WLWV School Board Briefs
July 9, 2024
The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board held a public meeting on Monday, July 8.
School Board Approves Association Contracts for WWEA, OSEA
The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board approved contract renewals for both the Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA) and West Linn-Wilsonville Education Association (WWEA) during the July 8 meeting. Both contracts were ratified by each association in June.
School Board Adopts 2024-25 School Calendar Adjustments
The WLWV School Board approved 2024-25 calendar adjustments following recent contract agreements with the West Linn-Wilsonville Education Association (WWEA) and Oregon Schools Employees Association (OSEA). These adjustments better align school calendars across the primary, middle, and high school level, provide more meaningful professional development opportunities for teaching staff, and maximize student instructional time. The first day of the school year has not changed with these calendar adjustments.
2024-25 Updated Calendars:
Adjustments to the 2024-25 calendar include:
Exchange of the Early Release Wednesdays with 6 full days of staff development for the primary level and 2 full days of staff development at the secondary level. There is no school for students on these days.
Staff development days now fall on Mondays and Fridays to better accommodate childcare needs for families. To reiterate, there are no more Early Release Wednesdays.
Removal of primary level spring conferences to increase student instructional time. This change is contingent upon a WWEA vote that will take place when staff return to work in August. Middle school students will still experience their typical spring conferences.
Adjusted last day of school for primary students to June 6 (pending inclement weather days). The last day for secondary schools remains June 9 (pending weather).
The primary level spring grading day has been moved to June 9, after the last day of school for primary students.
Adjusted calendars still exceed ODE required instructional hours at each level. The calendar includes 961.3 instructional hours for primary students (ODE requires 900); 1,023.3 instructional hours for middle school students (ODE requires 900), and 994.3 instructional hours for high school students (ODE requires 990 for grades 9-11 and 960 for seniors).
Updated calendars can be found on the district website, your school website, or by accessing the above links. Online school website calendars have also been updated with these calendar adjustments. Thank you for your attention to this calendar adjustment update.
Board Presents Annual Superintendent Evaluation
Upcoming Events
August 14 — FEC Back-to-School Resource Event
August 22 — Smart Start
August 27 — First Day of 2024-25 School Year
About West Linn-Wilsonville
Email: kilstroa@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us
Location: 22210 Southwest Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7000
Facebook: facebook.com/wlwvschools
Twitter: @wlwvdistrict