Burns Park Family Newsletter
October 20, 2024
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From the Principal
The colors of fall are upon us and the weather of Michigan is doing what it does. Please be sure to help your little ones be prepared. Students will need appropriate layers for outdoor play. Don't forget to LABEL, LABEL, LABEL, the lost & found is already looking like a department store with unlabeled belongings.
For the month of October please help me celebrate:
National Principal’s Month
LGBTQ History Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Filipino American History Month
Polish American Heritage Month
National Bully Awareness Month
Upcoming this week
10/21- Shah to Gravel Pit
10/23- All School Conference Night (4:00-7:00)
10/24- McMath to Gravel Pit, Seyam to Gravel Pit, Kierce to AADL
10/25- Toledo Opera (Y5-2)
Take care & Be well,
Principal Bullock
Previous Family Newsletters
A Message from Mrs. Noble
Dear Burns Park Families,
I want to share that Thursday, October 31, 2024, will be my last day of teaching with AAPS.
After thirty-four years as a public educator across two states and four districts, I have decided
to retire. It has been a privilege to build a community with such a diverse and talented group of
people here in Ann Arbor.
I will cherish the numerous wonderful memories from my time with the BP Penguins, including
choir performances, share days, musicals, concerts, sing-alongs, recorders, field trips,
informance days, field days, parades, BP Runs, art shows, reading months, and ice cream
My passion has always been to share the joy of music with students. I hope they continue to
recognize the power of music within themselves and in others, whether they choose to
participate or support. Please keep nurturing this love for music.
Go Penguins!
Best regards,
Misty Noble
Meet Kraig Harrison
I am Kraig Harrison, I am the new office staff member. Some of you may know me as I have been a substitute teacher here at Burns Park the past couple years and before that I was a Mitchell for several years filling many different positions. When I am not at Burns park I love cooking, playing tabletop games and gardening. I am so excited to be a member of the Burns Park community.
Office Wish List
The front office has created a wish list. If you'd like to send some joy, please click the link below. Thank you in advance. ~Mrs. Konarske
Family Stem Night
Burns Park has been picked by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) to host a STEM Family Night. Please register for this wonderful opportunity by using the QR code below.
From The Burns Park PTO
Hello Families,
Thank you to everyone who’s donated Halloween Costumes for our Halloween Closet. We’re all looking forward to the Halloween Parade on Oct. 31! Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 12 at 7 p.m.
The Burns Park Community is only made stronger by it’s volunteers and we have some immediate needs:
Disability Awareness Workshop Chairs - We need 1-2 people to plan our annual on-day, hands-on workshop for Burns Park fourth graders offering students insight into living with physical disabilities. The chairs will coordinate with the representative from the Disability Network Washtenaw Monroe Livingston and Principal Bullock to set a date for the event. They will work with the Volunteer Coordinator to recruit volunteers to manage the many stations that make up this important workshop. The stations, equipment and directions are provided by the Disability Network Washtenaw Monroe Livingston. They will help prep volunteers in advance to assist students.Contact volunteering@bpepto.org for more information.
Library Morning Helpers - Rachel Erdstein, our building library/media specialist, is collecting all due library materials first thing in the morning. We need a core group of 4-5 volunteers to regularly check-in and shelve materials just after drop off from 8:45-9:15 am. If you are available and willing to help sign up here.
Walk & Talk Coaches - Walk & Talk is an optional lunch recess activity where students in grades 1-5 can choose to walk or run together around a specified loop in Burns Park. For miles completed, kids earn "toe tags" they collect on a chain and wear proudly! Coaches are needed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during lunch recess to organize and distribute student lap cards, keep track of laps completed, and distribute toe tags. Sign up here.
The PTO website has a Directory that allows families to create an account and share contact details and class information, enabling parents to reach out to each other within class, grade level, etc. to set up playdates and otherwise foster a sense of community. Our current PTO directory is opt-in, meaning that families have to proactively create an account on our site to join. Returning families need to update their class assignments and new families should definitely sign up!
On November 5, 2024, voters residing in school districts served by the Washtenaw Intermediate School District (ISD) will vote on a 12-year, no tax increase Special Education Millage Renewal proposal.
Washtenaw ISD will be holding community information sessions and welcome all community members to attend to learn more about the millage renewal. See the dates and register here:
Monday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. (register here) - Held at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District's Teaching and Learning Center located at 1819 S. Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, MI
More than 6,000 students, or 1-in-7 students, from preschool through age 26 receive special education services in Washtenaw County, plus nearly 900 additional children ages birth to 3 also receive special education services before entering preschool.
If the millage is renewed, the renewal keeps $57 million in unrestricted general funds available for programs and services that could benefit every public school student. This could include advanced placement coursework, improved learning environments, mental health supports, extracurricular activities, school safety and more.
If the millage is not renewed, special education services in Washtenaw County would be underfunded by $57 million and school districts would need to use general operating funds to cover this shortfall.
Your Burns Park PTO,
Kory Zhao, President
Michelle Ding, President Elect