NCS Letter to Families
Leap into Learning, 2024 - 2025!
February 2025
Dear Families,
Can you believe it is February already? Our lottery has come to a close and I will need to determine how many seats I can offer to new families. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to fill out this Google form.
It should go without saying, but I have received a few complaints about incidents in the parking lot especially individuals driving a little to fast. Please slow down and watch for individuals walking especially during our drop off and pick up times.
We have had a lot of students out sick. Parents please remember to send in either a doctor's note or a parent note to excuse your student(s) absences.
Our first fieldtrip for the second semester is Thursday February 6 to the Belton Rodeo.
If you would like to chaperone please let your child's teacher know. If you have not filled out the volunteer form, and are interested in volunteering on campus please complete the form.
Thank you for your continued support of our students, our campus and the staff.
Dr. Wendy Gamble
Congratulations, Attendance Leaders!
Way to go, Sixth! You had the highest attendance percentage at 94% for the month.
Students of the Month & Staff Member of the Month
Celebrating School Choice week
Art competitions
Black History Month
"I have an inner satisfaction of having done what I thought was right."
Upcoming Events
3 Candy Gram Sales Begin-PTA
4 PTA Meeting 5:30pm
5 College/Military Shirts
6 Field Trip -K-7th Mini Rodeo (Cadence Bank Center- please bring disposable sack lunch)
7 Pizza Friday & Spirit Shirts
10 100th Day of School---Wise DressUp
12 College / Military Shirt
14 Pizza Friday & Spirit Shirts & PTA Candy Grams delivered & Valentines Day
17-18 Staff Development- Presidents’ Day-No School-Parent Teacher Conferences- Spring
19 College/ Military Shirts
20 ELAR Benchmark Grades 3- 7
21 Pizza Friday & Spirit Shirts
26 College/ Military Shirts
27 Science Benchmark Grades 3 -7
28 Pizza Friday & Spirit Shirts
News from the PTA
PTA Meeting Dates
February 4 – 4th -5th Performance
April 15 – 6th -7th Performance
May 13 – Special Performance
Here are your PTA representatives.
President: Ashley Phillips
Vice President: Open
Treasurer: Nick Guajardo
Secretary: Kimberly Beshansky
Contact: nolancreek.pta@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NolanCreekSchoolPTA/
PTA Membership: joinpta.org (District: Public Charter/Private, School: Nolan Creek School)
NCS T-Shirt Sale
Each shirt is $12
Sizes range from Youth small to Adult 3XL.
All the money goes into the student activity fund. This money will be used for student SWAG, Bragtags, STEAMFEST, and etc....