Kirk Fenton News
7th February 2025
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents/Carers,
We’ve had another great week of learning here at Kirk Fenton.
On Tuesday, we had Sensory Needs training with the STAR MAT Educational Psychologist Dr Claire Stephens. It was really useful to find out more about sensory seekers and sensory avoiders. We learnt some useful tips for identifying this in children and some strategies to support them.
On Wednesday, myself and Mrs Westfeld went to visit another school to see their Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) in action. We came away excited for our school’s future and that of our children. Although we don’t have the company supporting us coming in until April, we will send out a wish list over half term so that we can start to build up resources for when we start.
This morning, Ian Yapp (CEO) and Melissa Boyes (COO) from STAR MAT came into school to see how my first year is going and to speak to the staff and the children. We had a great walk round and as always, the children were a credit to you.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mel Walmsley
Friends of Kirk Fenton EGM
An EGM has been called for Friends of Kirk Fenton at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th February in The White Horse, to formally vote in the new committee. If you would like to attend please contact friends@kf.starmat.uk.
This week's attendance is 97.71%
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Goodall - Georgia and Evelyn B
Shackleton - Zara and Mykyta
Wright Brothers - Ben and Archie
Carson - Tom and Albie
Newton - Howie and Evie
Muir - Tayvie and Scarlett
Johnson - Albert and Zion
Curie - Darcey and Ollie
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Goodall - River
Shackleton - Rory
Wright Brothers - Oliver K
Carson - Jermaine
Newton - Elyssia
Muir - Taryn
Johnson - Georgia
Curie - Samantha
Headteacher Award
Well done to Harry (Y6) who is the recipient of the Headteacher award this week.
Message from Head Pupils
We have had a lovely time this week. Firstly, two people from our school have been awarded medals for their routine in the national championship. Also, today we celebrated number day. A few year sixes hosted a range of number based games on the playground and it was great to see so many children getting involved. Finally a mysterious event occurred in Muir this afternoon. There were numerous reports from children in the class that Mr Symes was kidnapped over lunchtime. We are waiting to find out more.
Head pupil awards go to Tilly (Y1) and James (Y5).
Bella and Ollie
Well done to everyone who has worked hard this week practising their maths skills at home. This week our Numbots Superstars are Kieran O, Alice H, George H, Hugo O, Holly S-W, Scarlett E, Ashton M, Lola H and Surayya D. Our Rockstars of the Week are Jaxon M, Freddie T, Joseph E, Finlay O, Oliver G and Will G. Well done everyone!
Our lucky raffle ticket winners are Ashton M and Seb E. Congratulations!
Cloakroom Award
Well done to Goodall class for having the tidiest cloakroom this week. Congratulations go to Newton class for last week and Johnson class the week before.
Lunchtime Awards
Thank you to Milo M (Y6) and Mykyta (Y1) for helping us all to enjoy our lunchtime in the dinner hall.
Winning Team
We celebrated the fantastic successes of Finnbar (Y4) and Darcey (Y6) in the ICO National Championships which means they qualify for the World Championships later in the year. Well done...what a great achievement!
Friends EGM
Thursday 13th February, 7.30pm at The White Horse
Half Term
Monday 17th to Friday 21st February
Y6 Bikeability
w/c 3rd March
Science Week
w/c 10th March
Forest School
14th-21st March, days tbc
Y5 Johnson Class Trip
Wednesday 26th March
Parents Evenings
Thursday 27th March, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 1st April, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Y2/3 Carson & Y3 Newton Class Trip
Thursday 3rd April
Easter Holidays
7th-21st April
Summer Term Begins
Tuesday 22nd April
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
An EGM has been called for Friends of Kirk Fenton at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th February in The White Horse, to formally vote in the new committee. If you would like to attend please contact friends@kf.starmat.uk.
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies: