Hoover Happenings Newsletter
April 12, 2024
Early Release Information
Please be reminded Wednesday, April 17th is a two hour early release, students will be dismissed from school at 12:30 pm. If your dismissal plans are different from a normal school day you MUST tell your students' homeroom teacher.
This month, we continue to be short staffed and at this time have not been able to find substitute supervision. We are asking that folks who have access to alternate care, please consider those options. If you are willing to volunteer to help supervise, we would also gratefully accept the support.
If you need your student to stay until 2:30 pm you must register your child for supervision. We ask that you continue to register each month for early release supervision as many families' plans change. If your student attends ACES or YMCA you still need to register for child supervision each time.
Parents/Guardians that pick up students please pull up in the pick up line in front of the building on Marie lane. Students will be watching for you to pull up inside door number 1. We ask that you please refrain from picking up between 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm as our staff wishes to focus their time on engaging in meaningful activities with students. We understand that circumstances may change, but appreciate your help with this request.
If you need child care for your student between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm on Wednesday, April 17th, please fill out the form linked below. (If you would like to send a snack for after school please feel free to do so as lunch is served early.)
Caregiver Input Form
Our Hoover staff is beginning the process of preparing class lists for the next school year. One step of this intricate and thoughtful process is to offer families the opportunities to share information about your child that you think may be helpful for staff to when placing your student. While we do not honor requests for specific teachers, we do try our best to honor learning needs, medical needs, and peer relationship considerations. Throughout this process, our teachers consider a variety of data when making student placements. Thank you for your valued input.
Due by May 8th, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
April 15: Minnesota State Testing Begins
April 17: Early Release Day
April 18: Kindergarten Connection Night
April 19: Music Program
May 1: Bike and Walk to School Day
May 2: Hoover Fun Run (PTA Fundraiser)
May 8: Class List Caregiver Input Forms Due
May 15: 2 Hour Early Release
May 23: Hoover Summer Kick Off (Evening Family Event)
May 24: Hoover Field Day
May 27: No School
June 6: Last Day of School
Contact Us:
Email: mmeyer1@isd77.org
Website: he.isd77.org
Location: 1524 Hoover Drive, North Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-388-5202