Vowles Elementary
Home of the Vikings- Jan. 13, 2023
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Calendar of Events
Jan. 2023~ School Board Appreciation Month
Jan. 16th-27th~ NWEA Winter Benchmark Testing for all students
Jan. 16th~ Peacemaking Ceremony- Mt. Pleasant HS Auditorium 6:00 pm
Jan. 17th- Family Game Night at Vowles- 6:00-7:00
Jan. 30th- No School~ Teacher Professional Development
Feb. 15th- Kindergarten Kick Off @ Vowles 6:00-7:30 (Early Bird-District Kick Off)
Feb. 17th & 20th- No School
Feb. 23rd- Family Science Night at the Discovery Museum 5:30-7:00 pm
Mar. 1st- Report Cards go home with students
Mar. 2nd-3rd~ Parent-Teacher Conferences
Mar. 6th & 7th~ No School
Mar. 16th- Kindergarten Kick Off @ Vowles 6:00-7:30
Staff Shout Outs
Bus Expectations
We focused on 3 main things to make a successful bus ride:
1. Students must be stayed fully seated while on the bus.
2. Students must use quiet/low voices so the driver can focus on the roads, hear emergency sirens or use his/her walkie to talk to other students while the bus is moving.
3. Students must keep their hands and feet to themselves while on the bus.
We are hoping that families that particularly have students that ride frequently can review these expectations with their child at home.
Family Game Night
Vowles Elementary
No School- January 30th
2 Hour Delay Reminder
Winter Clothing
1) Label Everything~ child's clothes (utilize the inside tags of sweatshirts, jackets, shoes, and snowpants).
2) Send an extra pair of clothes to stay in your child's locker. Put in a ziplock and label with your child's name.
*Please let us know if your child does not have any necessary winter items and we can work on getting them for you.
Clothing Needs
Popcorn Fridays
Morning Arrival and After School Pick Up
Arrival and Pick Up~
As a reminder for your safety and the safety of your child, please use our Crosswalk when you are dropping off or picking up your child. Our circle drive is a "fluid" drive. Cars are coming and leaving. It is difficult to see a student walking in between cars. It is also NOT a good practice that we want students thinking they should walk between cars.
We appreciate your attention to this!
Safety Emergency Drills
I also encourage you to check out our district website where we have information that pertains to our district school safety. Click here to get to the website.
To Request for Transportation, use the form linked here:
Other forms linked on the Transportation website:
- Permission to Leave Along
- In City Busing Reduction
Vowles Viking Shirts
Covid Protocols
A child will always be served a lunch whether they forgot their lunch, didn't sign up that day for lunch or have not set up their online account yet.
If you have not yet filled out a Free and Reduce Form, please call our office for a hard copy to be sent home. Or, fill out a Free and Reduced form online by clicking here.
Vowles Elementary
Website: https://www.mtpleasantschools.net/
Location: 1560 Watson Road, Mount Pleasant, MI, USA
Phone: 989-775-2280
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vowleselementary/