Redwood Reader
January 17, 2025

No School Monday, January 20th in observance of MLK Jr. Day
Save The Date
Redwood Elementary School Family & Friends Night March 6th
A great Family Gift IDEA
A dedicated website is now available for your attendees to book their hotel rooms online. Reservations can be made starting Sep 11, 2024 at this web address:
Booking Website:
Part Time Help Needed
Redwood is looking for a part time evening custodial aide. 4.25 hours an evening (start time negotiable). Wages start at $16.11. If interested please apply at the following link . Or contact the building at 440-933-5145 for more information.
Pizza Night Wednesday, January 29th
- Click - School Challenge Fundraiser
- Select Redwood
- Select Teacher name
- Click apply
- Place order as normal
Important notes:
- Call in orders, Web orders, and mobile app orders will receive %20 donation back to Redwood
- Redwood must be added by clicking "School Challenge Fundraiser" button on online or mobile orders
- A pop-up will then ask for the teacher name
- For call in orders, only orders that we have been told are for Redwood will count towards Donation.
Notes From the Nurse
Notes from the Nurse:
It’s cold and flu season, which means viruses are on the rise! We have been made aware of multiple confirmed cases of pneumonia in the past few weeks. Nursing wanted to take the time to send home a few reminders for school attendance and what to be looking out for. If your child has a continuous or disruptive cough, please keep them home. Good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses from spreading in the classroom. If your child has a fever above 100 F by mouth, please keep them home for 24 hours. Students need to be fever free without the use of medication (Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen)for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child continues to be sick, please reach out to your pediatrician for further guidance. Our goal is to keep everyone as healthy as possible, we thank you for your cooperation at home as well.
Kim Rose, RN
Redwood and Erieview Nurse
Redwood Elementary/LEAPS (440) 933-5145 ext. 6102
Erieview Elementary (440) 933-6282 ext. 4203
Calling all Recyclers!
Calling all recyclers! The Redwood art room is always in need of the following: plastic grocery bags, newspaper, and egg cartons (plastic or styrofoam only). If you have any of these items, please drop them off in the art room. Thank you!
Calling Parents of all Redwood Artists! Don't forget to sign up for Artsonia, the online tool to view your student's artwork and purchase gifts made with their creations! Artsonia produces quality items such as mugs, t-shirts, canvas prints, jewelry and more- all adorned with your little artist's masterpiece! 20% of all sales come back to benefit the Redwood art program. Simply visit this link https://www.artsonia.com/connect/FZ3SDSC2 and enter the Redwood code of FZ3SDSC2. If you have already signed up for Artsonia, your information is saved and you don't need to do anything!
Upcoming Important Dates
20- No School
22- PTA Meeting 7PM
29- Marco's Pizza Night
Camp Invention
Camp Invention® is coming back to Avon Lake! After earning rave reviews from
campers, parents and educators, this action-packed program is returning with a brandnew
program, Discover! From June 9th to June 12th, children in grades K-6 will collaborate
with friends to take on fun, hands-on STEM challenges, like creating a custom claw
machine, exploring penguins in Antarctica and more! Each experience inspires creativity
and boosts confidence. Register now through Dec. 31, 2024, using
code GIFT35 to save, and you’ll be entered to win your registration for free! Visit
invent.org/gift for more info.
Redwood PTA 2024-2025 School Year
We invite all Redwood families to join the Redwood PTA! Attending meetings is not a requirement to be a part of this great organization. Click on the image below to sign up today.
Spirit Wear
Purchase your Redwood and Avon Lake gear & have it shipped directly to your home
A percentage of all sales goes to Redwood PTA
Store link for Redwood: https://1stplace.sale/72840
Store link for Avon Lake: https://1stplace.sale/7283
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Redwood Elementary School
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/redwood
Location: 32967 Redwood Blvd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, USA
Phone: (440)933-5145
Twitter: @RedwoodAvonLake