EE Oliver Elementary
March 2020 Newsletter
Home Learning
Mrs. Kramer has created a fantastic website for everyone to check out. It has everything from printables, to virtual learning and you can even schedule a call!!
Our staff are busy little beavers
Check out these pics of staff in their natural environment!!!
Kindy rocks!!
Way to go kindergarten!
Pink Shirt Day 2020
We will stand together to stop bullying in both our school and in our lives.
Donation from ATB
Thank you for helping our students start the day right with a healthy breakfast whenever they need it!
Mental and Emotional Wellness in Uncertain Times
We know these times are stressful for school communities and we would like to share information regarding mental health supports and resources. During this time of uncertainty and social distancing, it is important for us all to take time for self-care and support our mental health and well-being. The following resources can be accessed by going to our website at and choosing “COVID-19 Information” on our home page.
Online Resources - a list of resources is posted on our website that includes phone numbers for local services and helplines, and links to recommended resources. The webpage links provide information on COVID-19 and mental health, ways to cope with anxiety and stress, how to discuss COVID-19 with children, engaging activities aimed at building resilience, and mindfulness tools to help de-stress and focus.
Phone sessions with PRSD Social Workers - If your child is struggling emotionally and not coping well, our School Social Workers are providing mental health support via single phone sessions. The 15-30 minute phone sessions are available to all our students. More information regarding these sessions, including contact information for our School Social Workers, can be found in PRSD’s Home Learning Plan.
Text4Hope - The Alberta government launched an online platform “Text4hope” - a free service providing three months of daily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the form of text messages written by mental health therapists. Text COVID19HOPE to 393939 to subscribe. Note that text messages are free, dependent on the user’s cell phone plan.
I wish to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our students, families and staff for their patience and understanding during this unprecedented and challenging time. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to ensure that PRSD continues to support students in fulfilling it’s mission of learning together, success for all. We remain committed to student learning, well-being and success while following the direction and guidance of the Government of Alberta.
Paul Bennett,
Superintendent of Schools
Peace River School Division
Indigenous Education in Peace River School Division
Indigenous Education in Peace River School Division
As part of PRSD’s continued commitment to Indigenous education, this year the division hired a First Nations, Métis and Inuit Program Coordinator to enhance our students’ learning experiences by supporting our teachers in developing their knowledge of Indigenous histories, cultures, languages, contributions, perspectives, experiences and contemporary contexts.
Through the work of our First Nations, Métis and Inuit Program Coordinator and other staff, the division continues to offer a wide range of programs and initiatives to help motivate and engage our Indigenous students in the teaching and learning process. These programs and initiatives include an enhanced Elder School Visitation Program, Regional Blanket Exercise, Aboriginal Youth Career Workshop, Indigenous Studies Courses in multiple schools, the Divisional Hand Games Tournament, and the Eagle Feather Graduation Ceremony at the Peace River Pow Wow. Furthermore, significant work has been done to develop professional development segments that can be included as part of staff PD days that touch on topics such as residential school history, legislation and agreements negotiated with the Métis, Inuit perspectives, and treaties.
Programs and initiatives such as those listed above are supported through specialized funding from the Alberta Government. For each student who is declared to have Indigenous ancestry, schools receive an additional $1178.00. Parents can declare their child’s status on the school registration form that is signed every year. Alternatively, students can choose to self-identify as Indigenous on the school registration form.
PRSD prides itself on having high academic standards for all students and is committed to ensuring success for all.
Paul Bennett,
Superintendent of Schools
Peace River School Division
Spring is quickly arriving and soon wildlife activity will be increasing. Hibernating animals, such as bears, will be leaving their dens in search of food to replenish their health from a long, cold winter. Deer, moose and elk will also be searching for food. Wildlife will seek nourishment wherever they can find it and will enter backyards, playfields and town areas.
Often adult wildlife will have their offspring with them and be very protective of their young from both predators and people. It is important to be aware of our surroundings. If there is wildlife in the area, space and time should be given to leave the area and avoid any possible conflicts with them.
The Peace River School Division, recognises that many of our schools have encounters with wildlife. When an encounter occurs the schools go into a hold and secure situation where all students and staff are called into the school. The children go on with their day but remain indoors until the principal gives the all clear and students are again allowed outside for their activities.
For more information on wildlife please follow the attached link provided by Alberta Fish and Wildlife:
PRSD Safety Advisory Committee
Alberta Health Services
MARCH 2020
Healthy School Calendars and Newsletters
If you didn’t already know…MARCH is Nutrition Month! Check out the Healthy School Calendar to learn more about Nutrition Month and other health promotion events you can celebrate in your school. Visit Teaching and Learning | Alberta Health Services to access all the Healthy School Calendars and newsletters.
Resource Spotlight
AHS Nutrition Services Registered Dieticians are pleased to share this new resource. This new teacher’s guide provides teachers with hands on, interactive activities on nutrition for junior and senior high students. The activity stations have everything you need to complete the activities and lessons! This resource is also available in French.
Teacher Workshops
Alberta Health Services, Teaching Sexual Health 101, Teacher Workshop registration is now open for the Spring 2020 sessions. Register today.
Minister’s Youth Council
Applications are now being accepted for the 2020/2021 Minister’s Youth Council. If you know a student between the ages of 14 – 19 who is passionate about education and could provide their perspective on education topics, encourage them to apply. Click here for more information.