December Parent Newsletter
Sheldon High School 2024-2025

Sheldon High School Families,
As we turn the calendar to December, we're grateful for an outstanding first semester so far. With the end of Fall Semester approaching, we encourage students and parents/guardians to keep a close eye Infinite Campus, and to check in with teachers regarding any missing assignments or make-up opportunities.
Our students have worked extremely hard - we're excited to continue providing support as they finish strong!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our HS Offices at (712)324-2501 or by email at nick.miller@sheldonschools.com.
We wish all of our Sheldon High School students and families a happy and safe holiday season, and are grateful for the support provided to your student and our activities, teams, and district throughout the year!
Have a great day and GO ORABS!
Mr. Miller
Sheldon High School
Final Exams will take place at Sheldon High School Wednesday, December 18 through Friday, December 20.
- Please avoid planned student absences on these days if at all possible
- The Final Exam Schedule is pictured below, with additional details underneath:
Open Campus Opportunities
Highlighted times are open campus opportunities for anyone not on the "Grounded List"
If you are Grounded, these times are to be spent with specific teachers to make up missing assignments and tests
Grounded List will be updated each day and communicated with students via email, and in the first TA session of the day
Scheduled Open Periods, Study Halls, College Courses, Internships, etc.
If students have a scheduled open period, study hall, college course, work experience, etc. and are not on the Grounded List:
Students are able to have open campus for that period, and the break period before it
We ask that students return for the break period ahead of their next final
Students without a 7th or 8th Period
Juniors & Seniors that do not have a 7th or 8th period scheduled in the building, and are not on the Grounded List, do not have to attend on Friday
- The final day of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester will be Friday, December 20.
- There will be NO SCHOOL December 23-January 1 (Winter Break)
- 3rd Quarter/2nd Semester begins on Thursday, January 2.
For Seniors and their Parents:
- The 2025-26 FAFSA opened on December 1st.
- ICAN is now scheduling FAFSA assistance appointments. You can use this link to register for appointments with them, www.icansucceed.org/apt
- ICAN will also be hosting a FAFSA step by step webinar on December 18th at 5:30 PM. You can register with this link https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8yVSEgUWTZisWrHRx2-zpg#/registration
- Winter Break is a great time to work on scholarships, use the this link to view our local scholarships, https://www.sheldonschools.com/o/shs/page/local-scholarships
Please contact Mrs. Moyer (christina.moyer@sheldonschools.com with any questions!
Sheldon High School offers a range of work-based learning options for our students. Our goal is to offer a wide range of experiences from volunteering in our district to beginning training and early employment for a future career.
Work-Experience allows students to volunteer in a business or organization one to two periods a day (40-80 minutes) for one semester.
CAPS meets for two periods a day for one semester. During this class, students meet at a location off-campus to practice leadership, communication, problem-solving, and professionalism. They do this by partnering with a business or organization on a project.
Orab Internship is a class where students are placed at a business to learn more about the work that business does while assisting in small ways. After a brief training period at school, students will be at their placement one to two hours a day, four days a week. This may be paid or unpaid, depending on the agreement with the business.
Quality Pre-Apprenticeship or Extended Internship is an option that places students at a business as an employee for three (or more) hours a day. These experiences are uniquely designed and include related training and assisting with the primary work of the business.
Contact Mrs. Prewitt (cindy.prewitt@sheldonschools.com) or Mrs. De Groot (amanda.degroot@sheldonschools.com) for more information!
Also, parents are invited to the following events to talk to students in the programs or to ask questions of Mrs. De Groot and Mrs. Prewitt:
Sheldon High School Work-Based Learning Showcase
- Sheldon High School Commons, Monday, December 16 from 2:15 - 3:15
Siouxland CAPS Showcase
- Crossroads Pavilion, Sheldon, Tuesday, December 17 from 9:45 - 11:00
Please contact Mrs. Popkes (emily.popkes@sheldonschools.com) with any questions!
Congratulations to our November Students of the Month! Students were honored at our Student of the Month Assembly on Friday, November 22.
- 9th - America Ozuna-Meza
- 10th - Alyssa Keffer
- 11th - Mitchel Fischer
- 12th - Adam McDonald
In the case of inclement weather, announcements will be made on KIWA radio/website, KTIV, and the district website. We will also notify you via text, email and/or voice if you have signed up for our messenger services.
Senior Photos Needed:
- Digital or Wallet size vertical posed photo (a digital copy is preferred)
- Baby Picture - please put your name on the back of the baby picture
Pictures due to Mr. Uhl by February 7, 2025
If you are not planning on getting seniors photos taken, please let Mr. Uhl know early in the Fall semester.
Infinite Campus
All parents and guardians have access to Campus Parent. This allows access to student grades, attendance and absences, seeing upcoming assignments and exams, as well as District Announcements and Lunch Account information. Please contact the high school office if you need help accessing Campus Parent. To download the app - search Campus Parent in the App Store or Google Play.
Google Classroom
Staff Directory
If your student has questions related to a class or activity, please first encourage them to contact that staff member in person. Students have a 30-minute Intervention period each day (except Wednesdays) to check in with teachers, complete missing work, and receive extra support. If there are additional questions, click on the image to access the Sheldon High School staff directory.
See our website (sheldonschools.com) for:
- Parent Portal/Pay Schools (where you can check your student’s grades, attendance, lunch balance & pay fees)
- Daily announcements
- Weekly Friday bulletins
- ORAB newsletters at the end of the quarter
- See Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for announcements and other event information
If you would like to receive an electronic notification when sporting events occur and/or have been changed you can sign up at https://www.gobound.com/ia/schools/sheldon
- Click the green notifications button on the left side of the screen.
- Enter appropriate information, and select the notifications you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them (email and/or text).
Sheldon Community High School
Sheldon High School
Orabs AD