5/6 Weekly News
October 25, 2024
Thank you to our partners!
We would like to thank the Kellogg foundation and Sherman Lake YMCA for making it possible for our students to have this amazing camp experience! The actual cost to attend camp is much higher than what our students are asked to pay. The reason for this is because of the generosity of the Kellogg foundation and the Sherman Lake YMCA. We are deeply appreciative of their partnership in creating these lifetime memories for our students.
Physical Aggression
This week, our staff reviewed discipline data and identified Physical Aggression (fighting, hitting, pushing, kicking) as a behavior to address as a team. In order to reduce incidents of physical aggression, our team has come up with the following strategies:
Creating separation between 5/6 and 7/8 students at arrival and dismissal
Our Resilience team and teachers will co-teach the expectations for physical safety (hands and feet to self) in every 5th & 6th grade classroom.
Additional targeted lessons taught during SEL time.
Staff will teach expectations “in the moment” when we see the start of horseplay (which can lead to aggression).
Student focus groups to ensure student voice in our strategies and efforts.
Conducting parent meetings for any student suspended for physical aggression (before returning to school) to strengthen our partnership for maintaining a safe school.
Maintaining a physically and emotionally safe school is a top priority for our team. Please help us by reviewing with your student the importance of refraining from horseplay and aggression.
Implementing E-Hall Pass
This week we implemented the eHall Pass system in our building. The eHall Pass is an electronic system in which students sign out and back into their classroom at a computer kiosk. The program keeps track of how many and which students are outside the classroom and limits the number of students in each location at any given time. The eHall Pass will help us to be consistent with our expectations, to reduce potential student conflicts in hallways and bathrooms, and to maximize instructional time.
Bullying Presentation November 4th & 5th
October 18, 2024
Dear Parent/Caregiver,
A presentation to build on students’ prior knowledge of bullying will be provided to 5th and 6th graders at Lakeview Middle School. A Community Educator from Bronson Battle Creek will visit November 4 and 5. Knowledge of bullying behavior will be extended to include sexual harassment and relationship abuse. We want to share key aspects of the program so you can further discuss concepts at home. Main points are:
Understanding what bullying is and the different forms.
Sexual harassment: It is not okay to make inappropriate or unwelcome comments about a person’s body parts, clothing, gender, etc.
Relationship abuse: A pattern of controlling behavior to keep power over a dating partner.
What to do if you are experiencing bullying, sexual harassment, or relationship abuse.
The important role bystanders can play by helping others and not participating in hurtful behaviors.
According to the National Association of School Psychologists, 1 in 7 children in school has used bullying behavior or been a victim. Twenty-two percent of 4th through 8th graders report academic difficulties because of peer abuse. Research shows that 62% of 11-14 year olds know a friend who has been emotionally abused (ex. Called ugly, stupid, worthless, et. by a dating partner). These statistics are disturbing and continue to escalate. For this reason, Sexual Assault Services is committed to partnering with Lakeview Middle School to prevent and respond to these harmful behaviors.
If you need more information or have questions, call Laurie Hartman, Community Educator, at (269)245-3837. If you do not want your child to participate in the program, please sign and return this form to the school.
Laurie Hartman, Community Educator
Sexual Assault Services, Bronson Battle Creek
Opt-Out Form
If you do NOT want your child to participate in the program, please sign below and return this portion of the letter to the school.
I do NOT want my child _____________________________ (Child’s Name) to participate in the bullying and sexual harassment prevention program
x_______________________________________________ (Parent Signature)
Fall Choir Concert - October 29
Please join us Tuesday, October 29, in the LMS Auditorium for the Fall Choir Concert at 7 p.m.
Aquatic ecosystems and plants.
Students in Mr. Holm’s class make observations on their aquatic ecosystems and plants.
Sherman Lake Camp - 5th grade
Our last group of 5th grade students attended Sherman Lake.
Congratulations Mrs. Elliott's class
Thank you, families, for supporting LMS 5/6!
Parent Loop - Student Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival: Please remember to pull all the way around the loop so that we can fit as many cars as possible at a time for drop off. Also, urge your student to depart the vehicle as quickly as possible.
If you are arriving at the building at 7:35 or later, please go to the main entrance and sign your student in at the office as they will be late to class.
Dismissal: Students are not dismissed from the building until 2:40 pm, and cannot get into vehicles until they’ve had time to go to their lockers and exit the building. Please plan your arrival time accordingly so that our traffic does not block Columbia Avenue before we have the opportunity to get students out of the building to get the line moving.
Other Important Information about Arrival and Dismissal
For the safety of all of our students, please note the following:
Students should never be dropped off or picked up on 28th Street or Columbia Avenue. This causes a dangerous environment for both the students and the other vehicles on the road.
The circle drive off 28th St (red) will:
NOT be accessible for arrival or dismissal, and will be CLOSED from 7:15am - 7:35 am and 2:15 pm - 2:50 pm at the end of the school day. Students should be dropped off and picked up in the parent loop.
Only be used for visitor parking. All vehicles in the circle drive must be parked in a parking space.
Upcoming Events - Mark your Calendars!
Tuesday, October 29 - Rescheduled Fall Choir Concert 7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 15 - 1/2 day - All Grades, End of Trimester
Mon-Fri, November 25-29 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
School Schedule
This is the daily schedule for middle school students.
Mondays: 7:40 am - 2:10 pm
Tuesdays - Fridays: 7:40 am - 2:40 pm
Half Days: 7:40 - 11 am
Doors open for students to enter the building at 7:30 am. Morning supervision will not be available until this time. We do not offer after school care/supervision.
Mrs. Kelsey Shriver
Mrs. Teresa Bouffard
Mrs. Rachel Creller
Lakeview Middle School
5/6 Academy
300 S. 28th St.
Battle Creek, MI 49015
269-565-3900 (Phone)
269-565-3908 (Fax)
Office Hours (August 5 - 21): Monday - Friday, 7 am - 3 pm
Office Hours (During the School Year): Mondays, 7 am - 3 pm
Tuesday-Fridays, 7 am - 3:30 pm
LMS 5/6 Academy Mission Statement
LMS 5/6 Academy is committed to meeting the individual needs of our students by providing equitable educational experiences in a safe learning environment that develops knowledgeable, healthy, responsible citizens who contribute and flourish in the global community.