St Benedict's Catholic College
Newsletter - Friday 2 August 2024
Welcome Back to Term 3
We were thrilled to begin Term 3 with a wonderful turnout of parents and families at the Year 7 to 10 parent-teacher days and award ceremonies.
Our staff greatly appreciated the valuable insights and feedback shared by parents during the meetings. This commitment from parents and carers to remain engaged in their child's academic journey highlights the crucial partnership between home and school, which is essential for fostering the success, growth, and well-being of our students.
I know the teachers are ready to keep working hard with the students and are enthusiastically looking forward to this term.
During this early stage of the term, you may ask your child…What can you do to assist your learning?
Ideas might include:
Getting to school on time each day
Reading each night at home
Getting a good night’s sleep
Having a good breakfast each morning
Listening in class
Giving your best effort at all times
Following our school expectations
By following these expectations students will be able to achieve their best in the term ahead.
The Awards Presentation was a great celebration of learning, with a high number of students receiving awards for Academic Leadership. The pride our students felt in their achievements was palpable, and the presence of parents and families in the audience heightened their sense of accomplishment.
Student Leadership Positions 2025
At St Benedict’s, student leaders play a vital role in shaping our Catholic Benedictine culture, representing the student body, and driving positive change. Next Tuesday our School Leadership Process will be launched to students.
For 2025, the College Student Leadership Structure will include:
2 College Captains
College Leader for Ministry and Mission
College Leader for Learning and Wellbeing
12 House Leaders
Year 11 students will be informed of the application process, which includes a written application and the opportunity for staff and student voting.
Year 12 Students Trial Examinations
Next week our Year 12 students commence the Trial examinations. These exams are a significant milestone in preparation for the HSC examinations later this year. It is clear from the number of students submitting practice questions to their teachers for feedback that our Year 12 students are well prepared.
Year 12, these examinations are an opportunity for you to showcase your knowledge, skills, and potential. Have faith in yourself, and trust in the preparation and guidance you have received from your teachers and all those who support you.
Holy Spirit, guide our Year 12 students as they attempt each exam.
Inspire them with creativity and insight,
that they answer with wisdom and understanding.
Give them the perseverance to tackle challenges
with courage and the determination
St Benedict
Pray for us
Kind regards,
Michael Turner
Welcome to all students and parents to a new Term. As we begin moving into Term 3, can I please remind families of some key components of the school’s organisation.
Firstly, it is well researched, published, and accepted that attendance and punctuality have major benefits on student performance. Towards the end of Term 2, we saw a marked increase in students arriving late to school. Can I please remind parents that our warning bell for each day rings at 8:05am and the student gate will be locked at 8:10am. Any student who arrives to class after 8:10am will be required to go to the office to sign in. Can families please make it a priority for students to be on site with sufficient time to arrive to class on time.
Further, the College prides itself on its uniform and how students present themselves. Students have been and will be challenged on the upkeep and suitability of their uniforms. A reminder that blazers must be worn each day and that haircuts, jewellery, makeup, and shaving, follow the College guidelines.
Next week, students will receive information about our Wellbeing Week activities, in addition to Feast Day and the Staff Development Day on Friday 23rd August. This will all be held in Week 5 and will be an opportunity for the community to focus on their mental wellbeing. More information to come.
Finally, the College is making writing a priority this Term. You will notice an increase in physical writing and a decrease in the use of technology to complete work. This is, again, based on research and College data. We endeavour to improve not only the writing style but also legibility of students in an attempt to maximise current learning and future skill development.
This is a busy term and we look forward to increased learning opportunities and increased activities for students to foster a sense of community and belonging here at Bennies.
Kind regards,
John Wheeler
Welcome to August
I do not know where the year has gone. There are four weeks left of Winter and our Year 12's begin their Trial HSC Examinations on Monday. I hope and pray plus send the best of wishes to all of them. Below is a prayer for Year 12 students at this time.
Mary MacKillop Feast Day - 8 August 2024
We will celebrate the Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop next Thursday. Australia’s first saint and someone whose legacy still lives on today.
Our College will participate in a special prayer liturgy within their STRIVE classes on Thursday.
Thursday 25 July 2024 - 8 students from Year 10 were involved in a gathering with students from John Therry at the Catholic Education Office’s Emmaus Centre.
A wonderful opportunity for the development of leadership skills and the sharing of faith, youth ministry and social justice initiatives occurring across both schools.
Mr Bulfon and I were thoroughly impressed by the maturity, leadership and contributions made by the students from our College.
Kind regards,
Kimberley Logue
Year 12 - You've Got This
Sending best wishes to our Year 12 students, the St Benedict's Catholic College Class of 2024, in their Trial HSC Exams.
Trial HSC Examination Timetable 2024
Trial HSC Examinations will take place between Monday 5 August and Monday 19 August 2024.
Week 1
Week 2
During the Trial HSC Examinations:
- All classes will be suspended.
- Only attend school on the day of an exam
- Arrive at least 20 minutes before exams (exams will not be delayed for students who arrive late)
- You may leave school if you do not have another examination.
Do not come to school if you are experiencing COVID or flu-like symptoms. Please see your doctor on or before the day of the exam and get a medical certificate. Follow the Illness/Misadventure process.
Attendance during exams
Please follow these instructions for exam attendance:
- Examinations will be conducted in the Hall and D Block.
- Congregate in the Senior Area 15 minutes before the exam and follow the instructions of the supervisors.
- You will not need to sign in if you are arriving for a morning session.
- If you are leaving after a morning session, sign out at the front office.
- If you are arriving for an afternoon session, sign in at the front office.
- You will not need to sign out if you are leaving after an afternoon session.
- Students must stay at school if you have an exam in both morning and afternoon sessions. Students are not permitted to leave after their morning exam and then come back for their afternoon session.
- The library will be available if you wish to remain at school and study. If you are remaining at school, you will need to stay in the library except for recess and lunchtime.
Absence from an exam
If you are absent from an exam:
- Contact the school (ph. 4631 5300) on the morning of the exam to leave a message for your Year Coordinator.
- Complete an illness/misadventure appeal form. The form can be obtained from the College website/Compass and must be completed as soon as the absence is known. Please make sure that the independent evidence section of the form is completed, such as a medical certificate.
- If you become ill during an examination, please ensure that you notify the supervisor during the exam. You will also need to complete an Illness/Misadventure Appeal form if you believe that illness has affected your performance during the examination.
Examination Instructions
During all examinations, you will need to follow these instructions:
- Examination materials – pens (black) and a calculator (if necessary) are to be placed in a clear plastic sleeve which will be inspected on entry into the exam room. You may bring in a clear drink bottle without labels. No pencil cases and no other material will be allowed into the room.
- Digital equipment – the only digital equipment that will be permitted into the examination room is your calculator. Leave your mobile phone, smartwatch, laptop, and any other equipment in your locker at the beginning of the exam session.
- Silence – you will need to be silent during all examinations. If you need assistance, raise your hand, and wait for the supervisor to help you. Do not attempt to communicate with any other students during the examination, even when papers are being collected. You will not be permitted to leave any exam early.
- Toilet breaks – to keep disruptions to a minimum, NESA rules are that students are not permitted to go to the toilet in the first 30 minutes or the last 30 minutes of any examination.
- Non-attempts - make your best attempt on all sections of your paper. Non-serious attempts and non-attempts may be considered for an N-Determination Warning Letter.
- You will not be permitted to leave an examination early, even if you have finished, and you will not be permitted to sit for an exam if you are more than 30 minutes late.
Kind regards,
Wendy Fawbert
Upcoming Wellbeing Week at St Benedict’s Catholic College
Dear Parents/Carers,
As part of our Positive Education philosophy that underpins our Pastoral Care Strive programs, St Benedict’s Catholic College will be holding “Wellbeing Week” during Week 5. We recognise the importance of leading healthy, balanced lifestyles, the challenges of achieving this in our busy lives, and the significance of maintaining strong mental health.
Throughout Wellbeing Week, we will promote physical and emotional health with activities designed to equip our staff and students with the understanding and skills needed to make informed decisions about their health now and in the future.
Our postponed Feast Day will take place on Thursday of this week. Students are permitted to wear appropriate HOUSE mufti clothing on this day. Bennie's Bucks will be available for purchase online or on the day. The day will feature food stalls, giant inflatable activities, various activity stalls, and a returning Australian Wildlife Display.
Additionally, Friday will be a Staff Development Day (Pupil free day) where staff will engage in professional development focused on wellbeing to equip them with the tools needed to identify and understand mental health concerns among students. By championing healthy lifestyles and emotional wellbeing, we aim to raise standards and improve student achievement levels.
Key activities throughout Wellbeing Week include:
Student-led Morning Prayer Intentions and Messages
Tuesday All School Crazy Sock Day
Guest Speakers: AFL Greater Western Sydney Giants and Matt Purcell
Trivia and Pop Quizzes during Strive
Year 7-8 Bennies Amazing Race
Music bells based on popular music
Wellbeing year group team building
Year 12 High Tea
Strive vs Strive Tug O War
Year 9 YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health) - Refer to the below attachment
Important Dates:
Tuesday 20 August Crazy Sock Day
Thursday 22 August Feast Day (House Colours Mufti)
Friday 23 August Staff Professional Development (Pupil-Free Day)
We are committed to the health and wellbeing of our students and staff and look forward to this enriching week.
Year 7 Vaccinations - Taking place Friday 9 August
NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer the vaccines recommended and funded for adolescents by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in a school-based vaccination program, including:
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa)
human papillomavirus (HPV)
Consent for each vaccine must be provided by parents/guardians for students to receive free vaccinations at school.
From 2024 parents/guardians can provide consent online for their child’s routine school vaccinations on the online portal HERE. Select login with Service NSW Account.
To provide online consent you will need:
your Service NSW log-in details
Medicare card details for you and your child.
If you or your child do not have a Medicare card, consent can still be provided by requesting a paper-based consent form – available on request from the College office.
Parents can withdraw consent at any time before vaccination takes place:
where consent has been given online, please log-in to the secure NSW Health portal and follow the prompts to withdraw consent, or
where consent has been given on the physical consent form, please write to or call the school to advise the student's name, school grade and those vaccines the withdrawn consent applies to.
In 2024 the following will be offered at St. Benedict’s:
Year 7 (Fri 9 Aug):
Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (dTpa)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Students will be asked to wear sports uniform on the day to allow for ease of delivery.
More information can be found at NSW Health here:
Please note, St Benedict's WILL NOT vaccinate any child who does not have online consent. If you do not wish for your child to be vaccinated, DO NOT provide online consent.
Kind regards,
Teresa Holland
Information in this calendar list is correct at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice.
Term 3
- Monday 5 - Monday 19 August - Trial HSC
- Wednesday 7 August - Year 9 Bake Sale
- Friday 9 August - Year 7 Vaccinations
- Wednesday 14 August - Year 9 Art - Futurism and 3&4D Incursion - Onsite
- Friday 23 August - Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day)
- Thursday 26 September - Last day of term 3 for students
- Friday 27 September - Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day)
- Monday 14 October - Term 4 starts
Year 9
This term Year 9 Science are learning about Natural Disasters, including earthquakes. Today students from 9P created model houses out of dry spaghetti, marshmallows, and toothpicks, and then tested the houses resilience in an earthquake by shaking them on a tray of jelly. Students were challenged to consider height, design, and aesthetics in their houses. Designs were varied but many had a common theme of a pyramid shape.
Kate Smith
Science Teacher
Year 9 Design and Technology Lightbox Project
At the start of Term 2 this year, Year 9 Design and technology began their first assessment task design project. Students had to answer the brief of designing and producing an ambient lightbox for someone close to them. The lightbox had to showcase their target markets interests.
As their teacher I am very pleased with the final solutions students have produced and the quality of their work.
Students learnt how to design on Illustrator and prepare files for the laser cutter. They soldered a simple circuit and put together a timber lightbox that had to be painted.
Term 3 will see year 9 start a new project - a recycled plastic bag.
Well done Year 9, keep up the great work!
Ms Ghignone
VET Coordinator, TAS/VET Teacher
Welcome to Term 3!
The Social Justice team has a lot of activities planned for this term with our focus on supporting Catholic Mission.
WinterFest was unfortunately postponed to Week 6 this term, however, we now have over 100 students who have indicated their attendance for the event and so, the team is very excited. It is a $5 entry, but students will receive a sausage sandwich for this. There will be a number of food and drink stalls as well as plenty of game stalls, craft stalls, face painting stalls and a photobooth with Santa available to purchase from. Students are encouraged to wear festive clothing for their chance to win one of two prizes. So please come along with your friends to enjoy a fun afternoon with your friends listening to Christmas music performed by students at a Christmas themed market from 3pm - 6pm. All money raised at the stalls and the entry payment will go to St Vincent de Paul.
Year 12’s Winter Sleep Out was also postponed this term, so if you missed out on the cut off date for the permission notes, then please check out Compass for the new permission note. We look forward to a fun evening of games, movies and food with you all.
On Wednesday Week 3, Year 9 will be holding a Bake Sale in the Cola ar recess. This is a cash only event so students are encouraged to gather their coins to buy some yummy treats. Thank you Year 9 for organising this event.
On Tuesday, I was very proud to introduce the newest members to our team. With the help of Claire, our President, we welcomed and badged 25 new students, bringing the team to 45 students. A big welcome to these students and a thank you for the time and dedication you provide in helping others.
The Social Justice team is looking for donations of preloved Christmas decorations to add to our collection that can be used for WinterFest and for decorating our school in Term 4 leading up to the Christmas period. Please bring them to Mrs Castelli or hand in to the front office when you arrive at school.
If you would like to join the team, then please contact Mrs Castelli or attend one of our fortnightly meetings on Wednesdays Day 8 at recess in J1.
Mrs Sara-Jane Castelli
Social Justice Coordinator
Year 12
Congratulations to our Year 12 Music students who completed their trial HSC performances in week 1. Their pieces were performed (or a VIVA presented) to external HSC markers in the same space and set up as the HSC will be in week 8. Over the next 7 weeks, students should be using their feedback to strengthen these performances for the external exam weighted at 80%.
We wish our Year 12 Visual Arts students all the best for their trial exams on the 16th August and remind them that their Body of Works are due on Monday 2 September. Please contact Mrs Castelli if you have any questions.
Jennifer Koryzma
Head of CAPA Department
2024 Olympics
The Library is proudly supporting the 2024 Paris Olympics with a green and gold display and the Games streamed on our monitors.
There will also be a flag guessing competition on Friday Week 3 in the Recess break and a prize for the first student who can correctly identify the flags of participating countries on our quiz sheet.
Is it a song or a poem
Who wrote it first?
Calling all Swifties, Tupac, Twenty-One Pilots, Ed Sheeran, Billie Eilish and more fans. Coming soon to the Library, an epic Trivia competition testing your knowledge of famous artists v famous poets.
Watch the Library Screens and Oliver for more information and get ready for a showdown.
2024 Premier's Reading Challenge
Still plenty of time to complete the challenge - registration still open and books read since September 2023 can count towards your tally.
Explore our range of ebooks and audiobooks via our digital platform Sora (access via Oliver homepage)
Learnpath Guides
Explore our LearnPath Guides for curriculum based resources. Log in to Oliver and begin to explore - our guides are continually evolving.
Don’t forget the Library has plenty of resources to support your HSC preparation with a dedicated area of study and resources to borrow. These resources are always available to borrow.
Happy Reading!
The Library Team
How to order food for the canteen via Flexischools
Step 1 - Register
Open your Flexischools app or use their website:
App Store -
Google Play -
Website -
1. Submit your email to create an account
2. In your inbox, open the registration email
3. Click the link within and follow registration prompts in app
Step 2 - Setting up your child's details
Once your account is set up, log into your Flexischools app.
1. Select 'Profile' icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen
2. Under 'Students' click 'Add new'
3. Enter your child's name, school, year level, class & student card number*
* This card number is on the back of your child's Compass Card (10 digits)
Step 3 - Order and pay with ease!
Here's how to order food on Flexischools
1. Click 'Order food' top of app home screen
2. Select the student you'd like to order for
3. Choose a service (break 1 - recess) or (break 2 - lunch) and order date
4. Select any items you'd like to order
5. Once finished, click 'view order'
6. Select 'Checkout & pay' to place the order
How to order a new Compass Card?
When using the Compass App:
1. At the bottom of the screen, select the 'more' option
2. Select the 'Open in Browser' option
3. On the top right hand of the screen click the 'clog symbol'
4. A drop down menu appears and select 'CompassIdentity Card'
5. Click 'Order New Card'
5. Under 'Payment' click the 'Order Now' button
6. An $11.50 (including GST) fee applies and once paid it will take up to 7 school business days to arrive at school
7. The office will send an email to the student when it arrived and the student will need to collect from the Student Foyer.
Remember when the new Compass Card arrives, to update your 10 digit code on the back of the card with Flexischools.
College Athletics Carnival
On Tuesday we were able to present the medallions to our Age Champions from the 2024 College Athletics Carnival held last term. Please find below the names of the recipients below.
Congratulations to all of our 2024 College Athletics Age Champions.
The house placings for 2024 were as follows:
MISA PREMIERS - Year 11 and 12 MISA Girls Netball team
At the College Assembly earlier this week we congratulated the Year 11 and 12 MISA Girls Netball team who were named Premiers. These students also placed 2nd in the DIO Competition held in Term 2.
We congratulated the below team:
Olivia Muscat, Tori Wilson, Esinam Dussey, Ella Hughes, Liza Papallo, Georgia Williams, Georgia Goodman, Shelby Mammoliti, Lily Tyra, Charlotte Smit, Kaitlyn Benedicic, Olivia Warhurst, Chloe Young, Lara McDonald, Ella Newcombe, Molly Kubeka, Allirah Brincat and Mrs Bulger.
MISA Results - Tuesday 30 July
Simon Zahra
Sports Convenor
Unlocking Mathematical Potential through Automaticity
In the journey of learning Mathematics, automaticity is a crucial milestone. Automaticity refers to the ability to perform tasks quickly and effortlessly without conscious thought. In the context of Mathematics, this means being able to recall basic maths facts, like multiplication tables or addition and subtraction facts, instantly. This skill not only makes maths more enjoyable but also lays a strong foundation for tackling more complex problems.
The Benefits of Automaticity in Mathematics
Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: When students don't have to pause to calculate basic facts, they can focus their mental energy on understanding and solving more intricate problems. This shift allows them to develop deeper analytical skills and a better grasp of mathematical concepts.
Increased Confidence: Students who have mastered automaticity often feel more confident in their maths abilities. This confidence can lead to a more positive attitude towards mathematics and a greater willingness to engage with challenging material.
Improved Efficiency: Automaticity makes maths tasks quicker and more efficient. This efficiency is particularly beneficial during timed tests and assessments, where the ability to quickly recall facts can significantly impact performance.
Stronger Foundation for Advanced Topics: A solid grasp of basic maths facts is essential for success in more advanced topics such as algebra, geometry, and calculus. Automaticity provides the groundwork needed to understand and manipulate more complex mathematical ideas.
How Can You (as Parents) Help Foster Automaticity in Your Children?
Regular Practice: Consistent and varied practice is key. Utilising tools such as flashcards, maths games, and online apps can make practice engaging and effective. Encourage your children to do some extra MathsOnline activities to reinforce concepts from school learning.
Real-World Applications: Talk about maths in real-life situations at the dinner table. This could be as simple as calculating change while shopping or measuring ingredients for a recipe for an upcoming family event
Positive Reinforcement: Celebrating progress and providing positive feedback can motivate your children to keep improving their automaticity. Recognising their efforts and achievements, no matter how small, boosts their confidence.
By prioritising automaticity in Mathematical education, we equip our students with the tools they need to excel. As they build this fundamental skill, they are better prepared to navigate the world of numbers with ease and confidence, paving the way for future success in their academic and personal lives.
Kind regards
Suzanne Seychell
Numeracy Instructional Coach
Student Study Area at Emmaus Centre
New Location Now Open
Studio5 has relocated to a new site in Campbelltown and is now open for students from Years 11 and 12 to study Monday - Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm and during school holidays.
To book, send an email to with your name/school and the date/time you plan to attend. Cancel at any time via email.
Printing and binding facilities available.
Address: Suite 3.01, Building B, Lvl 3, 4 Hyde Parade, Campbelltown NSW 2560
Contact: Natasha Hamilton 0429 193 168
College BYODD Program
For all things related to the College BYODD Program, please visit the College BYODD Site. Here you will find all information relating to the BYODD Program including device requirements, Apple Care + and how to configure your device for use at the College.
For questions relating to BYODD, please contact the College or email:
August 2024 Careers Update
Recently, one of our Year 10 students visited Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga to explore a career path as a Dental Hygienist or Oral Health Therapist. Her inspiring story has led me to share this with you all.
The family's research into these courses showed that the university options were varied:
- Sydney University, with an ATAR requirement of 98, may be unattainable.
- University of Newcastle Dental campus at Ourimbah on the Central Coast, with an ATAR in the mid-80s, is attainable but not within a daily commutable distance. The cost of on-campus accommodation and higher university fees make it a more expensive option.
- Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga, with an ATAR of 70, offers cheaper university fees and on-campus living.
The family traveled to Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga for their Open Day, a 4-hour and 15-minute drive from Leppington. On the day, they immersed their child in the university culture, explored the dental facilities, and experienced the community around Wagga.
The moral of the story is that these parents were brave enough to allow their child to have the curiosity to explore various options without a closed mindset. Wagga Wagga is not just a theoretical place; it is a viable option that should be considered if it suits your child and family circumstances. These parents helped their child embrace new situations and feel secure despite the distance from home.
This experience has transformed the student's mindset. After seeing the facilities and feeling secure about leaving home, she now wants to strive over the next two years to achieve the marks needed to get into CSU and move to Wagga. This newfound motivation has given her a tangible goal, which is key to doing well in the HSC. This is an outcome that the parents didn't expect but wholeheartedly embrace.
Careers - Have you applied for your USI?
Students are encouraged to apply for a USI if they are considering further studies beyond school - whether university or vocational education and training (VET) - to create their USI now. A USI is required for most applications so get your students prepared before they apply. The process is simple and can be completed in less than 5 minutes using one form of identification, such as a birth certificate or driver’s licence.
Anyone doing nationally recognised training, be it VET in schools, a First Aid course or higher education, must have a USI. They will not be able to graduate without one.
Without a USI, higher education students will not be able to access a Commonwealth Supported Place, receive Commonwealth financial assistance such as a HELP loan, or receive their statement of attainment, qualification, or award.
For those students who may already have a USI but have forgotten the details, they can find their USI by following a few simple steps.
To find out more about the USI, please visit the website.
If you have any queries please contact Mrs Brown.
Mrs Tracee Brown
Transition & Pathways (TaP's) Coordinator/ TAS Teacher
Expressions of Interest | HSC Exam Supervisors 2024
We are currently seeking expressions of interest for HSC Exam Supervisors.
The role of an HSC Exam Supervisor is to assist the Presiding Officer who is directly responsible to the NSW Education Standards Authority for the effective conduct of the examinations.
The role requires availability during the official HSC Examinations.
If you are interested in working as an HSC Exam Supervisor in 2024, or if you have any questions, please email Curriculum Office at - for more information.
Please find attached the school bus timetable for 2024 or you can click on the link below to see our school timetable that has been uploaded onto the transit systems website.
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong
College P & F Uniform Pool orders
P & F Uniform Pool order form - click here
The P & F preloved Uniform Pool has reopened, please complete the order form and send to the P & F by email at:
Our wonderful P&F volunteer Tracey will contact you.
Items can be paid for in cash ONLY and collected from the SBCC College Office.
Donations of items in good condition can be left at the College Office.
Rainier College Uniform Shop
Please note Rainier's office hours over winter:
- Narellan Shop will be closed on Fridays ONLY from 21 June – 2 August
- Narellan Shop will be closed for stocktake from the 8 July – 13 July (one week only)
Rainier College Uniform Shop - Update
Ranier Schoolwear Unit 5/6-8 Porrende Street Narellan 2567
Online purchasing and appointments visit:
Phone: 02 4647 8942
Responses will be provided during opening hours
For more immediate assistance, Head Office details are