August 27th, 2023
Week of May 12, 2024
From the desk of Principal Lessard
Dear Dolphin families,
We hope all our Creek Moms are enjoying an amazing Mother's Day - we appreciate your trust in us to work with your children every day!
My heart was truly overflowing last week! We launched Fall Sports Open Season, hosted our first ever Future Educator Signing Day (thank you Ms. Severide!!!), enjoyed a fabulous Annual World Language Festival (thank you WL Team!!!) and revealed our annual recognitions from an amazing faculty & staff:
- Teacher of the Year - Mr. Alex Rutherford, English
- Support Staff of the Year - Ms. Gabby Heath, Receptionist
- Rookie of the Year - Mr. Ashley Mitchell, Intensive Support
- ESS Staff of the Year - Mr. Don Kozuck, Educational Classroom Assistant
Our Football team also hosted the 1st Football Fundamentals & Food Drive on Saturday which was a great event - thank you to all who facilitated & participated! The future is BRIGHT! Oh, yes, Bright as in Coach Bright also held Cheer Tryouts for 24-25 - when Competitive Cheer will be reality at Creek!
We have 3 weeks of classes and final exams left - please see your counselor or administrator if you need support finishing STRONG! We must partner together for school success.
As always, thank you for your support and please reach out if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Leading with love, Mrs. Lessard
#weareCREEK #weareGOLDEN
- Student Drop off/Pick Up is clearly labeled on our new campus signage. Right side parking lot (when facing the front of the school's Main Office). Our priority is safe school arrival & departure for all students and staff.
- Visitors must use the spaces in the drop off lot OR on the right (labeled) side of the front loop. Parking in front of the building is a FIRE LANE violation and we must keep that area clear at all times for EMS access.
- STUDENT PARKING is a privilege available to any student who meets the district policy requirements. Unauthorized vehicles will be towed and vehicles without proper display of issued tag and/or parked in the incorrect location are subject to fines and/or towing as outlined in our Parking Application.
EOCE Prep is underway - please communicate directly with your/your child's teacher if you have questions. These exams count 20% of the final grade.
EdGenuity not completed by deadlines will need to be restarted from the beginning if a student is eligible for Summer School. Please plan to get your course work done during the next 30 days as required.
Please complete this interest form if you need weekend tutoring OR Seat time hours: https://forms.gle/LGN75pys7fck2gZX7. We will advertise if there is enough need. Transportation will NOT be provided.
Planning for 24-25 School Year
We are excited to continue our journey together in achieving excellence for EVERY Creek student. At least one parent/guardian is strongly recommened to attend.
We will host 1-hour informational sessions during the month of June to ensure that you and your child(ren) have time to proactively ask questions and then prepare for the best school year in 24-25!
Topics (School Renewal Plan); 20-minute rotating sessions:
- Invitation to Attend - Accessing the Education You Deserve
- Inspiration through Action - Choosing Behaviors to Maximize Success
- Investigation of Learning - Embracing All Creek Academic Opportunties
Options are from 9-10AM OR 6-7PM
*You only need to attend ONE date
**These options will have SPANISH translator in the sessions
PLEASE SIGN UP by: June 1, 2024; thank you!!!
Upcoming Events & Reminders!
- 5/28 Senior Awards 6 PM
- 6/3 SIC Meeting 5:30PM Lecture Hall
- 6/5 Last Day of School Year
- 6/6 Graduation 10AM
Athletics THIS WEEK!
Fall Sports Open Season Continues (VB G&B, FB & Cheer)
Important Upcoming Dates
5/14 Booster Club Meeting
5/15 Cross Country Interest Meeting during RISE in Main Gym
Contact: Coach Berdel or Coach Hedglin
5/22 Sports Information Night 5 PM
5/22 EOY Athletic Awards 6 PM
- College Signing Day
5/31 & 6/3 Physical Day (Time TBA)
Please check lost and found. All items must be picked up by May 9th. Any leftover items will be donated to our community service organizations.
Reminder: Students are repsonsible for their own personal belongings. Please secure or keep valuables with you at all times or leave them at home.
Tardy sweeps, ID/Uniform check systems continue. Be on time, dressed for SUCCESS
We are updating our check-out lists and will notify all seniors if they owe fees, uniforms or materials to BCHS. These must be resolved prior to Graduation festivities!
SENIORS!!! There are many scholarships available on the Senior Google Classroom and deadlines are approaching; many are MAY 1st. Please do not miss out on this chance to help support your pursuit of further education!
Key Contacts Directory 23-24
Alumni & General Needs: denise.lessard@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Attendance: april.lang@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Athletics: terrance.ashe@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Nurse: jessica.lesesne@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Parking: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
12th Grade Events: kimberly.fields@beaufort.k12.sc.us
11th/10th Grade Events: douglas.lane@beaufort.k12.sc.us
9th Grade Events: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Registration: heather.bailey@beaufort.k12.sc.us
JROTC: troy.james@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Bookkeeper: barbara.layman@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Senior Special Trips: ashley.smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Social Media Requests: gabrielle.heath@beaufort.k12.sc.us
School Counseling:
Last name A-H: racquel.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last name I-N: kirsten.nash@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last name O-Z: jessica.stone@beaufort.k12.sc.us
If you need help with a specific area not listed, please contact our Office Manager at latricia.brown@beaufort.k12.sc.us