Los Pen NEUs
October 4, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Weekes
Dear Los Pen Families,
We loved having so many families come out and celebrate our first Valedictorian ceremony this week at Friday Flag! We value families as our partners. One strategy to continue the home-school connection is to take part in daily conversation with children referred to as "Take 5." This conversation focuses on 5 prompts for your child, and is designed to be simple and take no more than 5 minutes:
1. What is your student goal?
2. What did you do today to help achieve your student goal?
3. How did your character make a difference today?
4. What can you do tomorrow to conduct yourself as a No Excuses University Student?
5. Encourage your child in a very genuine and specific way.
Let us know how your conversations go!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Weekes
A Note from Your School Counselor
Why Should Kids do Chores?
It is always nice to have help around the house. For most children, they will help out if there is chore money. Everyone loves to earn a quarter. Outside of earning chore money, the intrinsic reward to do chores goes beyond the financial benefit. The ability to move past what we want to do and do what we have to do builds grit and responsibility.
When one contributes to the family responsibilities, it creates community and belonging, and a sense of purpose. Contributing also demonstrates that we are a team, and no one does everything on their own. Things always work better when it is done as a collective. We help one another, as no one is an island on their own.
Now, when we ask our children to do the chores, the response of, “Let me take out the trash so I have an internal reward”, said no kid ever. Their true response will most likely be “no”, or “just a minute." Nevertheless, completing a task allows children to see what they can do, creates an internal reward and helps each child to be responsible. Overall, chores are great for children to take pride in their work.
Los Pen Running Club is Starting Soon!
Running Club returns Thursday, October 24th. All students are welcome to join during their lunch recess. Running Club is a free weekly event, where students can have fun while being active. Every mile run earns a toe token and classes compete for the coveted Golden Shoe! Come cheer your child on by signing up to volunteer.
Parent volunteer sign ups: https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/DGPgC7Dq8OcQVKxNF8f0CoJJLA?domain=evite.me
PTA News
Save the date for Los Pen’s annual Fall Festival October 19th, 3-6 pm. Look for flyers coming home in backpacks soon and communication from your room parent(s).
A huge thank you from our PTA. Because of your generosity, we exceeded our fundraising goal for this year! Because of these donations our school can fund incredible opportunities for our students.
Thank you for going Big on the Big Give with us!
Make sure to keep up with all things Los Pen PTA by following us on social media!
Follow us on Facebook at: Los Penasquitos Elementary Families
Follow us on Instagram at: Lospenfamilies
Let's Eat!
Mark your calendar now for the 2024 Los Pen dine outs!
Take a night off from cooking and join fellow Los Pen friends and families for dine out nights to support Los Peñasquitos Elementary. Our wonderful restaurant community partners donate back a percentage of all sales to the PTA, which funds special programs and events throughout the year.
The details of each dine out night will be sent home in student folders and shared here closer to the event date.
Thursday, October 10
California Fish Grill Carmel Mountain
11 am to 8 pm
Tuesday, October 22
The Kebab Shop Carmel Mountain
10:30 am to 9 pm
Additional dine outs will be announced soon.
Interested in Volunteering?
We would love to have you! For information about volunteering, including forms, visit https://www.powayusd.com/apps/pages/volunteer-information
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Thursday, October 10
- Early Release Day - School ends at 1:25 PM (1:00 PM for TK)
- PUSD Board Meeting - 6:00 PM at the PUSD District Office
Thursday, October 17
- Early Release Day - School ends at 1:25 PM (1:00 PM for TK)
- PTA Meeting - 6:00 PM in Room 33 at LPES
Friday, October 18
- Friday Flag - 8:50 AM on the blacktop