Week of 9/16
HMS Weekly Update

Week of September 16, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Hamilton Middle School will be joining thousands of schools around the country while participating in the Start with Hello Campaign this week. Start With Hello brings attention to the growing epidemic of social isolation and empowers young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within our school. Students will be learning more about the Start with Hello Campaign during Ranger Time this week.
September is also Attendance Awareness Month. HLS has partnered with the Columbus Crew to proactively focus on improving attendance for all students with a program called Stay in the Game! This creates awareness as well as incentivizes being present at school every day. Students will learn more about the importance of attendance throughout the year, but a special focus will be made throughout the month of September.
To celebrate both of these great campaigns, we will be holding a SPIRIT WEEK! See the attached image for each day’s theme! Please encourage your child to participate!
Thank you for your continued support!
Best regards,
Mr. Endres, Principal
Ms. Coalter, Assistant Principal
Career Exploration - Mr. Crallie's Guest Speakers
Financial Advisor
Mike Teller, a financial advisor for Raymond James, came to speak to both Mr. Crallie's Career Exploration classes and Mrs. Telfer's Personal Finance classes. Mike is a graduate of UPenn. As a branch manager, Mike advises adults on how to spend & invest money and how to handle different financial situations.
Mike spoke about cryptocurrency, stocks & bonds, debt, retirement funds, commissions, and more. He also talked about the importance of failing and how it can help you in life. Mike even had students ask for business cards!!
Athletic Communications
Zoie Fisher is an Ohio Dominican graduate working at Denison University in Athletic Communications. She handles game day procedures for NCAA Division 3 athletics, along with all of the photography and write-ups for the university. As a speaker, Ms. Fisher's content directly aligned with Mr. Crallie's Unit on Communication & Arts.
Hamilton Middle School's FIRST ever E-Book Fair!
Our FIRST Book Fair will go live on Monday, September 23rd. Please take a moment to look at the flyer that highlights all of the great books that will be available.
Puzzle of the Week!
Can you solve this Sudoku puzzle?
Every column and row uses the numbers 1 through 9 once. Additionally, every box uses the numbers 1 through 9 once.
Send a screenshot to Ms. Gurski (egurski@hlsd.org) of your completed puzzle to earn PBIS points!
Teachers of the Week - Math Department (7th Grade)
Miss Gurski
Miss Gurski graduated from The Ohio State University in the spring and this is her first year teaching. She loves Taylor Swift and will see her at the Lucas Oil Stadium in November!
Miss Heiby & Miss Newby-Brown
Miss Heiby graduated with her Undergraduate and Masters Degrees from Wright State University. She has been teaching for three years, all at Hamilton MS. Miss Heiby loves being outside as much as she can, playing pickleball, going on bike rides, or playing sand volleyball with her friends!
Miss Newby-Brown went to Hamilton Local Schools and has been teaching here for 12 years! She graduated from Kentucky State University and got her Master's Degree from Grand Canyon University. Miss Brown also coached Drill/Flag Team at her undergrad university (KSU).
Important Dates
Middle School Athletics
Monday, September 23, 2024
7th Gr. Football vs. West Jefferson MS
8th Gr. Football vs. Liberty Union
MS Volleyball vs. Liberty Union
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
MS Volleyball at Circleville
Friday September 27,2024
Varsity Football vs. Amanda-Clearcreek *Youth Night*
Saturday September 28,2024
HS & MS Cross Country-Bear Den Dash
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 3 2024
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Thursday, March 20, 2025
*All conferences will be held from 4:00 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
*Prior to conferences, directions on how to schedule will be sent out.
Transportation Information
Car rider updates
1. Car riders should enter/exit the building using the front doors.
2. Students should enter/exit the vehicle once it has pulled up to the sidewalk area.
- In the afternoon, if you do not see your student, please continue to move forward so we can keep the line moving.
3. In the afternoon, students should not walk across the parking lot or the grassy area to get to a car that is not yet to the sidewalk. This is a significant safety concern!
4. Drivers, please drive slowly, follow the flow of traffic and be patient!
Student safety is of utmost importance! Please help us keep our students safe by following these guidelines.
Bus Rider Information
1. Bus riders should exit the building using the doors near the gym.
2. Students should board their assigned school bus.
3. All students will be assigned a seat, and as they board the bus they are to go directly to their seat.
4. Students should remain seated, keep their hands and feet in their own space and talk quietly with whom they are sitting
Parents/guardians- please do not enter the bus driveway while buses are parked in the lot.
Lunch Menu
District Technology Information
Please take a few moments to read and understand the information presented by District Technology department.
Behaviors we want to see from our students.
- Respect yourself, others and property. (Respectful)
- Maintain a safe and clean environment. (Safe)
- Engage in productive work. (Responsible)
What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.