Election Update
2024 Local Election Results impacting SMUSD

Dear SMUSD community,
I am reaching out to share an update on 2024 Election results for issues related to SMUSD.
SMUSD had three Board Member seats on the ballot, along with a general obligation facilities bond, Measure JJ. Based on the San Diego County Registrar of Voters information, we can share the results of these races and measure are as follows:
Measure JJ:
School bond measures in California require at least a 55% “yes” vote to pass. As of this afternoon’s results update Measure JJ has received 57.20% of voter support. Assuming this percentage holds through the final vote count, the measure will pass. We will continue to keep you updated on how Measure JJ will bring modern, safe, up-to-date learning environments to our San Marcos students for many years to come. Thank you to our San Marcos community for your support!
Trustee Area A:
Heidi Herrick was elected to the SMUSD Governing Board from Trustee Area A. Welcome, Heidi!
Trustee Area B:
Incumbent Sarah Ahmad was elected for a second term on the SMUSD board from Trustee Area B. Welcome back, Sarah!
Trustee Area D:
Lena Lauer Meum was elected to the SMUSD Governing Board from Trustee Area D. Welcome, Lena!
Current trustees Dr. Carlos Ulloa (Area A) and Jaime Chamberlin (Area D) will continue to serve on the board through the December 12, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting. We want to take this opportunity to thank members Ulloa and Chamberlin for their four years of service, and for all that was accomplished during their term!
New Board Members Herrick and Lauer Meum will be sworn in during the Regular Meeting of the Governing Board on December 19, 2024 at the San Marcos Unified School District Offices located at 255 Pico Avenue, Suite 250, San Marcos CA 92069.
Thank you,
Dr. Andy Johnsen