McMillan Daily
4/15 to 4/19/24
Monday No School for Students - Articulation Day
7:40 Announcement:
- Good morning McMillan – welcome to school. You are loved, you are valued, and we’re glad you’re here on time. Remember to live and let go!
- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Cell Phone Reminder: At this time, please put away you earbuds and cell phones as we focus our energy toward learning. This is your only verbal warning Monarchs. Thank you.
MTSS-B at the MAC:
Being Responsible at McMillan means being on time. You have 4 minutes to get to each class, so do your part and move with energy and purpose between your classes. Tardy Sweeps start this week.
Be safe, Be Responsible, Respectful and be Macademically successful. Go Monarchs!
Tuesday B Day
7:40 Announcement:
- Good morning McMillan – welcome to school. You are loved, you are valued, and we’re glad you’re here on time. Remember to live and let go!
- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Cell Phone Reminder: At this time, please put away you earbuds and cell phones as we focus our energy toward learning. This is your only verbal warning Monarchs. Thank you.
PRIDE Announcements:
Lunch Menu:
Chicken Tenders or a Spanish Hamburger
- 30 Ways to Say Yay:
Mr. Smith helps to create lasting relationships with students as a teacher from JAG, takes students outside of school walls for great field experiences, and has expanded the program at McMillan to where we will add staff - the largest school chapter in the program! Mr. Smith coaches several sports and is highly visible in our community.Thank you Mr. Smith!
- Soccer Teams are now 2-0 with defeats this past Thursday!
Math Problem of the Day Winners!
English Problem of the Day Winners!
Coming up at McMillan:
April 16 - UNO Quiz Bowl Quads Competition (9am-2pm)
April 16 - School Counselors at Miller Park and Minne Lusa
April 17 - NJHS applications are due to DeWitt or Conley by Wednesday, April 17. Firm deadline! Thank you 🙂
April 17 - Track vs. King at North HS
April 17 - School Counselors at Druid Hill and Skinner Elementary
April 18 - School Counselors at Sherman and Florence
April 18 - Mid Quarter Progress Report Window Opens at 6:00 AM
April 18 - ELEOT Calibration with TAC staff at McMillan
April 18 - Boys Soccer at McMillan vs Bryan JV 4:30 start
April 18 - Girls Soccer at McMillan vs Bryan JV 3:30 start
April 18 - Science Fair State Competiton @ UNL East Campus All Day by invitation only
April 19 - Pot Luck sponsored by the Courtesy Committee - see the top of this newsletter to sign up
April 19 - School Counselors at Belvedere in the afternoon
MTSS-B at the MAC:
Being Respectful at McMillan means picking up your trash in the hallway, cafeteria, restrooms, auditorium or gym. Each of us takes care of all of us. Thank you for being respectful of our facility at McMillan.
Be safe, Be Responsible, Respectful and be Macademically successful. Go Monarchs!
Wednesday A Day
7:40 Announcement:
- Good morning McMillan – welcome to school. You are loved, you are valued, and we’re glad you’re here on time. Remember to live and let go!
- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Cell Phone Reminder: At this time, please put away you earbuds and cell phones as we focus our energy toward learning. This is your only verbal warning Monarchs. Thank you.
PRIDE Announcements:
Lunch Menu:
Cheese Pizza, Personal Pizza, or Fish Sandwich
- Quiz Bowl Quads Good News!
- Mrs. Wright - always the helpful and courteous staff person who is willing to do whatever she can for any student or staff person. She provides opportunities to her students like going to Burke for theater with her students, and has presented to staff concerning supports for students who are ESL. She truly wants what is best for all of her students, and keeps a positive attitude no matter the hardship. She leads the Outdoor Committee and helps to keep our campus looking great. Thank you Mrs. Wright for all you do!
Math Problem of the Day Winners!
English Problem of the Day Winners!
Coming up at McMillan:
April 16 - UNO Quiz Bowl Quads Competition (9am-2pm)
April 16 - School Counselors at Miller Park and Minne Lusa
April 17 - NJHS applications are due to DeWitt or Conley by Wednesday, April 17. Firm deadline! Thank you 🙂
April 17 - Track vs. King at North HS
April 17 - School Counselors at Druid Hill and Skinner Elementary
April 18 - School Counselors at Sherman and Florence
April 18 - Mid Quarter Progress Report Window Opens at 6:00 AM
April 18 - ELEOT Calibration with TAC staff at McMillan
April 18 - Boys Soccer at McMillan vs Bryan JV 4:30 start
April 18 - Girls Soccer at McMillan vs Bryan JV 3:30 start
April 18 - Science Fair State Competiton @ UNL East Campus All Day by invitation only
April 19 - Pot Luck sponsored by the Courtesy Committee - see the top of this newsletter to sign up
April 19 - School Counselors at Belvedere in the afternoon
MTSS-B at the MAC:
- Wednesday at Lunch block is our highest referral day and time at McMillan this year. Do your best to remain focused on academic success on this day. Remaining focused on being safe, responsible, respectful and MACademically successful is your key to success!
Be safe, Be Responsible, Respectful and be MACademically successful. Go Monarchs!
Thursday B Day
7:40 Announcement:
- Good morning McMillan – welcome to school. You are loved, you are valued, and we’re glad you’re here on time. Remember to live and let go!
- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Cell Phone Reminder: At this time, please put away you earbuds and cell phones as we focus our energy toward learning. This is your only verbal warning Monarchs. Thank you.
PRIDE Announcements:
Lunch Menu:
Cheeseburger, Hamburger, or Macho Nacho's
Track Good News!
30 Ways to Say Yay: Ms. Shaw has been a dedicated substitute art teacher for McMillan since last year. Her passion for her work and playful approach has always made her a bright spot in the lives of the students and her coworkers. She always goes out of her way to help students, and she is always greeting the students and other staff with a warm smile. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for her outstanding contributions to our school. Her helpful nature is always appreciated, and she is always willing to fill in when needed. Ms. Shaw has a great sense of humor, which always brightens up the workplace. In addition, she is an excellent teacher. Students say she is always patient and clear when explaining new concepts to them. Her students are fortunate to have her as their teacher and we are lucky to have her here at McMillan!
Math Problem of the Day Winners!
English Problem of the Day Winners!
Coming up at McMillan:
April 18 - School Counselors at Sherman and Florence
April 18 - Mid Quarter Progress Report Window Opens at 6:00 AM
April 18 - ELEOT Calibration with TAC staff at McMillan
April 18 - Boys Soccer at McMillan vs Bryan JV 4:30 start
April 18 - Girls Soccer at McMillan vs Bryan JV 3:30 start
April 18 - Science Fair State Competiton @ UNL East Campus All Day by invitation only
April 19 - Pot Luck sponsored by the Courtesy Committee - see the top of this newsletter to sign up
April 19 - School Counselors at Belvedere in the afternoon
Being safe at McMillan is job one. Do not open any door for any human to get into this building. All adults have keys and cards, and all students must enter and check into the door. Officer Aquazzino does door checks 4 x daily to ensure we are secure. Do your part, and never prop a door open.
Be safe, Be Responsible, Respectful and be Macademically successful. Go Monarchs!
Friday A Day
7:40 Announcement:
- Good morning McMillan – welcome to school. You are loved, you are valued, and we’re glad you’re here on time. Remember to live and let go!
- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Cell Phone Reminder: At this time, please put away you earbuds and cell phones as we focus our energy toward learning. This is your only verbal warning Monarchs. Thank you.
PRIDE Announcements:
Lunch Menu:
Quesadilla or Chipotle Chicken Wings
Soccer Good News!
Math Problem of the Day Winners!
English Problem of the Day Winners!
Coming up at McMillan:
April 19 - School Counselors at Belvedere in the afternoon
Be responsible and take PRIDE in our school. Keep all food in the cafeteria during lunch. Any and all food must be consumed and cleaned up in the cafeteria. Thanks for keeping our school Monarch Clean.
Be safe, Be Responsible, Respectful and be Macademically successful. Go Monarchs!