St. Clare Family Newsletter
January 24, 2025
We are so grateful for our sponsors. The best way to show appreciation to sponsors is to support their business in the community.
Sign Up Genius for:
- Red Wine Pull
- Bubbles Pull
- White Wine Pull
- Barrel of Booze
- Live Auction Runners
- Auction Set Up
Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0948ACAF2DA0FECE9-54333227-auction
Give Smart Update:
- Standard Sponsorship are Available for Purchase
- Tickets are LIVE
- Spiritwear T-Shirt Purchase is Available
- Custom Baseball Purchase Available (keepsake that will also serve as centerpieces at the event)
- Custom Baseball Card Purchase Available (proudly displayed as part of the event decor)
- Non-Uniform Days Purchase Available
Link: https://e.givesmart.com/s/:Uq6oYdXEuhi/e/EtS/?isOrderFormActive=true
Message from Mrs. Ybarra and Mrs. Howard
Mom's Night Out Boarding House Canceled
Due to low numbers, the Mom's Night Out at Boarding House has been canceled.
Pancake Breakfast
Don't forget to join us at Edley's on Saturday for the Pancake Breakfast. Mrs. Ybarra will be there from 9:00-10:00 a.m. cleaning tables. We hope to see you there!
Next week is Catholic Schools Week! This is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States where we focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities, and our nation. Please see the below guidance for parents to view activities and dress code for each day next week! We look forward to celebrating!
St. Clare School is a shared ministry of St. Nicholas, Corpus Christi and St. Clare parishes.
Calendar of Events
Every Friday - Dismiss @ 2:00 P.M.
The calendar of events is now in Google! You can add the calendar to your Google Calendar and any changes made will be reflected on your phone or computer. Please click the link below to see the Calendar of Events!
*Parents are always welcome at Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and Prayer Services.
On Friday, February 7, 2025, ECP will end at 3:00 P.M. for the Luke 18 Retreat. Please make arrangements to pick up students by 3:00 P.M. Thank you!
February Lunch Menu
St. Clare Athletics
Auction & Gala
We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to St. Clare Catholic School's 39th Annual Auction Gala "A Knight on the Diamond" on March 15, 2025. It'll be a fun night with new entertainment, great food, and some other surprises! Mark your calendars! Tickets on sale after the New Year.
- If you have a Facebook Page, please like the Auction Page to receive updates.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, click here. Thank you!
If you don't have a Givesmart account to bid on items, go to this page to register. If you have attended one of our events before, bookmark the page so you can stay updated on items.
Below is the commitment form. It lists what is included in the sponsorships you can sign up for above. Please submit this form to the school office if you sign up for a sponsorship above, if you'd like to purchase an advertisement in this year's auction booklet, or if you have an in kind donation that you'd like to donate. We appreciate your generosity!
Parents & Friends
Daddy/Daughter Dance 2025
This SignUp Genius link is for families to sign-up and attend the dance.
This SignUp Genius link is for volunteer sign-ups.
Raffle Winners
Congratulations to our $25 weekly winners for the week of 1/21 - Jon and Amie Kars (sold by Chloe Kars) and Cathi Ponciroli (sold by Millie Ponciroli)!
St. Clare of Assisi Parish
St. Clare Parish First Communion Parent Education Night with Fr. Jim
for parents of all St. Clare Parish students preparing for First Communion this spring
Monday, January 27 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. St. Clare Fellowship Hall
RSVP to janedotson@stclarechurch.org if you need childcare for students and siblings.
St. Nicholas Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
Pictures From This Week
Boys Parochial Basketball Team
Congratulations to the Boys Parochial Basketball Team that earned first place in the Diocesan Championship. It was an amazing game, winning by one point against the very tough All Saints team.
Mrs. Walford- Garden Class
We finished our hummingbird unit by making hummingbird masks. Pretty sure they wore them the rest of the day!
We added a Vermicomposting bin for our 4th graders. They have started the process of building their own worm compost bin for their experiments.
Kindergarten - Ms. Fredericksen
Reviewing teens numbers with a spinner!
2nd Grade Gift Bearers!
2nd Grade - Mrs. Voelker
2nd grade rocked their centers this week!
Kindergarten - Mrs. Distler
Kindergarten reading with friends.
Clap Parade
Congrats to our Junior and Parochial Girls and Parochial Boys Teams for earning 1st place in the Diocesan championship!
Mrs. Starzyk- 3rd Grade
We are learning about animal adaptations. We learned about how blubber helps some animals stay warm. We tested out our hand vs a blubber bag (Crisco). The students agreed, the blubber bag was the winner.
Orders Must Be Placed by Feb. 28, 2025
St. Clare Catholic School
Email: monica.ybarra@saintclareschool.org
Website: www.saintclareschool.org
Location: 214 West 3rd Street, O'Fallon, IL, USA
Phone: (618) 632-6327
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saintclareknights