Partners in Education
March 2024 / FSPS 2023-2024 - Issue #8
We Need You!
Here are a few volunteer opportunities available in the coming months:
March 15th - Fairview Elementary
Career Day @ Fairview. Call the school to schedule.
March 28th - Euper Lane Elementary
Color Run @ Euper! Want to be involved? Contact Gina Mann @ gmann@fortsmithschools.org.
April 2nd - Kimmons Middle
District CSA Proficient Celebration @ 11-12:30
We are going to reward all our students who meet readiness with pizza! Interested in helping out for this event, contact the school office.
April 5th - Sutton Elementary
Sutton is holding their annual Culture Night on Friday, April 5th. Students and their families are encouraged to attend. We will listen to music, try new foods from around the world, and share customs from cultures that make our vibrant and diverse community. Anyone wishing to volunteer or participate are encouraged to contact Mrs. CC at ccarrillo@fortsmithschools.org.
April 12th - Spradling Elementary
Spradling will be having Club Day on April 12th and would love for volunteers to host a club. Contact Elizabeth Love at elove@fortsmithschools.org to find out more about this opportunity!
April 18th - Fairview Elementary
Fairview will be holding their STEM night on April 18th @ 5:30 p.m. If interested in helping out, please contact the school.
April 25th - Fairview Elementary
Want to participate in the Fairview Carnival? This event will be held April 25th from 5:30-7:00. Contact the school office for information.
May 8th - Beard Elementary
Beard will have its Career Day on May 8th 8:30 -10:30. If you're interested in participating, please contact Audra Efurd at aefurd@fortsmithschools.org.
May 10th - Woods Elementary
Woods will be holding its Career Fair on May 10th. If you're interested in being part of this event, please contact Hannah Massey @ hmassey@fortsmithschools.org.
May 24th - Woods Elementary
Woods' Field Day is scheduled for May 24th. Want to volunteer? Contact Sara Fink @ sarafink12@gmail.com for more information.
May 24th - Euper Lane Elementary
Euper Lane is holding their Field Day on May 24th! Want to be involved? Contact Gina Mann @ gmann@fortsmithschools.org for more information.
May 30th - Bonneville Elementary
Bonneville Field Day 2024: Students will enjoy an end of the year celebration with bounce around, cotton candy, popcorn and more! Interested in participating, contact Erin Staples @ estaples@fortsmithschools.org.
May 30th - Kimmons Middle
May Field Day: Field Day type of event where students will be rewarded for their efforts on the Atlas test and meeting school-wide expectations. Call the school office to volunteer.
May 31st - Kimmons Middle
Last Day of School: We would like to invite any partner tot he school who would like to help us in providing supervision (especially after school). For information contact Dr. Hinkle @ shinkle@fortsmithschools.org.
Darby Middle School Opportunities
Darby Middle School has several opportunities available for volunteers! If you're interested in being involved in any of the events listed below, please contact Cassidy Hodge @ chodge@fortsmithschools.org or Jason Meharg @ jmeharg@fortsmithschools.org
May 21, 2024
Darby Literacy Incentive - Trip to watch the Arkansas Nationals Baseball Game.
May 24, 2024
Darby Math Incentive @ Parrot Island
May 30, 2024
8th Grade Field Day
Darby Awards Assembly - May 31, 2024
Contact Cassidy Hodge @ chodge@fortsmithschools.org or Jason Meharg @ jmeharg@fortsmithschools.org for more information!
Partner Highlights
February was a busy month as partners, community members, FSPS board and staff read to students throughout the district. Below we have shared just a few pictures of Read Across America and other highlights!
Thank you to Jayson Toney, Miss Arkansas Valley, for reading to students at Beard during Read Across America!
Barling Fire Dept. goes to great lengths to support Barling Elementary. Even wearing hoodies that are WAY too small.
Thank you Mr. Whiteaker for reading to kindergarten and helping us celebrate Read Across America!
Thank you to FSPD Scribble Car, FSPS Officers, Cornerstone church and Mr. Charles Warren for kicking off our Read Across America week.
As part of Read Across America week, Brett Rains read to third grade students!
Partner in Education, Community Services Clearinghouse read to Fairview students and sparked their imagination!
Mr. Woodall read to Ms. Jones' 5th grade class.
Community volunteer Frank Klein teaches kids how to play chess. Thanks Mr. Klein for sharing with our students!
Southside students were guest readers at the Montessori School of Fort Smith! These young ladies are terrific role models in our community.
FSPS Foundation Grants
Each year the FSPS Foundation accepts applications for mini-grants, super grants, continuing education & scholarships. Here are just a few pictures of grants that have been utilized so far this year! So exciting to see students experiencing fun exciting things!
Student Services received a Super Grant that allowed them to purchase equipment to train staff and students in CPR. Fairview hosted a training opportunity from Special Education and other staff members to learn important life-saving techniques.
Making Cents (Sense) of Economics
Fourth grade students at Barling Elementary learned how to run a business, produce a product and advertise their services. Through "Cupid's Creations" students offered products for Valentine's which included such items Neat-o Dorit-os, You're FANTAstic Fanta, You BLOW me away Blowpops! As part of their grant they also traveled to First National Bank in downtown to tour the vault and learn about the bank's history.
Night at the Movies with 1st Grade
First graders at Woods Elementary spent the last 3 weeks working on an Economics unit. Students learned about producers, consumers, goods and services, and supply and demand. Each student had to apply, interview, and accept or reject a job opportunity. The jobs ranged in four departments: advertising, finance, distribution, and sales. The advertising department created posters, made phone calls, and announcements encouraging people to attend STEAM night. The finance department worked on pricing strategies to sell our goods at STEAM night, as well as counted our final total. The distribution team worked on organizing and structuring our goods to prepare for our event. Lastly, at Woods STEAM night, the sales department sold snacks and drinks to family members.
Students will use the money they earned to enjoy a movie at Malco! [Photos]
Equipping the Crew with New Equipment
Northside students received aa instructional mini-grant which allowed for the purchase of new photography equipment. Older cameras are slowly but surely being replaced. Thank you Ms. Hasley for all your hard work!
These photography students are incredibly talented! [Photos]
St. Paul United Methodist Church Awards Grants
St. Paul UMC presented grants to Darby Middle School ($1,000), Park Elementary ($750), Spradling ($400) and FSPS Social Workers/Student Services ($500). What an incredible blessing!
Park Elementary
Spradling Elementary
Social Workers/Student Services
Interested in becoming involved?
If so, please fill out an application.
Need more information about being a Partner in Education? Here's a quick FAQ sheet to answer some of your questions!