Scholarship Master List
Scholarship List for Calvert County Public Schools

This scholarship list is maintained by school counselors from each of the Calvert County high schools. This list is not meant to be all inclusive; these scholarships represent what is sent to each high school in an attempt to advertise available scholarships.
For more information, contact the scholarship representative at your high school:
- Calvert High School - Ms. Ponti - pontij@calvertnet.k12.md.us
- Huntingtown High School - Ms. Phelps - phelpsd@calvertnet.k12.md.us
- Northern High School - Ms. Martin - martinp@calvertnet.k12.md.us
- Patuxent High School - Ms. Ryon - ryonk@calvertnet.k12.md.us
March Deadlines
Hagan Scholarship
- $2,000 to help purchase essential items for college, up to $7,500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters, workshops to learn important life skills not typically covered in the college curriculum, HSF Schwab Brokerage Account to manage to learn how to invest, and up to $8,000 to study and travel abroad.
- Deadline: 3/15/2025
- Application: https://haganscholarships.org/description/
ESFCU Dorothy Marvil Scholarship
- Deadline 3/15/2025
- $3,000 scholarship for graduating seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.75 who plan to attend college (two- or four-year), trade school, or technical school
- Apply online: Dorothy Marvil Scholarship – Support Education Foundation
ESFCU Rosemary Brinkley Business and Finance Scholarship
- Deadline 3/15/2025
- $3,000 scholarship for graduating seniors with a minimum 2.75 GPA who plan to study business, finance or a related field at a four-year university or community college
- Apply online: Rosemary Brinkley Scholarship – Support Education Foundation
ESFCU Vocational Scholarship
- Deadline 3/15/2025
- $3,000 scholarship for graduating seniors with a minimum 2.75 GPA who plan to study at a vocational school after graduation
- Apply online: Vocational Scholarship – Support Education Foundation
WISER Scholarship
- High school senior pursuing post-secondary education
- Live and attend school in the greater DC/MD/VA metro area
- Documented need for accommodation
- Demonstrated engagement in their community
Deadline: March 21st, 2025
Long Nguyen & Kimmy Duong Scholarship Programs
- For seniors who plan to enroll in one of the following institutions: University of Maryland (College Park or UMBC), George Mason University, NOVA Community College, University of the District of Columbia, Montgomery College, Virginia Tech, University of Virginia, or Virginia Commonwealth University
- Candidates should show strong academic achievement, leadership potential, and a track record of community service, along with pride in their heritage (students of all ethnicities can apply)
- Appy online: Applying – DC/VA/MD – Kimmy Duong Foundation
American Legion , Arick L. Lore Post #274 Lusby, Maryland Scholarship
Deadline (submitted to your School Counselor 3/31/2025
- The applicant attending Patuxent High School must be a child, grandchild or ward of an honorably discharged service person, MIA, POW KIA, killed in active duty or current member of the US Armed Forces. The parent or ward of any applicant NOT attending Patuxent High School must be a current or past member of the American Legion Post #274 in Lusby, Maryland.
- The American Legion Post #274 will award up to $4,000 scholarship to an applicant who is seeking advanced education in the field of their choice. This advanced training , whether academic, vocational or technical must be taken any school that is accredited.
- If at PHS, please see your School Counselor for the application. If not, please contact Post #274 at 410-326-3274.
Erica Weems Memorial Scholarship
- Deadline: March 31, 2025
- This scholarship will be awarded to two applicants, in the amount of $ 1000 each.
- Female athlete
- A senior at an accredited Calvert County High School and planning to attend college
- Demonstrate strong character, great academic and athletic ability (via essay/application)
- Coach's recommendation (at least one)
- Essay
- All applications must be submitted to the guidance counselor’s office on or before March 30th.
Cirkled In "No Sweat" Scholarship
- Deadline 3/31/2025
- For students in grades 9-12; no GPA or income requirements!
- Apply online: “No Sweat” Scholarship – Apply Today!
April Deadlines
VMDAEC Scholarship
- Deadline 4/1/2025
- For seniors planning to attend college or trade school who live in an area serviced by VMDEAC (Calvert County is in this area!)
- Apply online: VMDAEC Scholarship Foundation - Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives
Navy Family Scholarship
- Merit-based scholarships to those high-school seniors living in the National Capital Region that are: dependent high school graduating seniors of an active duty, activated reservists, retired from active duty or deceased USN service member
- Deadline: April 1st, 2025
- More information and the scholarship applications are available at https://noscdc.org/philanthropy
Federal Water Quality Association Natl. Capital Environmental Scholarship
Deadline: April 1, 2025
- Three scholarships worth $2000 each for students interested in preparing for careers in environmental protection. Students can be starting majors in applicable sciences or engineering.
- transcript, SAT/ ACT scores
- Reference letter from a science teacher
- essay
Chesapeake Garden Club 2025 Scholarship-NHS ONLY
Deadline: April 1, 2025
- Scholarship of $500 for Northern High School students only.
- Applicant must be pursuing higher education in the field of agriculture, horticulture, environmental science, farming, floral design, landscape design, or a related field.
- Return applications to Ms. Corey, guidance secretary, in Guidance.
Coast Guard Scholarship
- Available to students who will be entering an accredited 4 year undergraduate program or trade school, and who are the dependents of active duty, reserve, or retired US Coast Guard enlisted members and commissioned officers.
- Deadline: April 1st, 2025
- Link for application: https://coastguardfoundation.org/scholarships/scholarships-for-coast-guard-children
Maryland Masonic Charities Scholarship
- Deadline 4/1/2025
- For graduating seniors who plan to pursue post-secondary education
- Must be associated with a local Masonic Lodge. Prince Frederick Lodge No. 142 is the Sponsoring Masonic Lodge.
- Apply online: Masonic Charities of Maryland Scholarship
Delegate Scholarship - District 29C
- Deadline 4/1/2025
- Scholarship awarded to students who live in District 29C (Southern Calvert) represented by Delegate Morgan (can verify this by logging on to https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/members/district, selecting “Lookup" and inputting your home address)
Men's College Scholarship
- Designed to identify and reward outstanding high school seniors who have demonstrated an ability to excel in the fields of academics, extra-curricular school activities and community involvement.
- Must be a graduating high school senior in the United States
- Must identify as male
Link for application: https://foundationfe.org/highschoolscholarship/
SMECO Scholarship
- Deadline 4/1/2025
- For seniors who demonstrate scholastic achievement, financial need, community and school involvement; interview is part of the application process
- Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and live in SMECO's area
- Apply online: Scholarships – Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
LEAP Forward Scholarships
- Deadline 4/1/2025
- Apply to 37 scholarships with varying requirements
- Apply online: Leap Forward Scholarship Form
Elaine's Gift Scholarship
- Deadline 4/8/2025
- Scholarship for seniors who are the child of a single mother and plan to attend a two- or four-year college or trade school
- Application below
Dunkin' Donuts Scholarship
- Deadline 4/15/2025
- For seniors who plan to study at a two- or four-year college and live in the DC/Baltimore area
- Must have minimum GPA of at least 3.0
- Apply online: Dunkin’ Baltimore/Metro DC Regional Scholarship
George and Mary Lou Brezina Memorial Scholarship
- One-time $1,000 scholarship providing financial assistance to a student graduating from a Calvert County public high school for undergraduate study at a 4 year college or university
- Deadline: April 15th, 2025
- Application below
Optimist Club Scholarship
- Deadline 4/15/2025
- Scholarship awarded to a high school student living in Calvert County.
- Applicants must be accepted to a college or university.
- More information on website
Optimist Club Career/Vocational/Technical Scholarship
- Deadline 4/15/2025
- Scholarship awarded to a high school student living in Calvert County.
- Applicants must be accepted for vocational or technical training to a two-year program at an accredited trade or technical school or a college or university.
- More information on website!
Paul Taylor Memorial Scholarship
- One-time $1,000 scholarship providing financial assistance to a student graduating from a Calvert County public high school who is pursuing post-secondary education, attending a 2 or 4 year college or university, trade, technical, or vocational school.
- Deadline: April 15th, 2025
- Application below
MDEMA Scholarship
- Deadline 4/20/2025
- For seniors who plan to study emergency management or a closely related field at a two- or four-year college/university
- Apply online: Scholarship
Morgan State University Scholarship
- High school seniors who will be graduating in Spring 2025 and will be attending Morgan State University beginning in Fall 2025 semester.
- Must have at least a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Deadline: 4/22/2025
- Application below
Student View Scholarship Program
- Offering over $13,000 worth of scholarships to high school seniors who plan to attend a 4 year college, community/junior college or career school.
- Log onto the link below and complete a 15-20 minute application survey about colleges in your area.
- Deadline: April 23rd, 2025
HHS Athletic Booster Club Scholarship
Awarding at least two $1,000 scholarships to senior athletes.
- Must be a senior in good standing at HHS who has participated as an athlete in at least one high school sport for a minimum of two full seasons.
- Student's parent/guardian must be a current member of the HHS Athletic Booster Club
- Must plan to enroll in higher learning or military within 8 months of graduation, included technical and vocational schools.
Rockville Model Railroad Society Scholarship
- $2,500 scholarship to a graduating senior who will be pursuing a degree in one of the STEAM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math).
- GPA of 3.0 or higher required
- Interest in railroads is required
Deadline: April 30th
Applicant must be a 12th-grade student in good standing at Huntingtown High School, who has
- Successfully completed AP Government
- Minimum cumulative high school grade point average (through the end of the current third quarter) of 80% on a 100% scale
- Must plan to enroll in a 4-year institution of higher learning and must plan to major in a Social Science.
- Deadline: April 30th, 2025
- Application Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yp8tAqNgrEqakMGOUaxSfj1X1mJv4jRPsEfsPmX7pp1UOFpITlRLTDlTT05FVk84N1JaTjZVVkZOWS4u
- This scholarship is designed for students who have faced academic challenges but have persevered with dedication, determination, and a true passion for Social Studies. Students applying for this scholarship do not need to be at the top of their class; however, they must show that they have explored various Social Studies courses beyond the core courses and have experienced personal growth along the way.
- Deadline: April 30th, 2025
- Application Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yp8tAqNgrEqakMGOUaxSfj9Zx84LWb1Ojm1Ez5TcWGFUOUExQTNENUQ5U1hNWFVNR0VZU1NWTlNTNy4u
May Deadlines
Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship
- Deadline 5/1/2025
- $1,000 scholarship for graduating seniors who plan to study education at a Maryland State college/university
- Application is below
Let's Grow's Think for Yourself Scholarship
- Think about the importance of independence, curiosity, and open-mindedness in their everyday lives.
- Our awards can be used for traditional university, community college, or trade school
- Deadline: May 1st, 2025
- Link for application: https://scholarsapp.com/scholarship/let-grow-scholarship
Miss Utility Scholarship
- Deadline 5/23/2025
- For seniors planning to enroll in a two-year college, four-year college/university or technical/trade school after graduation
- Apply online: https://form.jotform.com/MissUtility/Scholarship25
CSM Scholarship Finder
- Over 200 scholarships available only to students planning to attend CSM
- Must have been accepted to CSM and have completed the FAFSA
- Deadline is May 31 but some scholarships may have earlier deadlines
- Apply online: www.csmd.edu/scholarshipfinder
June Deadlines
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship
- Deadline 6/10/2025
- $1,000 scholarship open to juniors and seniors who plan to pursue post-secondary education
- Apply online: Scholarships - A&F Business Consultants
Senator Michael A Jackson Scholarship
- Must have completed FAFSA
- Deadline: 6/15/2025
- Application below
Big Sun Scholarship
- Deadline 6/19/2025
- For high school senior athletes who plan to pursue post-secondary education
- Apply online: BigSunAthletics
This list is NOT an all-inclusive list of all scholarships that are available to high school students! We recommend that you create a profile on at least one of the websites below and use their resources to search for scholarships that you can apply for!
- Appily – www.appily.com
FastWeb – www.fastweb.com
Scholly – www.myscholly.com
Bold – www.bold.org
Going Merry – www.goingmerry.com
Student Scholarships – www.studentscholarships.org
Horatio Alger Association - https://horatioalger.org/scholarships/ includes scholarships for Juniors as well!
Support Education - https://supporteducation.org/helping-college-bound-students/