Homestead Principal Updates
November 1st, 2024
Homestead families,
November is here and so is the cooler weather. As student's start putting on those jackets and hoodies remember to put initials on the tags to help with lost items. Remember to get out and Vote on Tuesday! All District buildings will be closed on Election Day. Veteran's day is around the corner and we want to invite any Homestead family members who are veteran's to come and be celebrated. The assembly will be on November 11th at 9:00am and you must pre-register to attend. Click here to register. Field day is November 15th, we moved it to the fall to help with May scheduling and hopefully good weather. Remember all teachers offer tutoring for students that are struggling. We want all of our Mustangs to be successful.
Proud to be your Principal,
Mr. Perry
Important Dates
Nov. 5th- Election Day NO SCHOOL
Nov. 6th- Picture retake day
Nov. 11th- Veteran's day assembly 9:00am -register here
Nov. 12th- PTA mtg and 3rd grade performance 6pm
Nov. 15th- All Pro Dad's 7am
Nov. 15th- Field day
Nov. 18th- Mustang Market day
Nov. 18th- 21st- 2nd grade swim (Prater, Ferreri and Murray)
Nov. 21st- Career Day- Think college Thursday
Nov. 25th-29th- Fall Break! No School
Dec. 3rd-6th- 2nd grade swim (Hodges)
Connect with us.
Location: 1830 East Branch Hollow Drive, Carrollton, TX, USA
Phone: 469-713-5181