
September 2024
$490 million Bond will be included on the November ballot
During the August 27 Board Meeting, the DCSD Board of Education voted unanimously to place a $490 million Bond on the November ballot. If approved by voters, Douglas County homeowners would not see an increase in current property taxes. The Bond amount would allow the school district restructure its debt in order to keep property taxes from increasing. The Bond would help us care for our 112 facilities to ensure our staff and students have safe and comfortable learning environments, build schools in fast-growing developments in Douglas County, upgrade safety and security in our schools, and offer additional Career and Technical Education programs. Learn more at the links below. Read more about DCSD’s funding challenges.
Click here for details on what each of DCSD’s existing schools would receive should the Bond be approved by voters.
Good News and Celebrations 🎉
And the Proud to be DCSD T-Shirt Winner Is ...
Social Studies Teacher Indira Walia of Cresthill Middle School! Indira sent this beautiful photo from The Himalayas in India. Indira and the Cresthill Middle School staff will be treated to an on-site breakfast on Friday, September 6!
Districtwide Emergency Messaging Test September 19
Emergency Messaging Test
DCSD will conduct a test of its emergency notification system, including email, social media, text and voice messaging on Thursday, September 19. Should a real emergency arise, the test will be delayed.
How do I update my emergency contact information?
Staff members can update their contact preferences in Workday.
If you are also a parent and need to update your contact preferences, log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and click on the “person” icon in the top right-hand corner of the page. Navigate to “Contact Preferences” and review your contact information. If you see an incorrect phone number or email, please update it in Infinite Campus, or contact the registrar at your child’s school to request an update.
What phone number will my caller ID show when I get emergency calls?
NOTE: We have transitioned to a different system this year, so the phone number has changed!
When you receive emergency communication from the DCSD Finalsite system, the number displayed will be:
Emergency Notifications (critical communications)
855-269-0502 (you may wish to add this number to your contacts)
Have additional questions?
Should you have additional questions, please contact the IT Support Center (303-387-0001) to ensure you receive emergency notifications accurately and quickly.
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) 2024-25
We received an overwhelming response to this year's TAP program opening and funding for the 2024-25 TAP Program has already been fully assigned. Therefore, the program window has been closed. Anyone who has already applied remains active in the program. We so applaud our employees' desire to continue their education and development and wish we could assist everyone in this endeavor.
Workday Evaluations
Welcome back to another incredible school year! It is time to start thinking about setting goals in Workday for non-certified staff members. Goal setting is a great way to start off a new school year.
Now that the district has run the new evaluations for non-certified staff for the 23-24 school year, we would like feedback. If you are interested in taking the survey, please click on the link below. The survey is anonymous. We will also be sending out a separate communication for the survey.
Absence Management/Substitute System Transition
Effective July 1, 2024, we have transitioned to a new Absence Management/Substitute system. Red Rover replaced AESOP.
Red Rover has a lot of updated features for our licensed staff and site admins.
Please check out the Substitute Management System - Red Rover presentation for more information.
Benefits Update
Flu Vaccinations Starting in September: Stay well this cold and flu season.
UnitedHealthcare Members AND Kaiser Permanente Members (and Other Major Insurance Providers): Check out all of our DCSD on-site Flu Vaccination Clinics or Find a CVS pharmacy offering vaccinations.
Staff Wellness
Healthy & Active Series - Health Boost Classes: Virtual Classes
Thursdays in September, 4:30-5:30 p.m. See the flyer here - Register by clicking here.
Boost your well-being with our convenient online class series designed to help you thrive. Join us for one or all four sessions and empower yourself with the tools to live a healthy, vibrant life. If you can't make the class, make sure to register to receive a recording!
Sept. 5 = Taking Care of YourSELF: Discover four transformative SELF-care strategies to elevate your health and well-being. Learn easy-to-implement techniques that will have a lasting impact on your life.
Sept. 12 = Healthy Sleep: Unlock the secrets to better rest with simple yet powerful tools that will enhance your ability to relax, recharge and sleep soundly.
Sept. 19 = Plant-Based Meal Planning: Dive into the world of plant-based nutrition and learn how to create healthy and delicious plates using plant-based proteins to meet all your dietary needs.
Sept. 26 = Fitness Your Way: Explore creative and fun ways to integrate movement into your daily routine, making fitness a joyful and sustainable part of your life.
Fall Hikes with DCSD Staff Wellness:
Join us for an invigorating Fall hike - connect with coworkers, explore nature and boost your well-being.
Sunday, Sept. 8, 7:00 a.m. @ Mount Sanitas - moderate 2-3 hours
Journey to Wellness Class: Starts in September
Tuesdays, starting Sept. 10, 5:30-6:30 p.m., via Zoom or
- Wednesday, starting Sept. 18, 12:00-1:00 p.m., via Zoom or
Tuesdays, starting Oct. 8, 6:30-7:30 p.m., via Zoom
Advanced Academics and Gifted Programming Updates
Depth & Complexity Trainings!
September 17 - Introductory Training
Legacy Campus
8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. - Lunch on your own
September 18 - Advanced Training
Legacy Campus
8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. - Lunch on your own
HERE is the flyer for additional information and to submit your interest to attend!
Addressing the Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Learners Fall 2024
Sept. 12-Dec. 12, 2024
Register HERE
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse & Gifted Series (CLD & Gifted Courses)
Attention Art Teachers!
Colorado Association for the Gifted and Talented (CAGT) Presents:
6th Annual CAGT Student Art Contest
CAGT would like to invite students from around Colorado to share their outstanding artistic talents with the attendees at this year’s conference. Students who attend any K-12 school or homeschool in Colorado can create their own artistic interpretation of our conference theme, Purpose and Passion, and share it with us this fall at CAGT’s Annual Conference, October 20-22, 2024. Accepted artwork will be displayed virtually and at the John Q. Hammons Conference Center at the Embassy Suites in Loveland for our conference participants to view and vote on their favorites.
All contest information criteria are included here.
DCSD Spotlights
Legend High School Class of 2019: Army Staff Sergeant Daniel Olson
Since graduating from Legend High School, Army Staff Sergeant Daniel Olson has been fulfilling his lifelong dream of being in the Army. Sgt. Olson enlisted immediately following graduation and quickly moved from boot camp to airborne training.
“I learned academic and life lessons from the teachers at Legend,” said Sgt. Olson. “The energy they brought every day helped me be excited about learning. I am grateful for the hard work and sacrifice that was made every day for me and other Legend students.” Read more about Sgt. Daniel Olson.
Register for the Colorado Promising Partnership Practices Webinar: September 18 | 1:00–3:00 p.m.
This webinar is made possible with support from the National Center for Families Learning and the U.S. Department of Education.
Join Colorado Education Initiative (CEI), the Colorado Department of Education's (CDE) Office of Family, School, and Community Partnerships, and the Colorado Family Engagement Collaborative (CFEC) on September 18 for this free, virtual opportunity. This webinar will explore promising practices in family partnerships and is designed for teachers, school staff, community organizations, and parents and caregivers who want to build stronger partnerships between their families, schools, and communities. Register today to learn from and with your peers about this exemplary partnership work taking place around Colorado and possibilities to lead similar work in your community! Learn More and Register Here
CFEC includes the National Center for Families Learning, Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition, Black Parent Network, and CEI. Learn more about CFEC’s work and access related resources and opportunities here.
Board of Education
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 10 at 5:00 p.m.
Watch live on YouTube or on Comcast Channel 54