Ferber Family Connection
September 2024

Dates to Remember
October 3 - Picture Day
October 5- Fox Valley Tough Kid Challenge at Highlands Elementary
October 8- PTO Dine to Donate @ Chipotle (Mall Dr) 4-8:00 pm
October 11-20- Ferber Spirit Wear Sale (more info coming soon!)
October 16- PTO Family Night Out at Skater's Edge 6:30-8:30 pm
October 22 & 24- Parent Teacher Conferences (PTO Book & Bake Sale)
October 25- No School (Staff Professional Development)
Ferber School Hours
8:10 a.m. Supervision begins on playground
8:22 a.m. First Bell
8:27 a.m. Classes begin
11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. Lunch/Noon Recess
3:20 p.m. School Dismissal
3:30 p.m. Students should be picked up/walk home
The school office is open every day students are in attendance between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Parking at Ferber
It is a new year and we have a new Safety Patrol up and running!
· This means it’s time to review our rules and consistently address issues.
· We kindly ask that you follow the rules to help us keep everyone safe.
· We would also invite you to contact us if you have suggestions to improve things.
- Our barricades go up at about 8:00 am for morning drop off and 3:00 pm for afternoon pickup.
- When barricades are in place, please stop and allow safety patrol to ensure there is a spot for you to park and that you have proper signage to park. See below.
- A Parking pass is issued to families whose child needs assistance with physical mobility (has a walker, is on crutches, etc.).
- Parking for those with a Disabled Parking Identification Permit is available in our signed parking spots, or other lined spots if they are open. Ferber has two signed spots and we will honor those on a first come, first served basis.
- As a courtesy to others, disabled parking spots are generally reserved for those who need to exit their vehicle and enter the building. We kindly ask that you allow those who need those spots for their own mobility needs to use them, but we recognize that we are unable to enforce this expectation.
- Once our handicapped spots are filled, we will let you know our lot is full and you will need to park elsewhere or wait until a spot opens.
- Once all busses, etc. are cleared from circle drive, barricades will be removed and vehicles can access that area. The time for this varies every day.
- Once our parking lot is full, cars will not be allowed to enter and you will need to find an alternative parking spot or wait for a spot to open. Parking in non-lined areas is not permitted and could be addressed by law enforcement.
Thank you for reviewing these rules and being our partner in safety. You can reach Mrs. Collins at (920) 852-5465 with any concerns.
Picture Day
Help Wanted
Ferber is currently looking for 1-2 lunch supervisors. This is a paid, part time position and can be a lot of fun!
The hours are 11:15 am - 1:30 pm.
Pay is $11/hour.
Please contact the Ferber Office if you are interested. The number is (920) 852-5465.
Ferber Spirit Wear
The Ferber PTO will also be selling Ferber Spirit Wear again this year.
Watch for information about the sale soon!
SPOT Vision Screening
Regular vision screening is important, and the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) suggests that during childhood, babies up to age 2 should have vision screening during regular pediatric visits and then screening every one to two years for ages 3 to 19.
The Appleton Area School District, in collaboration with the Appleton Noon Lions Club, will be providing vision screening for students at Ferber Elementary on October 17, 2024. This screening is made possible through grants from and from the Pfefferle Family Foundation. Volunteers from the Appleton Noon Lions Club will be doing the screening with a SPOT camera, an automated vision screening technology. To effectively address vision issues in children, the SPOT Camera has been developed to quickly detect the most common treatable vision conditions in children such as:
Refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, unequal power and astigmatism)
Amblyopia (lazy eye)
Strabismus (crossed eyes)
Comparative analysis for unequal refractive power – anisometropia
Unequal pupil size – anisocoria
SPOT takes a picture from about 3 feet away and parents are provided with a printed summary of the vision screening. The screening time for students is typically less than 10 seconds. If your child currently wears prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, please be sure he/she is wearing the prescription lenses for this screening.
Automated screening does not replace a complete and comprehensive eye examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist, nor can it detect all eye diseases or conditions. Screening determines if your child requires the immediate attention of a vision care specialist.
If you do not wish to have your child participate in this vision screening, please contact our school office at (920) 852-5465.
Free Dental Care
Parent Teacher Conferences
Ferber Elementary is using PTCFast.com to make Parent Teacher Conference signups as convenient as possible. Please enter the following web address into your browser window to sign up for your time block:
A School wide message will be sent out once the site goes live.
Please only schedule 1 time block per Homeroom Teacher per Child. Parent Teacher Conferences will be October 22nd and 24th from 4:00-7:30pm. The PTO will also be holding a Bake Sale during the conferences in the Lobby and a Book Fair will be set up in the LMC.
Upcoming Concerts at Ferber
Hello Ferber Families,
I am pleased to announce the dates for Ferber students’ Music Concerts.
All concerts will be held in the Ferber gym. Families and friends are invited to attend our evening concerts. Listed below are the concert dates and times. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Mrs. Laurie Woltman
*Ferber Music teacher
24-25 Ferber Concerts
Tuesday November 12: Grades 2 & 3 at 2:10 (Dress Rehearsal) & 6:00 pm (Evening Concert)
Tuesday December 10: Grades 4 & 5 at 2:10 (Dress Rehearsal) & 6:00 pm (Evening Concert)
Tuesday February 11: Grades K & 1: 2:10 (Dress Rehearsal)
Evening concerts: K concert at 5:30 pm & 1st grade concert at 6:30 pm.
From the School Nurse
Art Fundraiser
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support
Fox Valley Tough Kids Challenge
Runny Noses and Accidents happen a lot around here! We will gladly take an donations of Kleenex, Clorox Wipes and gently used pants or shorts (all children's sizes). Thank you for considering!
News from Our PTO
Past Ferber Newsletters
Click on the link below to access older newsletters
Edna Ferber Elementary School
Kelly Collins- Principal
Lisa Head- Dean of Students
Email: ferber-elementary@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: Home - Ferber Elementary (aasd.k12.wi.us)
Location: 515 East Capitol Drive Appleton, WI 54911
Phone: (920) 852-5465