Holland Happenings
Week ending May 19, 2023
Celebrate a Night of the Arts!
- When: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 in the MS Auditorium
- Art Show from 5:00-7:00pm
- Choral and Instrumental Music Concert at 7:00pm
- This event is free and open to the public
NJSLA Testing
NJSLA testing is currently underway. Please check the district website for dates. It is important, not just during test time but every morning for students to have a good breakfast, a good night's rest, and positive messaging when they leave the house. It sets students up for optimal learning.
Staff Spotlight
Meet Mrs. Snyder, Holland's Superintendent of Schools!
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Cheeseburger
Favorite Vacation Spot: Maine
Did you Know? Mrs. Snyder first started her career in education as a Special Education teacher.....at Holland Township School?
Calendar Reminder
School will not be in session on Friday, May 26th and Monday, May 29th (in observance of Memorial Day).
Contact Us:
Email: sward@hollandschool.org
Website: www.hollandschool.org
Location: 710 Milford Warren Glen Road, Milford, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-995-2401