Beckman Community Bulletin
Week of 9/18/23

Week of 4/29
Our Last Day of Testing is This Tuesday! Charge Chromebooks and Be On Time!
Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6-5/10
Hello Parents,
A huge thank you to all of the parents making donations or volunteering resources to help celebrate our amazing teachers. Please feel free to stop by the office or email abmartinez@lodiusd.net with questions.
RaaWee Attendance Report - APRIL
We still need to improve attendance! Mondays and Fridays are now our days of the most absence. Please note ILLNESS can only have 14 days. After that regardless, it is unexcused without a medical note. Please make every effort to send your child as long as they are fever free without medicine and haven't vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours. Our students have lost 266,000 minutes of class time. That has a huge impact. There is a direct relationship between absences and academic proficiency. We see it with many of our struggling readers.
Absences can now also be reported via Class DOJO to Mrs. Monse our attendance/typist clerk.
Upcoming Events
- State Testing Grades 3-6 Begins 4/18 - Please see the event on DOJO for details.
- School Site Council 5/1
- Scholastic Book Fair 5/6-5/10
- Teacher Appreciation 5/6-5/10
- Great Program Promotion 5th Grade 5/6 @ 1 PM
- Open House 5/9
- Senior Walk 5/21
- Lunch With A Loved One 5/22
- Parent Volunteer Breakfast 5/24
- Field Day 5/29
- Sixth Grade Promotion 5/30
- Kindergarten Promotion 5/31
T-Shirt Sale - Limited Edition - SALES END 4/30 THIS TUESDAY
Mr. G has designed a limited edition t-shirt for staff and has decided to open up sales to students for a limited time. The flyer will be going home Wednesday. Sales MUST be done by 4/30. By big so students can grow into them for the next school year. Here we have two happy bobcats modeling the design.
Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be running the week of May 6th through May 10th.
Below is the link to set up an E-wallet if you would prefer to have your student purchase without cash. Below is our Beckman Scholastic Book Fair Homepage.
Chromebooks and Student Responsibility
We want to bring to your attention the importance of discussing the proper care of district-issued student Chromebooks with your children. We have observed an increase in incidents involving damage, often linked to carelessness or misuse. As we address these situations, we want to remind you of the importance of engaging in discussions with your child about the proper care of their district-issued Chromebook. Students will be held responsible for any damages, and charges may apply for repairs. Principals will conduct thorough investigations in collaboration with students to ensure fair outcomes. Additionally, please remind your students to charge their Chromebooks overnight, ensuring they are ready for the next day's learning activities. Your involvement in these discussions is crucial, and we appreciate your attention to these matters.
California Dashboard
The California Dashboard is the accountability system designed by the state to monitor school progress in language arts, mathematics, suspension rates, attendance and our progress with English language learners. It has been redesigned since Covid but I wanted to share our most recent dashboard. We are making great improvements at Beckman. Thank you to students, staff and families for making it happen. Below is our current dashboard and our previous dashboard from 2022.
House Updates!
District Approved Flyers
Parent Cafe
Transitional Kindergarten Parent and Community Information (K-12)
Do you have a child turning five between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025? If you do, they are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK). This program is designed to bridge developmental readiness from preschool to Kindergarten. Our program and wonderful teachers focus on play-based learning and making new friends. It is a great start for your child to be successful in kindergarten. Please check out the new flier for more details.
We are getting ready for the enrollment period for children who will turn five between September 2 and June 2. To learn more about Lodi USD TK, please see the attached flier or watch our TK promo video here.
Please reach out to your home school administrator or visit our website at lodiusd.net for information about enrolling your child.
Lodi USD TK Flyer_2024-25_FN Revised_12.15.23 (2).pdf
¿Tiene un hijo que cumplirá cinco años entre el 2 de septiembre de 2024 y el 2 de junio de 2025?
Si lo tiene, son elegibles para Kinder de Transición (TK). Este programa está diseñado para unir la preparación del desarrollo desde el preescolar hasta el kinder. Nuestros programa y nuestros maravillosos maestros se enfocan en el aprendizaje basado en Juegos y en hacer nuevos amigos. Es un excelente comienzo para que su hijo tenga éxito en kinder. Por favor consulte en el nuevo folleto para más detalles.
Nos estamos preparando para el periodo de inscripción para niños que cumplirán cinco años entre el 2 de septiembre y el 2 de junio. Para obtener más información sobre Lodi USD TK, consulte el volante adjunto o vea nuestro video promocional de TK aquí.Lodi USD TK Promo Video
Comuníquese por favor con el administrador de su escuela local o visite nuestro sitio web en lodiusd.net para obtener más información sobre cómo inscribir a su hijo.