Mrs. Mauldin’s Class
Week of September 20th
Mrs. Mauldin’s Message
There are a few notes below about activities going on in the school and in the district. Please check out the notes and links to help you plan ahead. Our classroom earned a special award from our school fundraiser and will be getting to have “Popsicles on the Playgrou” on Friday. This is a special treat from PTA for exceeding our goals for the fundraiser. The kids are so excited!
This week in class, we will continue learning about breaking words apart and we will start our first week of reading groups. We will be doing picture walks and target our word attack strategies for solving words we don’t know. Mink lessons will help target each groups specific needs. In a few weeks I will be sending home a small reader for them to be doing at night with you. This should be easy for them as we have walked through the book multiple times throughout the week. In math, we are working on ways to make numbers and all the combinations that make 20. I love hearing all their thinking during our math talks every day. In science, we’re continuing to work on classification and states of matter. We have been doing lots of hands-on activities to explore this concept more.
As always, I am available anytime you need me if you have any questions about the classroom or our curriculum. Feel free to email me at any time! I’m looking forward to another great week with your kiddos!
Mrs. Mauldin
Spirit Days
Prosper Education Foundation Needs You!
Daddy Daughter Dance
What’s Happening?
Important Dates
9/24–Popsicles on the Playground
9/27—Homecoming Spirit Days Start
9/29–Homecoming Parade
10/1–Homecoming Game
10/8–No School/Conference Day
10/9–Student Holiday
10/11–School Holiday
10/15–Fall Festival and End of 9 Weeks
Specials Schedule
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- STEAM
Thursday- PE
Friday- Music