MSD Community Update for Sept. 26
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Important Dates
September 26th, Roosevelt Back to School Night
September 30th, ABIS Fall Sports Picture Day
October 7th-11th, Week of Respect
October 4th, MHS Homecoming Football Game
October 10th, MHS Picture Day
October 14th, No School For Students
October 16th, BOE Meeting
To access our live district/building calendar of events, click the calendar icon above and select the calendar of choice (under mains) to access all of your school's events.
Week of Respect Themes
Manville School District Hosts Senator Andrew Zwicker
On September 16th, 2024, the Manville School District had the honor of hosting Senator Andrew Zwicker. The event highlighted the transformative impact of his advocacy for fair and equitable funding on the district's facilities, programs, and staffing. Senator Zwicker, who represents New Jersey’s 16th Legislative District, has been a strong advocate for public education and a key supporter of Manville’s efforts to secure Fair Funding through the School Funding Reform Act (SFRA). Although he no longer represents Manville, he reaffirmed his commitment to continue advocating for the community.
BOE Report
Manville School District Board of Education Board Member Vacancy
The Manville School District Board of Education has a vacancy on the Board of Education to be filled by a resident of Manville Borough. The appointed term shall be from the date of appointment through December 31, 2024.
Those eligible residents of Manville Borough having an interest in filling the position shall send a letter providing information about themselves and summarizing their interest in the position. All letters must be received by 12:00 pm on Monday, September 30.
The vacancy will be appointed by Mr. Roger Jinks, the Interim Executive County Superintendent.
Letters should be sent to Mr. Roger Jinks, Interim Executive County Superintendent, c/o Manville School District Board of Education, 27 Warren Street, Somerville, NJ 08876 or emailed to
Legal requirements:
is a citizen of the United States of America
must be at least 18 (eighteen) years of age
must be able to read and write
be a resident of Manville for at least one year preceding the date of the appointment
is not disqualified as a voter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:4-1
is a registered voter in the district
is not disqualified from membership for the conviction of crimes pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:12-1*
*Within 30 days of appointment to the board, a member must undergo a criminal history background check through the New Jersey Department of Education.
Board of Education Goals for 2024/2025
Manville High School Marching Band Wins!
The Manville High School Marching Band went to their first competition of the season on Saturday September 21, 2024 at Scotch Plains Fanwood High School. The band achieved 1st place in the Group 1A Division with a score of 64.3, sweeping all caption awards including Best Music, Best Visual, and Best Effect. We will continue our tradition of competition at the JP Stevens High School competition on Saturday September 28, 2024.
Support the MHS Marching Band!
Mrs. Kurzius and Mr. Pacheco Present at ANJEE
At the ANJEE Conference, Lauren Kurzius and Kevin Pacheco proudly represented the Manville School District as the only public school presenters, alongside major environmental companies, activists, universities, and researchers. Their presentation, "Bridging the Gap: How Nature and Language Can Bring Cultural Change within School Populations," based on Voices from the Land, was designed to foster a connection between ESL/ML students and their new environment in New Jersey. Through activities combining nature, art, and language, the workshop aimed to help students feel more connected to their school community. Lauren and Kevin were thrilled with the turnout and the lasting impact of their work beyond Manville.
2024-2025 Parental Notification of Standardized Assessment Information
New Jersey school districts, charter schools, and renaissance school projects are required by statute (N.J.S.A. 18A: 7C-6.6) to annually notify parents or guardians by October 1 or within 30 days of any additional statewide student assessment or commercially developed standardized assessment that will be administered over the course of the school year. If specific details are not yet available, districts may insert “To Be Determined” (“TBD”).
Helpful resources for parents can be found at the New Jersey Assessments Resource Center.
AP Testing Dates
May 7, 2025 - AP English Literature and Composition
May 8, 2025 - AP Statistics
May 9, 2025 - AP US History
May 12, 2025- AP Calculus, AP Seminar
May 13, 2025 - AP Physics
May 14, 2025 - AP English Language and Composition
May 15, 2025- AP Spanish Language Culture
May 16, 2025- AP Spanish Literature, AP Psychology
Halloween Movie Night Class of 2026
Two movies will be shown. Family-friendly first and classic horror second. Advanced seating is required for one or both showings. Space is limited. Reserve your seats here.
Athletics & Activities
District Reminders
Safe Drop-Off and Pick-Up Guidelines
We need your help!
We want to remind families of the importance of following the arrival and dismissal procedures set by the building principal. The safety of our students is our top priority, and your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safe and orderly environment for everyone. We ask all parents and guardians to do their part by obeying the established rules and guidelines to ensure a smooth and safe process.
Please drop students off curbside, cross only at designated crosswalks, and utilize crossing guards when available. Be mindful of the designated drop-off and pick-up zones, follow the traffic patterns, and respect staff members directing traffic. Avoid double parking, blocking driveways, or leaving your vehicle unattended in no-parking zones. Your patience, courtesy, and attentiveness during these times help set a positive example and keep our students safe. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in making our school community a safe and welcoming place for everyone!
Please review your individual building website and opening letter for specific details regarding pick-up and drop-off procedures at your school. Following these guidelines will ensure a safe and efficient process for all.
Manville Police Department is Hiring!
Follow Our Schools on Social Media
Community Updates
Somerset County Library System of New Jersey
Manville Branch
Manville Recreation
Manville Town-Wide Yard Sale
Somerset County 4-H Ag-Venture Day: Fall Harvest
Come and take an adventure with the Somerset County 4-H Animal Science and Agriculture clubs. On November 7th and 8th 2024 (8:30 am-4:30 pm) Somerset County 4-H will be presenting 4-H Ag-Venture Day: Fall Harvest Youth grades 1st-5th will work together with skilled volunteers to create a better awareness of agriculture sustainability in our community to allow for positive environmental change. These youth participants will gain knowledge and experience in agriculture through hands-on educational workshops at the 4-H Center. Youth participants will learn how to become better stewards of the land as it relates to agriculture supply chain management, and this year the theme is Fall Harvest. All workshops are taught by 4-H volunteers with a passion for sharing their love of agriculture
with youth just like you!
4-H Ag-Venture Day: Fall Harvest is a two-day program full of hands-on animal science in agriculture learning for youth participants in grades 1st-5th . This program is presented by the Somerset County 4-H Youth Development Program and will be hosted on November 7th and 8th 2024. Youth will participate in hands-on workshops that allow them to learn about a variety of animal science topics in order to further their knowledge of agriculture sustainability.
The program will be held on November 7th and 8th 2024 at the Ted Blum 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Rd., Bridgewater, NJ.
- Open to Grades 1st-5th
- Cost per child is $90. Additional siblings are $80 each.
- Registration due October 24, 2024
- Check-in starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 9:00 am (no need to come early).
- Register by October 21st 2024
- Event is over by 4:30 pm Please arrive on time to pick up your child.
- A parent/legal guardian MUST sign the child in and out of the program. If someone other than the parent/legal guardian is to take the child home, a note from the parent must accompany the child at check-in.
- Children may not leave the program early unless a parent/legal guardian signs them out.
- Mail or hand deliver registration forms, and payment to the 4-H Center at
- 310 Milltown Road Bridgewater NJ. The cost per child is $90. Additional siblings are $80 each.
- Checks should be made payable to: Somerset County 4-H.
For grades K - 3
4-H Prep/Cloverbud Clubs
Attention children in grades K - 3, you can join 4-H! The Somerset County 4-H Prep/Cloverbud Program includes FREE, non-competitive, exploratory clubs led by volunteers. Clubs typically meet 1-2x/month beginning in September through our 4-H Fair in August. For information about joining 4-H and a complete list of 4-H clubs for grades K - 12, visit
For grades K - 12
4-H Open House
Learn about our 60+ clubs for youth in grades K-12.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 6:30-8:00 PM, 310 Milltown Rd, Bridgewater
As part of the Community Health Needs Assessment, Healthier Somerset, RWJSomerset, RWJBarnabas Health, its hospitals, affiliates, and community partners are conducting a Community Health Resident Survey; your input can help shape future programs and services. This survey is an opportunity to share your experiences, opinions, and priorities to help shape the future the communities’ health in Somerset County. The survey is confidential and does not ask for the respondent’s name or identifying information. It is available in 8 languages: Arabic, simplified Chinese, English, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, and Yiddish.
Comfort Zone Camp
Comfort Zone Camp serves children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, primary caregiver, or friend. All programs are offered at no cost to families! Their programs provide a safe, nurturing environment where kids can have traditional camp fun, while at the same time acquiring tools to help them cope with their loss. Since 1999, CZC has helped over 24,000 children.
Enrollment is open and space is available:
October 25-27 – Camp Mason, Hardwick, NJ
· Accepting children ages 7-17
· Free of charge
· Travel scholarships available!
Helpful Links:
· Refer a camper family here:
· Learn more about sending your child to Comfort Zone Camp:
· Volunteer with Comfort Zone:
Food Assistance
The Manville Food Pantry will be open the second Saturday of each month at the Faith in Action Church at 228 S. Main Street. Please make sure to bring your ID and a bag.
Feeding Hands is also offering assistance the fourth Saturday of each month at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 34 South Third Avenue. See the flyer for dates and more details.
New Jersey Updates
The following information was obtained by Click on the images below to learn more about the different assistance programs for eligible homeowners.
The New Jersey WIC Program is pleased to announce . . .
The All About New Jersey WIC Fact Sheet is now available in thirteen languages to meet the diverse language needs of New Jersey communities.
Languages available: Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, Gujarati, Haitian, Creole, Hindi, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Telugu, Vietnamese
- Who is eligible for WIC?
- What are the valuable program benefits?
- What foods are provided monthly and what is the cost savings?
Or contact your local WIC Program for print copies while supplies last!
Find the WIC Program in your neighborhood: or phone 1-800-328-3838