ATA Weekly
December 20th, 2024
President's Message
I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the thoughtful feedback many of you have shared through emails, calls, and site visits. Your voices are not just heard, but they are also instrumental in guiding our discussions and shaping our decisions as we move forward together. Your contributions are invaluable.
Looking ahead, the ATA will meet with the District on January 22, 2025, to review the latest lifetime benefits actuarial study. This meeting is a significant step in understanding its financial implications for our members. We are also scheduling more negotiation sessions and will share the confirmed dates with you as soon as they become available.
Please continue to share your thoughts and feedback. Your insights inform our work and strengthen our collective efforts to secure a fair and equitable contract. Your ongoing support, collaboration, and commitment are crucial to our success.
As the holiday season approaches, I wish you all a joyful and restful time with loved ones. May your holidays bring peace, warmth, and renewal for the year ahead!
Ralph Hernandez
Upcoming Events
The Institute for Teaching Grants
Dear CTA Member, Don't miss this opportunity to bring your ideas to life!
Great news! The Institute for Teaching (IFT) Grant Program applications are open now through March 31, 2025!
All members are eligible to apply for amazing grant opportunities designed to support innovative projects for the 2025-2026 school year.
Here's what's available:
Find more information and apply today at www.cta.org/ift
Thank you,
The Institute for Teaching (IFT)
Pregnancy and Childbirth and CTA-endorsed Disability Insurance
Did you know pregnancy and childbirth are covered disabling conditions with CTA-endorsed Disability insurance from Standard Insurance Company (The Standard)? In fact, 43% of CTA-endorsed Disability claims are pregnancy-related.(1)
Think about it this way: You get car insurance to protect your car. You get home/renters insurance to protect where you live. Disability insurance works the same way – it helps protect your paycheck before you need go out on leave for a covered disabling condition (pregnancy, childbirth, illness or injury).
- Benefits are paid directly to you and can be used for expenses health insurance doesn’t cover.
- Replaces up to 80% of your daily income (2)
- Starts paying benefits after you are out of work for 7 consecutive workdays (3)
- Covers any preexisting conditions once you are enrolled and work for 10 consecutive workdays
- Includes access to Summer Benefit, (4) Student Loan and Cancer Benefits for eligible members
Applying for CTA-endorsed Disability insurance from The Standard can help you prepare in advance if you’re family planning. Learn more about this important coverage and apply anytime at CTAMemberBenefits.org/Disability.
1 Based on the claims decision data developed by The Standard for period of 8/1/2020 – 7/31/2023.
2 Daily income is based on your regular daily contract salary. Benefits will be reduced by deductible income. Examples of deductible income include: personal leave pay, severance pay, substitute differential pay, catastrophic/extraordinary leave bank, salary continuation, workers’ compensation, work earnings, social security, state disability, CalPERS/CalSTRS benefits.
3 Workdays means any Regular Day(s) of Required Attendance you are required to be actively at work based on the calendar dates of the school calendar and your employment contract in effect on the date you become disabled.
4 Summer Benefit is offered by CTA to eligible members who meet the Definition of Disability with a Disability date on or after 9/1/2022 who meet additional specific criteria. Summer Benefit is only payable during the calendar months of June and July, for up to two Benefit Years for each instance of qualifying Disability. Summer Benefit is not provided under the Voluntary Disability insurance policy. CTA provides this benefit at no extra cost and The Standard acts only as the claims administrator of this benefit.
For costs and further details of the coverage, including exclusions, benefit waiting periods, any reductions or limitations and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, please contact Standard Insurance Company at 800.522.0406. Standard Insurance Company, 1100 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204 GP190-LTD/S399/CTA.1 SI 24023-CTAvol (11/24)
Mark Your Calendars
December 23 - January 3
- Winter Break
January 6
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
January 7
- ATA Board of Directors (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
January 14
- ATA Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
January 20
- Martin Luther King Day - Holiday
January 27
- Pupil Free Day
February 3
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
February 4
- ATA Board of Directors (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
February 10
- Lincoln's Birthday - Holiday
February 10
- President's Day - Holiday
February 18
- ATA Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
February 25
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
Contact Us
The Alhambra Teachers Association (ATA) exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just equitable and democratic society.
Email: ataoffice3030@gmail.com
Website: www.alhambrateachers.org
Location: 3030 West Main Street, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626)289-1933
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlhambraTeachersAssociation/