Austin High School
Black Bear News -- Aug. 25, 2024
Principal's Message
Oh, what a Friday night!! Our football team never gave up on their comeback win over Hartselle!! Also, great job by our Band, Cheerleaders and Student Section on supporting our team!! Go Bears!!
This week is Beat Decatur week!! The Black Bears will play DHS on Friday, Aug. 30 @ 7:00 p.m. @ Home. We need the Black Bear Community to bring tremendous energy to support our team! This week we will have a Pep Rally!
Also, this week we will play our first-ever Flag football game on Thursday, Aug. 29 @ 6:00 p.m. @ Home vs. Sparkman. Come out and support our Bears!
Junior parents, on Wednesday, Aug. 28, AHS will be administering a practice ACT Assessment to all Juniors. This assessment is NOT FOR A GRADE, but the data gleaned will help determine students' areas of improvement. We will then use the data to provide targeted instruction for our students. Students will be given their testing room assignments by Tuesday. Students who have 1st Block CAD or 1st Block Co-op will need to report to AHS by 8:20 a.m.
Sophomores and Seniors will follow their normal schedule.
If you have a question or a concern, please feel free to email me at demond.garth@dcs.edu. #BestIsTheStandard!
Have a great day!
Picture Day Schedule for Students who Do Not have a History on Campus
- Beat Decatur Shirts will be on sale this week! Purchasing information will be sent out this week.
Senior Information
- Counselors will be in your English class on August 28th or 29th
- College applications are open. You may need to request a transcript. Please create an account (use personal email) at www.parchment.com
- There may be an application fee. Free application week is in October or you can see your school counselor for a fee waiver.
- Scholarships are open: DCS Scholarship List, your college scholarship page, national websites such as fastweb.com, scholarships.com, https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search
- FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will open on December 1st, fafsa.gov. Please begin to locate your 2023 household financial information.
- Career opportunities are available with the Career Coach, Mrs. Crook Jordan.crook@dcs.edu
- Do you need to retake the ACT? We have fee waivers, if you qualify.
- School Counselor appointments available (attachment), come see us!!!
- If you are a senior who has not paid your senior fee, you will have received an email from Mrs. Myatt. These fees need to be paid ASAP. The deadline is Sept. 1st. Please see Mrs. Haughaboo or Mrs. Myatt to pay your fee.
Monday, Sept 2 School will be Closed for Labor Day
ALFA Leadership Conference
Attention 10th graders: The application for the Alfa Youth Leadership Conference is open, https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/ILq15wkr2V00. .
The deadline to submit the application is September 16th. This is a two-day FREE conference to collaborate with peers about community needs and leadership. Please see your school counselor with any questions or concerns.
There will be a canned food drive for Hands Across Decatur. It will start August 26th and end September 6th. Any NHS, Spanish Honor Society, and FCCLA members will receive volunteer hours for donating cans. The donation box will be outside of Mrs. Myatt's room in A-101.
Girls Basketball Tryouts
JV and Varsity Girls Basketball tryouts will be held on Sept.23rd at 5pm in the gym.
You must have an updated physical and dragonfly account in order to tryout.
Please fill out the google form to sign up. If you have any questions please see Coach Davis. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dpZHHasct9-lsDCAp-oQVS_Fz1zXAXN5AvrQwjLnpno/edit.
Quinceañera Dresses
If you have had a Quinceanera and would like to showcase your Quinceanera dress at the AJHS Hispanic Heritage program on September 20th, please see Mrs. Saldana in the front office for more information!
AHS Parking Decals are REQUIRED
AHS Counselors
Ann Faulk
256-552-3071 Ext. 6440
Joy Dixon
256-552-3071 Ext. 6408
Catrena Jackson
256-552-3071 Ext. 6424
AHS Administrators
Rachel Bailey
12th Grade Assistant Principal
Dr. Vivian Malone
11th Grade Assistant Principal
Regan Carpenter
10th Grade Assistant Principal
Connecting to AHS
Email: demond.garth@dcs.edu
Website: https://ahs.dcs.edu/
Location: 3004 Modaus Road Southwest, Decatur, AL, USA
Phone: 256-552-3060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHSBBN