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Principal e-Note
Crestwood Elementary School
September 1st 2024
Upcoming Dates
Sept 2nd: NO School, Labor Day
Sept 11th: First Responders celebrated in hallway walk
Sept 11th: Crestwood PTO meeting, 6:30 pm
Sept 20th: PTO Fundraiser "Wild About READING" Kicks off (more info TBA)
Sept 26th: Picture Day!
Sept 26th: PTO Block Party 6-8 pm
Sept 27th: No School, staff Professional Learning Day
First Floor Signature!
This friend opted to "sign the floor' after receiving a "shout out" for having such a great attitude in a Math lesson
Hot days = Hydrate!
Crestwood students delivering waters and Gatorades in the morning as Construction work continues in the heat of August!
Passport days - bus expectations
Mrs. Long and Mrs. Kleitsch leading the Bus expectations station during our passport days
From Norton & Holmes!
Crestwood Community!
We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm of our wonderful community as we continue to create a positive environment for our students. Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable Labor Day weekend with family and friends!"
Kit & Jillian
We need your help Carline families!
Carline help needed at morning Arrival time: We are experiencing delays in our morning Carline and need your help when dropping off in the back blacktop area. Families & Caregivers should NOT get out of their car in the Carline. Remaining in the car helps maintain the flow of our Carline. Say "goodbyes/have a good day" with your child(ren) before getting to the drop off points on the blacktop area. We have staff members in place to welcome and help your child get into the building safely!
Crestwood PTO information
Please follow PTO on social media!
These are the desktop websites but most access from apps on their phone.
PTBoard - A communication tool for PTO. This system will sync with our parent information system.
Book Vending Machine!
Note from Nurse Beth!
Allergy and Asthma Care
It is not too late to bring in epi pens or inhalers for your child that has allergies, requiring an epi pen, or asthma that requires an inhaler occasionally. Please bring them to me, in the nurse's office, and I will keep them for your child’s use during school hours.
If you have a child here with asthma or food allergies requiring medication, please send an updated Action Plan for our records.We need a new Action Plan every year. These come from your child’s medical provider and are very helpful in guiding us on the care for your child while here at school. Usually you just need to call their medical provider and they will fax the Action Plan to me.
Procedure for Exclusion from School due to Illness
Certain conditions require exclusion from school to prohibit the spread of viral and bacterial disease. This is to protect both the uninfected population and the infected person. The school nurse will use his/her professional judgment when assessing the person and judging whether to exclude.
Students/staff with the following symptoms should be excluded until symptom free or a licensed care professional submits a letter of non-contagious status:
Fever of 100.4F or more
Persistent coughing or difficulty breathing
Abnormal, discolored nasal drainage
Any unidentified and/or widespread rash or weeping lesions
Persistent pain (headache, ear, stomach, throat, etc.)
Any untreated or suspected cases of conjunctivitis with colored discharge
Communicable diseases such as Influenza, COVID19, chicken pox, untreated impetigo or scabies
Students may not return to school until they are free from all symptoms for a 24-hour period without medication assistance.
Hispanic Heritage Month begins begins Sept. 15th and runs through Oct.15th
School District updates
Viewing 2023-24 State Testing Results
We are happy to inform our families that all 2023-24 End-Of-Course (EOC) and Grade-Level Assessment (GLA) results are now available in Infinite Campus. To access your student’s results, please follow the steps below:
Log in to Infinite Campus
On the left menu, click MORE
To learn more about the assessment scale scores and achievement levels, please see the attached interpreting results guides:
How to Manage Your Student’s Meal Account
Lindbergh’s Student Information System, Infinite Campus, allows parents and guardians to set up recurring payments for student meal balances, and reload student balances automatically when they reach a determined threshold. In addition, yellow deposit envelopes are available in each school cafeteria for families who prefer to pay with cash or check (made payable to “Lindbergh Schools.”).
To set up automatic payments for your student, please follow these instructions:
Log in to Infinite Campus
Click the “My Accounts” button on the right side of your student dashboard
Select “Recurring Payments,” then click “Food Service”
Follow the prompts in the “Recurring Payment” window to set up automatic payments
Our online system in Infinite Campus also allows parents and guardians to make decisions and set limits for their student, including:
Blocking ala carte purchases. This prevents students from buying snacks in addition to their daily meal, or from purchasing additional cartons of milk.
Setting a daily purchase limit. The “Single Purchasable Restriction” option allows parents and guardians to set a daily limit for how much money their student can spend.
It is important to note that these limits are set in Infinite Campus and only apply to purchases that are made through the student’s electronic nutrition account. All limits and blocks remain in effect until a parent or guardian requests in writing that the account be changed.
To update your student’s meal purchase settings, please email foodservice@lindberghschools.ws.
Parents and guardians can review a student’s purchase history and account activity in the “Food Service” section, on the Infinite Campus Portal.
Love to Read? Stories to Service Needs Volunteers for Book Selection Committee!
“From Stories to Service” is returning in fall 2024, and we are looking for volunteers to read and select books for consideration. Volunteers will be responsible for reading and completing a short evaluation of 15-20 picture books, and attending a committee meeting in late September.
Now Hiring: Student Custodians
Do you know a high school student interested in working after school and helping the Lindbergh Schools community? Join our team as a student custodian! Set your own schedule and work two to four hours a night helping the Lindbergh custodial staff pull trash, wipe tables, and vacuum and sweep floors. Interested in applying? Click here to get started on your application!
2024-25 Student Board Representative Advisory Group - Apply Today!
Hello! My name is Lara Pimentel and I am serving as the Student Representative for Lindbergh’s Board of Education for the 2024-25 school year. Representing students from across our district is important to me because I want to ensure that students get a say in their education experience. That is why I am looking for students currently in grades 4-8 to participate in next year’s Student Board Representative Advisory group.
Each month, I will visit a different school in the district and talk to a small group of students. These short meetings take place during the school day for elementary schools, and directly after school for middle schools. In these meetings, I ask questions to the group of students and gather feedback regarding their experiences at Lindbergh. We look at what our schools are doing well and which areas could be improved upon.
From there, I share key information with the Board of Education and provide suggestions on ways to address student concerns.
So, if you are interested in representing your classmates, please fill out this form before Friday, Sept. 6!
Mr. Kit Norton
Mrs. Laura Rossi
Mrs. Jillian Holmes
Mrs. Joy Long
Mrs. Karen Daubendiek
Mrs. Ann Kleitsch
Crestwood Elementary School Mission Statement
Crestwood Elementary School
Email: crestwood@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/crestwood
Location: 1020 Sappington Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2430
Facebook: facebook.com/CrestwoodFlyers
Twitter: @CrestwoodFlyers