Keystone Central CTC
May Newsletter
What's Happening This Month:
May 10th: Sophomore/Junior Prom
May18th: Senior Ball
May 13th-24th: Keystone Exam Window
May 24th: Senior Grades are due
May 27th: Memorial Day
May 31st: Senior Class Trip
SkillsUSA State Competition at Hershey,PA
KCSD CTC Steals the Show at SkillsUSA
The Keystone Central Career and Technology Center took twenty five students to Hershey, PA for the three day SkillsUSA Conference and State Competition. The event was held at the Hershey Lodge from April 3-April 5. The event included the opening ceremony, competitions of their trade, industry and college networking and the anticipated award ceremony on Friday. The twenty five students showcased their skills either individually or as a team.The students represented programs from Childcare (Instructor Mrs. Ashley Brungard), Drafting and Design (Instructor Mr. Frederick Hoy), Health Assisting (Instructor Mrs. Chelsea Grieb) and Precision Machining (Instructor Mr. Jeremy Schneider). The top three place winners would be announced and stand on the podium in front of nearly 2000 students and advisors. The first place winners have the opportunity to attend the National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia from June 24-28. Keystone Central is proud to announce that four students will be attending the National Conference. “The students represented our school and our community with pride and respect,” said advisor Chelsea Grieb. “As a matter of fact, I had judges and industry professionals give compliments about our students saying they are some of the best in the state”. Keystone Central did not disappoint on Friday when it came to the awards ceremony. They had a cheering section from multiple families that could be heard even on the recorded event. The high school had multiple classrooms live streaming the event to cheer on their peers and watch them earn top honors and scholarships. Advisor Ashley Brungard added, “ I am in awe of our students and their dedication and hard work. They are inspiring and challenging lives through their SkillsUSA projects.” Below are the place winners.
Community Service 1st place (national contender), Ellen Banfill, Emily Everett and Samantha Streator
Related Technical math 1st place (national contender), Sofia Dressler
CTE demonstration 2nd place, Brooklyn Bechdel
Architectural drafting 3rd place, Carter Perry
Career Pathways Industrial and engineering technology 3rd place, Caroline Owens, Robbie Andrews and Michael McCullough
Career Pathways Human Services 3rd place, Mallori Etters, Chloe Condo and Amelia Young