Waite Elementary Parent Update
December, 2024
Happy Holidays from the Waite Staff!
Dear Waite Families:
This is my favorite time of the year at Waite Elementary School. There is a festive atmosphere that permeates the building each day. Our students are in good spirits and excited about the upcoming break and holiday celebrations with family. There are musical programs and fun activities, spirit days, and classroom parties. The Holiday Shop has returned this December as well. This is a special time of the school year when we have a unique opportunity to create experiences and lasting memories for our students and their families.
School is about more than academics, although incredibly important. School is a space for growth and hope. It is during this magical time of the year that I am reminded how grateful I am to have the opportunity to spend each day working with your children and fostering conditions with our amazing Waite educators to cultivate rich learning experiences. Your children give me hope for our future and it is a true gift to serve as Waite principal.
This month our PBIS focus will be on Gratitude. We will be looking for occasions to promote gratitude with our students. Students will continue to review the three (3) Rs: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Ready to Learn.
We also plan to have a few guest “elves” visiting the building throughout the month to encourage and support our focus on gratitude this holiday season (in the spirit of Elf on the Shelf - I know many of our families enjoy this tradition in their homes as well).
Spirit day information is included below (12/11-12/19). Classroom holiday parties will be on either 12/18 or 12/19. See information from your child’s teacher. Please note that all snacks MUST be store bought and pre-packaged. A simple craft, game, or other activity is a good and safe alternative to food items. For a list of allergen-friendly snacks, please visit the Snack Safely website: Click HERE.
We have much to be grateful for and there is a lot of hope for our school community moving forward.
Best wishes to all of our Waite families for a beautiful holiday season full of family traditions, new memories, and a happy New Year!
Mr. Mattie
Waite, Principal
Mark your Calendars!
Upcoming Important Dates
*See Spirit Day Themes Listed Further in the Newsletter
12/1/24-12/6/24: Holiday Shop Week
12/4/24: PTO Dine to Donate at Gionino’s
12/7/24: Shop with a Cop Event
12/10/24: Kiwanis Shopping
12/11/24: Grade 3 Virtual Medina Experience – Community and Spirit Day 1
12/12/24: Spirit Day 2: Picture Retake Day/Groups/Candids
12/13/24: Spirit Day 3
12/16/24: Spirit Day 4 and Choir Concert, 6:30-7:00PM
12/18/24: Spirit Day 5 and Classroom Parties
12/19/24: Spirit Day 6. Classroom Parties. Grade Level Storytime with Mr. Mattie. Early Release (dismissal 1 hour early)
12/20/24-1/3/25: No School, Winter Break Begins
-Happy Holidays!
-Happy New Year!
1/6/25: School Resumes
1/17/25: No School/Teacher InService Day and Yearbook Sales Begin
1/20/25: No School (MLK Jr. Day)
1/25/25: Pancake Breakfast/Spotlight on Students
Attendance Reminder
Please remember to contact the office directly regarding student absences. Please do not email teachers. Call the attendance line: Attendance / Clinic Number - (330) 636-4504
Dress for the Weather
Please dress your children for the winter weather conditions. We will have outdoor recess if the windchill is above 20 degrees.
Waite December Events
Holiday Shop: 12/2-12/6
The Holiday Shop is open for business this week! The Waite PTO has collaborated with The Penguin Patch Holiday Shop company. Every child wants to surprise their family and friends in a big way!
Our exclusive Penguin Patch gifts were designed with every budget in mind. Plus, it’s perfect for families with siblings. Our gifts are priced just for kids! Gifts start at just 25 cents, with 80% of our items being under $5.00 and 60% of our items being under $3.00. The school nor the PTO will apply any markup to prices (this is not a fundraiser), as we want each child to enjoy giving back to others this holiday season.
For this event, there will be NO E-Wallets. On the day of your students Holiday Shop time, please send them to school with CASH. For your convenience, envelopes indicating how much money is enclosed and suggestions of who to purchase gifts for were sent home last week. Please, do not send money to school prior to your child’s day to shop. Please only send CASH the day of their holiday shopping. Teachers are not permitted to collect and keep cash in their classrooms. Cash sent in advance will be sent home.
The holiday shop will function similarly to our book fair. Each class will have a designated shop date and time (during your student’s Encore PE time). There will NOT be an opportunity to shop before or after their class time. Additionally, there will be NO family shopping date. Please encourage your shoppers to know who they would like to purchase gifts for and their approximate budget for each person. Volunteers will also be on-site to assist shoppers.
Participation is OPTIONAL. If families choose not to participate, the PTO will have small holiday crafts set up for students to make and take home with them.
Picture Retake Day: 12/12/24
Picture retake day and school group photos will be next Thursday, December 12. This is NOT a spirit day. Please have your child dress accordingly.
Please see order information linked below (and follow instructions for retakes vs. first time orders):
Winter Spirit Days: 12/11-12/19
Spirit days will be the last six (6) school days before winter break: 12/11-12/19. Picture Retake Day is NOT a spirit day. This year students are voting to select themes. Each grade level brainstormed and then voted to contribute one school-wide spirit day.
12/11: Winter Wonderland: White Out! (wear a lot of white!) - 2nd Grade Idea
12/12: Picture Retake Day - NO Spirit Day Theme
12/13: Holiday Dress Up Day! (dress fancy!) - Kindergarten Idea
12/16: Holiday Icon Day! - (Dress as Santa, a menorah, a star, a reindeer, a dreidel, a Christmas tree, or anything that represents the holiday season) - 3rd Grade Idea
12/17: Favorite Holiday T-Shirt Day! - 4th Grade Idea
12/18: Holiday Hat Day! - 5th Grade Idea
12/19: Holiday Pajama Day - 1st Grade Idea
Classroom Holiday Parties: 12/18 or 12/19
Please look for information from your child's teacher regarding classroom holiday parties. Teachers were given the option to schedule the party on either 12/18 or 12/19. The teacher will indicate the date and time in an upcoming parent communication. There is a limit of two (2) approved parent volunteers per classroom. Teachers will provide sign-up information if you are interested in volunteering. Please check-in at the front office on the day of the party to obtain a visitor badge.
Counselor Corner
November Special Events
Grade 4 Medieval Festival
Book Fair Week
Coats for Kids
Election Day (5th grade election for class government)
End of Trimester 1
Veterans Day Ceremony
PTO Dine to Donate at Culvers
Scrabble Club Began
PTO Meeting
Report Cards Sent Home
Toys for Tots Collection
PTO Ornament Night
PBIS PJs and a Movie Day
No School – Thanksgiving Break
PTO Family Ornament Night
"Size of the Problem" November Movie Celebration
3rd Grade Local Government Virtual Field Trip
PTO Culver's Dine-to-Donate Night
Student Recognition
November Buckeye Leader of the Month
Evie Judson
Gavin Delzer
James Wickley
Delaney Scott
Vivian Sherer
Reagan McNulty
Ryley McNulty
Lilly Anderson
Julian Craft
Jack Surso
Shannon Beltowski
Harrison Knott
Madeline Zehner
Andrew Nubbie
Paxton Stolz
Adeline Krieger
Seraphina Kirby
Adeline Roush
Benny Halliday
Evelyn King
Evan Lewis
Drew Longa
Clay Cooke
Payton Larouere
Savannah Sprague
Drew Cassidy
Paxton Clellen-Minatsis
Rheegan Winterton
Alexis Nagy
Calee Sutton
CKLA Learning in Action!
District News
Drive the Hive!
On Saturday, December 7, 2024, the Transportation Department will host a "Drive the Hive" Bus Event. This event will allow the community to "test drive" a bus from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Transportation Department. Please include the attached flyer on your indoor digital display if you have one. If you do not have one, please print a copy of the flyer and place it in a prominent space. Please post the following on your outdoor displays.
Interested in Test Driving a School Bus?
"Drive the Hive" Bus Event
Saturday, December 7, 2024
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
MCS Transportation Department
1122 W. Smith Road
For more information, visit www.medinabees.org