Fayette Central Week at a Glance
Week of Sept. 7-11
Fayette Central Elementary School Mission:
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Dates to Remember
Bus Duty: AM- Car Line-Fee/Shepherd PM-Front- Hale/Pfeiffer
Pledge- Ms. Flansaas
Richer Principle- Caring
Monday Sept. 7:Labor Day- No School
Tuesday Sept. 8:
Birthdays-Shelby Tincher-9/6Jaymen Seeley 9/7, Quentin and Wesley Lewis 9/7
7:10-Mrs. Steffee and Miss Pfeiffer
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
8:15-Grade 6 and Mrs. Steffee
10:30- Counselor in the Classroom- Pfeiffer
1:30- Counselor in the Classroom-Bertsch
1:45-Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. O'Rourke and Mrs. Steffee
2:15- Dismissal Begins
2:45- Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Poe, Ms. Fee, Mrs, Strong, Mrs. Haffner and Mrs. Steffee
6:30- Board Meeting
Wednesday Sept. 9:
Low Key Treat Day from Kitchen Staff
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
9:00-Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Steffee
10:30-Grade 5 and Mrs. Steffee
12;15- Grade 1 and Mrs. Steffee
1:00- In House Online Liaison Meeting- C.O. Board Room-Mrs. Duvall
2:15- Dismissal Begins
2:45- Mrs. B. Thompson, Mrs. Day, Mrs. Bertsch and Mrs. Steffee
Thursday Sept. 10
Birthdays-Max Melville
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
9:00-Admin- McCarty
10:30- Counselor in the Classroom-Haffner
12:50-Counselor in the Classroom-Shepherd
2:15- Dismissal Begins
Friday Sept. 11
Patriot Day
Mrs. McCann Out
7:45- All teachers greet Students
7:55- Tardy
2:15- Dismissal Begins
To Do:
1. Work on Safe Schools Videos
2. Schedule Grade Level Team Meetings with Mrs. McCarty when NWEA and Benchmarking complete
3. October Newsletter Newsletter- Mrs. Poe and Mrs. O'Rourke
4. October Bulletin Board-Entry Way-Special Ed; Main-Gr. 2
Upcoming Dates
Sep. 14-Teacher Meeting
Sep. 21- PBIS Meeting