the district or campus office. If you have questions about the information, please contact Mrs. Hammond, Principal at 281-856-9870.
Thank you!
Estimados padres de familia:
Las Tarjetas de Calificaciones Federales del estado, el distrito y cada una de las escuelas del distrito están disponibles ahora en la página Web del distrito, en este enlace:
· Escoja el nivel escolar (primaria, intermedia, secundaria)
· Escoja la escuela
· Haga clic en el año escolar 2023-24
· Haga clic en “2023-24 Federal Report Card”
Las tarjetas de calificaciones contienen la siguiente información:
· Parte (i): Descripción general del sistema de evaluación de escuelas del estado de Texas.
· Parte (ii): Rendimiento estudiantil por nivel de dominio
· Parte (iii): Crecimiento académico e índice de graduaciones
· Parte (iv): Dominio del idioma inglés
· Parte (v): Calidad de las escuelas o éxito de los estudiantes
· Parte (vi): Situación actual de la obtención de objetivos
· Parte (vii): Participación en STAAR
· Parte (viii): Datos de derechos civiles
· Parte (ix): Datos de la calidad de los docentes
· Parte (x): Gastos por alumno
· Parte (xi): Participación en la Alternativa 2 de STAAR
· Parte (xii): Evaluación Nacional a nivel estatal del progreso educacional (NAEP)
· Parte (xiii): Índice estadístico de graduados inscritos en educación posterior a la secundaria
· Parte (xiv): Información adicional – Ausentismo crónico
· Parte (xv): Fondos según la Sección 1003
· Parte (xvi): Número de estudiantes de inglés de primer año excluidos de los reportes de responsabilidad estatal
Si tienen alguna dificultad en acceder a esta información de la página Web, hay copias de los informes disponibles en las oficinas del distrito o en las escuelas. Si tienen alguna pregunta sobre esta información, sírvanse contactarse con Sra. Hammond, Prinicpal al 281-856-9870
Please help us adhere to these safety guidelines. We are the models for our Tigers.
- Lunch Visitation - Parents, we are excited to have you join us for lunches with your students. Here are a few reminders to help make the process smoother.
- Only one name can occupy a "Spot" for the lunch registration. Please do NOT add two names for one spot.
- Please register using the link. Regardless of availability, parents will not be allowed to eat lunch without registration.
- We ask that our visitors are appropriately dressed to enjoy lunch with your special lunch "date".
- You can only bring food for your own student. We are not allowed to share items with other students.
- Please ensure that you are not taking pictures or videos of any other students or staff during your visit.
- Students should NOT be dropped off on West Little York Rd. It is very dangerous for them to walk through car lines. Drivers are not expecting students to be in those areas. We don't want any of our students to get hurt.
- No one should park on school grounds (front or back parking lots) to get students from a walker door. You should be walking from the neighborhood.
- If you are arriving in a car to pick up your student(s), please remain in your car and move through the car rider lines as directed by our staff. Also, don't change lanes. Students are sent out in the specific order according to the lane you are in. This helps to keep lines flowing.
- Dismissal - If you arrive after all car rider numbers have been entered, you will need to come into the front office with your car rider tag to sign your students out.
- Parent Orientations - Be sure to attend a Parent Orientation at scheduled times throughout the year to allow you to volunteer or chaperone field trips. Checkout the Year At A Glance below for our next Parent Orientation. You only need to attend one session for the year.
- Transportation Changes - If you are emailing transportation changes, please include a picture of your handwritten note along with your ID to Hemmenway@cfisd.net . Continue to check your email to ensure that you receive a reply from the campus. If you do not receive a reply, please call the campus at 281-856-9870 to share information with the receptionist. Remember, all transportation changes must be made prior to 3:00pm.
Parents Right to Know
Mark Your Calendar
2/4 - Spring Individual Pictures
2/5 - 100th Day of School - Students can dress a 100 year old or wear 100 things!
2/5 - Last day to purchase K.I.S.S. Dance tickets through SchoolCash
2/7 - K.I.S.S. Dance 5:30pm-7pm
2/11 - Cabo Bob's Spirit Night
2/12-13 - Kinder SRC Field Trip (Check with your child's teacher for the day.)
2/13 - Valentine's Exchange (Student-only event in class)
2/14 - Last day to order Field Day T-shirts (link below)
2/14-2/17 - Student Holiday (No school)
2/18 - Campus Progress Public Meeting 5:00pm - 5:30pm
2/18 - Parent Orientation 5:30pm, 5:45pm, 6:00pm (3 sessions available)
2/18 - STEM Night 5:30pm - 7pm
2/24 - Soccer Stars begins this week
- K-2 Monday & Wednesday 4:10pm -5:15pm
- 3-5 Tuesday & Thursday 4:10pm - 5:15pm
2/25 - Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
2/26 - Class Group Pictures (rescheduled due to Snow Day closure in January)
2/26 - Last day to register to attend Western Dance Day (link below)
2/28 - Western Dance Day during Encore classes (Register using the link below to attend.)
3/5 - Field Day for Kinder, 2nd, & Life Skills
3/6 - Field Day for 1st & 4th
3/7 - Field Day for 5th & 3rd
3/10-3/14 - Spring Break Holiday (No school)
Cabo Bob's Spirit Night - Feb. 11, 2025 4PM-8PM
Student Valentine's Exchange - Thursday, 2/13/25
Purchase Your Child's Yearbook!
Lunch Visitation on Tuesdays & Fridays
You can register to visit your child for lunch on Tuesdays or Fridays. Use the registration link BELOW to sign-up to make the process smooth when you come to enjoy lunch with your student. There are 14 spots per grade level per lunch visitation day. You can sit on the stage with your child. You will be able to register up to 2 visitors per student for no more than 2 lunch visits per month. This ensures more parents have this opportunity with their students.
Links for Lunch Visitation
Feb. 1-15 https://forms.gle/GcrA7GD7Fy1wfsGA9
Feb. 16-28 https://forms.gle/BRS8C57PTDKUb42x8
Grade Level Newsletters
Pre-K & ECSE
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Life Skills
District Calendar
Click for more information about Club Rewind
Click HERE for the Bus Transportation App
Please Join the Kroger Community Rewards Program
About Hemmenway
Email: hemmenway@cfisd.net
Location: 20400 West Little York Road, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-856-9870
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hemmenwaystreak
Twitter: @HemmenwayStreak