AMS Principal News
May 24th
Hello AMS Families
Thank you to all our families who contributed to Teacher Appreciation Week! We felt the love and appreciation and are so grateful for our supportive community.
Next Friday, May 31st is the annual school BBQ, yearbook signing and staff vs. 8th grade basketball game. If your child would like to purchase a yearbook, please send in $32. We will sell yearbooks during the BBQ. AMS staff is excited to take on 8th graders in our annual basketball game. Wish your 8th grader luck! Staff is hopeful to continue their winning streak!
Congratulations to all of our students for completing STAR Reading and Math end of year assessments. Your child will bring home their STAR reports next Wednesday. We are so proud of the growth our students continue to make! As always, please reach out with any questions you may have.
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Amy Kendziorski & Julie Ramey
AMS Summer Closure:
Due to construction, AMS will be closed to the public this summer from June 8th - August 4th. If you need to speak with someone please reach out to:
Amy Kendziorski, akendziorski@aspenk12.net, 970-300-2154
Julie Ramey, jramey@aspenk12.net, 970-300-2320
Please Help!~ The AMS Library is Missing Library Books!
AMS library currently has 205 overdue books. Take a look around your home and return library books ASAP. Book fees will be added to your child’s account if library books are not returned byJune 6th.
Lost & Found
Encourage your child to look in the Lost & Found for missing items. AMS Lost & Found will be bagged up and donated on May 31st.
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, May 27th ~ NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 29th ~ Freshman Move Up Morning AHS - 9:00am - 11:00am
Friday, May 31st ~ AMS BBQ Lunch & Yearbook Signing
Saturday, June 1st ~ Aspen High School Graduation - 10:00am
Monday, June 3rd ~ 8th Grade to Glenwood Caverns All Day
Monday, June 3rd ~ 5th Grade to Glenwood Hot Springs All Day
Tuesday, June 4th ~ 8th Grade Continuation Rehearsal All Day
Wednesday, June 5th ~ 8th Grade Continuation - ASD Theater 10:30am
Thursday, June 6th ~ 5th Grade Celebration Koch Park All Day
Thursday, June 6th ~ 7th Grade Celebration GWS Hot Springs
Thursday, June 6th ~ Last Day of School