End of the School Year Newsletter
A Special Edition From the Office of The Superintendent
A Message From the Superintendent
Dear Arlington Families,
As we head into the summer break, I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for your support and partnership this past school year. Your involvement in your child's learning journey is invaluable and we so appreciate all that you do.
No matter your plans for yourselves and your child(ren) this summer, be it travel, camps or camping, reading library books or spending time with friends and family, I hope this break provides some time for creating memories of special moments spent together.
The APS Welcome Center and Resource Hub located at 14 Mill Brook Drive will be open over the summer July 1, 2024 - August 15, 2024 Monday - Thursday 8AM - 4PM and will continue to provide virtual support with kindergarten registration and other services. If you are in need of assistance please free to stop by, reach out by phone at 781-316-3332 or by email at welcomecenter@arlington.k12.ma.us. As always we continue to be grateful for your partnership with APS. We hope you have a happy and healthy summer break, and we can't wait to see you in the fall!
Happy summer!
Liz Homan
Superintendent of Schools
In order to create a better travel experience in the morning for OMS students, we are running an OMS school bus route from 111 Broadway (near the Dunkin’ Donuts at Thompson School) to Mass Ave and the Ottoson Middle School for the next school year. This will be a one way bus that goes to Ottoson in the morning only. It will NOT run in the afternoon.
In order to enroll students to ride this bus route, we are asking parents to complete the OMS bus route application and submit it by Friday, August 2, 2024. Any students who we cannot accommodate will be added to a waitlist.
The OMS bus will cost $175 per year, per student. Please note that Arlington Public Schools has a $480 per family cap for all fees paid for transportation provided by the district.
OMS Bus Route information:
- Pick Up Time 8:10AM
- Bus Stop Address: 111 Broadway (near the Dunkin’ Donuts at Thompson School)
OMS Bus Application Timeline:
- Friday 7/26/2024 Application Due
- Week of 8/5/2024 Approval/Waitlist Notification to all Families who applied via email
- Friday 8/16/2024 Payment due
- Wednesday 9/4/2024 First Day of School Bus Route Begins
Summer Enrichment Opportunities
The Teaching & Learning Department has created a Summer Enrichment page on the district’s website with resources and optional student enrichment activities for various grade levels and content areas. Students and families can find the page here, or by clicking the Summer Enrichment link under the Families tab on the homepage. See the screenshot below. Please note, these resources are optional and will provide students with opportunities to engage in enrichment activities during the summer.
APS Family Welcome & Resource Center Hours
The physical APS Family Welcome & Resource Center will be open during the summer from 8am-4pm Monday-Thursday. Assistance is also available via phone at 781-316-3332 and email welcomecenter@arlington.k12.ma.us
Community Based Support Resources
Mental Health Supports
Child Cartwheel Services are available to all Arlington Public Schools students and families.
Services are virtual and include short-term individual and group therapy, parent/caregiver consultation. Following an initial session, additional services may include medication evaluation and prescription, and longer-term outpatient referral support.
Website: https://www.cartwheelcare.org/
Referrals to Cartwheel Care go through school based support staff.
Arlington Youth Counseling Center
*Services are available to all Arlington children, adolescents and their families including all Arlington Public School students.
Hours: Mon - Fri, 9AM-5PM
Contact: Referral line 781-316-3255
How to make referral: Call and ask for an Intake Counselor
MA Behavioral Health Help Line
For 24 hours, 7 days a week, support call or text the Behavioral Health Help Line at 833-773-2445 (support available in more than 200 languages). The help line can help individuals and families navigate the behavioral health system and access treatment, including mobile crisis services.
Community Based Health Centers (CBHC) - 24-Hour Crisis Support 1 (800) 640-5432
Immediate care for mental health and substance use needs, both in crisis situations and more routine settings. Available to all Massachusetts residents, regardless of insurance coverage.
Find a CBHC near you: https://www.mass.gov/community-behavioral-health-centers
Call or Text: 833-773-2445 | Web Chat: masshelpline.com
Handhold - Children’s Behavioral Health Knowledge Center
*Resources are available to any student experiencing a behavioral health crisis.
Answer: Should I Worry Questions and find resources available for student(s).
Contact: Crisis line 877-382-1609
For more information visit Handholdma.org
Mass Support - A service of Riverside Trauma Center
For statewide assistance 888-251-4920
Advocates - Programs & Supports for Families
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Dial 988 anytime
Food Supports
Arlington Eats - Arlington
- Arlington EATS is offering FREE pre-packed bags of groceries full of nutritious and kid-friendly foods for pick-up during summer vacation. Lunch support will be available for 6 weeks this summer, beginning Thursday, July 11. We will have sign ups for each week of the program; families will be able to select the weeks they would like to participate and if they would like to pick up Thursday or Friday.
- Vacation Lunch Bags will be available for pick up at Arlington EATS Market,117 Broadway, on Thursday, from 4:00 - 6:30 pm & Friday, from 9am to 11am.
- To sign up, visit arlingtoneats.org or call 339-707-6757 ext. 6. Registration is required. If you have any questions, please contact Vera at vok@arlingtoneats.org
Helping Hand Food Pantry - Cambridge
Somerville Homeless Coalition - Somerville
Catholic Charities Greater Boston at Somerville at 617-625-1920
Salvation Army Emergency Assistance - Cambridge 617-547-3400
Food Link - Arlington 781-819-4225
Hearty Meals For All - Somerville
St Raphael's Food Pantry - Medford 781-488-5444
Family Table at Jewish Family & Children's Services - Waltham
The Hope Drop-in Program - Cambridge
The Greater Boston Food Bank - Boston
Food and Free Meal Sites - Boston
Housing & Shelter
If you need a place to sleep tonight: follow these instructions from Housing Families, Search Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless to search a list of area private non-profit shelters that you can contact directly.
If you are trying to prevent homelessness or stabilize your situation:
Contact Homelink
Contact Housing Corporation of Arlington Homelessness Prevention Program
Contact Metro Housing HomeBASE program 617-425-6700
Contact Metro Housing RAFT program 617-859-0400
Contact Somerville Homeless Coalition 617-623-2546
Children & Youth Enrichment
Town of Arlington Health and Human Services Assistance Programs
Safety Net information from Town of Arlington Health and Human Services
English Language Learning
English NOW! Conversation Group - Robbin Library, online - email englishnowarlington@gmail.com
English at Large Conversation Groups - Arlington Community Center
Literacy and ESOL Classes - Cambridge Public Library
Womens' Literacy Classes - online
Important School Dates to Remember
- First Day of 2024-2025 School Year - September 4. Note there is no school on Sept 3 (the day after Labor Day). This is due to a local election taking place in most APS schools.
- Kindergarten First Day of 2024-2024 School Year - 1/2 full class September 4, 1/2 full class September 5
- Preschool First Day of 2024-2025 School Year - September 9
The APS Communication Process Flier is your go-to resource for direction on all your questions and concerns regarding district matters. We believe that clear communication is vital for building a strong and thriving educational community. We encourage you to consult this tool when wondering who to go to first with your question or concern.