Report Card Conferences
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are happy to announce that our first trimester parent/teacher conferences will be held Wednesday, December 11th (Day & Evening) and Wednesday, December 18th (Day only). The conference times are set for 10 minutes, and we will try our best to accommodate requests for day/evening times on a first come/first served basis.
Conference Dates:
Day and evening: Wednesday, December 11th
Day only: Wednesday, December 18th
Afternoon conferences will run from 12:30pm-2:30pm, and evening conferences from 5:30pm-7:00pm.
We are also very excited to announce that we are continuing to use PTCFast.com for online sign ups. Please follow the steps below to sign up for your child’s conference:
Follow this linkhttps://ptcfast.com/schools/squantum
Pick the name of your child(s) homeroom teacher(s). If you have children in several different grades, click the names of each homeroom teacher they have. (For example: If you have a child in 1st grade and in 5th grade you would check both Ms.Stravin and Mr. Regan)
Grade 3, 4 and 5 Parents/Guardians should only book conference times with your child’s homeroom teacher
Enter your child(s) name, your name, and your email address, click register
You will then receive an email allowing you to sign up for the conference(s)
Click the link in your email. From here you will be able to sign up for all conferences
Report cards will be posted in the QPS ASPEN student portal on Tuesday. November 26th. Please do not hesitate to email me at stephensylvia@quincypublicschools.com if you need a password reset or more information about registering for the upcoming report card conferences.
Stephen Sylvia
Squantum Elementary School