Mrs. Phillips 4th Grade
Week of March 10 - 14
Our classroom is in need of tissues, and we would greatly appreciate any donations. I’ve also added some books to our Amazon wishlist, per your children’s requests. If you'd like to contribute, you can conveniently order from the wishlist linked below and have items shipped directly to our school. Thank you, as always, for your continued support!
Highlights From Last Week
We enjoyed our guest reader, Mrs. Bauguess, and the books she shared with us during Read Across America Week!
Students explored and analyzed various perspectives and opinions on the Boston Tea Party while reading Colonial Voices: Hear Them Speak.
We loved meeting and sharing our learning space with our ASU intern, Ms. Anna!
George Washington and King George III made an appearance during Read Across America Week!
Students are in the final stages of completing their biography project posters to honor Black History Month and acknowledge the many African Americans who have made significant and lasting contributions to our society and culture.
Mark Your Calendars
March 3rd-7th - Read Across America Week 📚
March 4th - Walker Center Field Trip; Raleigh Zoom Meeting @ 6 PM 💻
March 14th - Spirit Day & Birthday Celebrations 💚
March 19th - Raleigh Field Trip 🚌
March 26th - Report Cards Go Home 📄
March 28th - PTO Dance 3-5 PM 🪩
Birthday Celebrations:
March 17th - EASTON 🎉
March 27th - ISABELLE 🎉
Daily Reminders
Please make sure students bring the following items to school each day:
- Backpack
- Refillable Water Bottle (no glass bottles & water only please)
- Snack - Please do not send anything with peanuts/tree nuts due to allergies.
Communication Folder
It's important that your child brings the green folder back and forth to school each day. This folder will be used to send home student work, permission forms, important flyers/handouts, and carry any notes from home.
Transportation Changes
Please communicate all daily transportation changes to the office.
Field Trips
- Click here to view Field Trip Information - Field Trip Information and Payment Details
- Click here to pay online - SchoolCash Online
What We're Learning
The Redcoats Are Coming!
Module 3: The Redcoats Are Coming!
In Module 3, we will use a critical eye to see how the American Revolution was a foundation for American history. By focusing on identifying and understanding perspective and its impact on our understanding of events and decisions people make, students will improve their critical-thinking skills as both readers and writers. We will ask the question: Why is it important to understand all sides of a story?
▪ Woods Runner, Gary Paulsen
▪ The Scarlet Stockings Spy, Trina Hakes Noble
▪ George vs. George: The American Revolution as Seen from Both Sides, Rosalyn Schanzer
▪ Colonial Voices: Hear Them Speak, Kay Winters
▪ Washington Crossing the Delaware, Emanuel Leutze
▪ The Boston Massacre, Paul Revere
▪ “Massacre in King Street,” Mark Clemens
▪ “Detested Tea,” Andrew Matthews
▪ “Paul Revere-Mini Biography”
▪ “Fred Woods Trail—Driftwood, Pennsylvania”
▪ “The Culper Spy Ring: Path through History”
▪ “REBUILD—From The Ashes, The World Trade Center Rises Again”
▪ Raising the Flag at Ground Zero, Thomas E. Frankline
▪ What were the perspectives of the two main sides of the American Revolution?
▪ How did different people’s experiences affect their perspectives about the American Revolution?
▪ How did different people’s perspectives affect their actions during the American Revolution?
▪ What drove the Patriots to fight for their independence from Britain?
▪ What is happening in the story?
▪ What is the essential meaning, or most important message, in this book?
▪ How does this story build your knowledge about the American Revolution?
▪ Can’t You Make Them Behave, King George?, Jean Fritz
▪ If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution, Kay Moore
▪ George Washington, Spymaster, Thomas B. Allen
▪ Did it All Start with a Snowball Fight?: And Other Questions About ... The American Revolution, Mary Kay Carson
▪ Sybil Ludington’s Midnight Ride, Marsha Amstel
▪ Samuel’s Choice, Richard Berleth
▪ Sophia’s War: A Tale of the Revolution, Avi
▪ My Brother Sam Is Dead, James Lincoln Collier
▪ Chains, Laurie Halse Anderson
▪ Forge, Laurie Halse Anderson
▪ Johnny Tremain, Esther Hoskins Forbes
▪ Sam the Minuteman, Nathaniel Benchley
▪ For Liberty: The Story of the Boston Massacre, Timothy Decker
▪ When Washington Crossed the Delaware: A Wintertime Story for Young Patriots, Lynne Cheney
▪ Explain the perspectives of the two main sides of the American Revolution.
▪ Explain the perspective of each group of colonists about the tax on tea (Patriots, Loyalists, In-Betweens).
▪ Summarize what was happening in the books read in class.
▪ Create a comic strip story map to record in pictures what is happening in each story that is read in class.
▪ Practice telling a story about the American Revolution in first person (I, me, we) and third person
(he, she, they).
▪ Practice reading aloud a monologue assigned for homework. Ask your Grade 4 student how the colonists feel about the tea tax and why.
▪ Discuss the American spirit that kept patriots fighting in the war despite terrible conditions and the poor odds of winning.
▪ Discuss the characters in The Scarlet Stockings Spy and Woods Runner. Who are they? Why are they important to the stories?
▪ Discuss whether the patriots were justified in fighting for their independence from Britain. What was the cost of the war for each side in the conflict?
Fractions & Decimals
Students will learn to:
- Use models to understand equivalent fractions.
- Use different strategies to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators while understanding the size of the whole matters.
- Decompose fractions into smaller fractions using equations and models.
- Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators.
- Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.
- Use models to multiply a whole number by a fraction and solve word problems using these models.
- Understand how decimals and fractions are related (1/10=0.1) and make comparisons using this understanding.
Important Vocabulary:
Numerator- The top number in a fraction that represents how many parts of a whole are being considered.
Denominator- The bottom number in a fraction that tells the total number of parts in the whole.
Equivalent- Fractions that have the same value.
Character Strong Curriculum
Focus: Honesty
It’s not always easy to be Honest in our words, actions, or thoughts with others or with ourselves. Practicing Honesty with ourselves allows us to identify emotions, be aware of our emotions, regulate emotions, and advocate for our emotions. This month's focus for 4th grade is practicing Honesty to support positive self-talk.
Parent Resources
Literacy at Home
Unite for Literacy: Unite for Literacy provides free access to more than 400 original picture books, one fourth of them written in Spanish. The digital books provide audio narrations in more than 40 languages, spoken by native speakers in warm, expressive voices.
Free Children's Stories: Free Children's Stories allows you to search books for age 3 through 10 and includes middle grade novels. Book are available in six languages by clicking the flag on the bottom right while navigating the site.
Monkey Pen Books: Monkey Pen provides free digital books to young readers around the globe.
Flyleaf Books: Flyleaf Publishing provides access to free books through their Online Materials Portal. Books are organized by skills a child may be practicing such as blends, multisyllabic words, words with endings, digraphs, words with a long vowel and silent e, and r controlled vowels.
Storyline Online: Do you need an example of fluent reading? Storyline Online is a free online library that features popular books read by celebrities including Betty White, James Earl Jones, Tia and Tamera Mowry to name a few. New books are added regularly and it's funded by the Screen Actors Guild.
Just Right Reader: Just Right Reader offers a selection of decodable books from Pre-K through 2nd Grade, including a high interest section, and a Spanish section.
Teacher Contact Information
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need me or when you have questions! Communication is going to be key in making this year successful.
Remind Class Code: phillipsa4
Phone: (336) 838-4261
Contact Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Supporting Our Classroom with Essentials and Enrichment
Classroom Wishlist 🍎
As we move through the school year, our classroom is running low on a few essential items, such as tissues and disinfectant wipes. These supplies help us maintain a clean, safe, and focused learning space for all. If you are able to contribute a box of tissues or container of wipes to our classroom, please know that your generosity makes a meaningful impact and is always greatly appreciated!
In addition to essentials, we have a "Celebration Station" that students visit weekly as a reward for their hard work and focus on SOARing throughout the week. If you happen to come across small prizes that you think our students would enjoy, we would sincerely appreciate any contributions to refresh our selection.
I have also updated our class Amazon wishlist to reflect current student interests. It now includes engaging survival guide books for our library, additional Gary Paulsen titles for those who are eager to continue exploring his work after Hatchet, and materials to support our upcoming school-wide novel study of The Wild Robot.
Thank you for being such an integral part of our classroom community! Your support for our students is valued more than you know!