The J-List
August 12, 2024
Hello JES Family,
We are so excited to welcome our little Dragons back to campus tomorrow morning! I just wanted to send out a short J-List with some last minute reminders and information.
See you tomorrow and GO DRAGONS!
Patrick Holladay, Principal
Johnson Elementary School
Early Release
Just a reminder, we will have early release the first week of school (8/13 - 8/16). Students will be released at 12:00 noon.
First Day of School - Tuesday, August 13
Families are welcome to walk their children to their classrooms beginning at 7:30 am on the first day of school. Parking is pretty tight, so please allow adequate time to park and get in to the building. You are also more than welcome to drop off using our car line or the walkers area if you don't plan to walk your child to class.
If you choose to walk your child to class on the first day of school, please plan to enter and exit the building through the main entrance. And, don't forget to stop by the Welcome Back Breakfast in the cafeteria after you drop your students off at class.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Details about our Arrival & Dismissal Procedures can be found at this link. Please take a moment to read through this document as it makes arrival and dismissal so much smoother when we all work together and follow the process.
Please pay special attention to the following:
- Notifying the office about changes in transportation
- Cut-off time for early dismissal
- Tardy policy
Thank you in advance for your grace and patience as our students, families, and staff get back into the groove of our arrival and dismissal routines. It does take a while the first couple of weeks, especially at dismissal, but we promise it gets so much better as our little Dragons figure out the routine.
Car Line Open: 7:20 - 7:38 am
Students Permitted Back to Class: 7:30 am (held in gym or cafeteria prior to 7:30 am)
Car Line Closes: 7:38 am
School Start Time: 7:40 am
School Tardy Time: 7:40 am
Communication about bus times/routes will come from the transportation department.
ID Required to Enter the Building
Reminder Half Day First Week
As a reminder, we will not be serving lunch this first week so don't forget to pack a healthy snack and refillable water bottle for your child. We have several water bottle refill stations on campus.
Around the Corner
13 - First Day of School; PTO Welcome Breakfast
13 - 1/2 Day for Students
14 - 1/2 Day for Students
15 - 1/2 Day for Students
16 - 1/2 Day for Students
27 - Curriculum Night (K-1), 5pm
28 - PTO General Meeting, 9am
29 - Curriculum Night (2-4), 5pm