The Paw Print
Lange Middle School's Parent Communication Newsletter
Lange Middle School
Dr. Rhonda Jackson, Assistant Principal
Dr. Joe Lauchstaedt, Assistant Principal
Mr. Tim Gardner, Home School Communicator
Email: dfalls@cpsk12.org
Website: https://www.cpsk12.org/lms
Location: 2201 Smiley Lane, Columbia, MO, USA
Phone: (573) 214-3250
Twitter: @lmsleopards
Important Dates
8/7 Athletics Fall Sports Parent/Guardian Meeting 5:30-6:30 PM
8/8 LMS Meet & Greet 6 - 8 PM At Auburn Hills Park8/14 Fall Sports Tryouts Begin 5-7 PM
8/19 Back to School Bash @ LMS 11 AM - 4 PM
8/21 6th Grade Jump Start Day 7:25 - 12:05 PM
8/22 First Day of School 7:25 AM - 2:35 PM
8/30 Back to School Night 6-7:30 PM
From the Principal's Desk.................
Dear Lange Middle School Families,
I am thrilled to kick off the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Whether you are a returning student/parent or new to us, let me be the first to welcome you to Lange Middle School. We have some great things planned to make this next year special for all of our students. I am honored and delighted to be a member of the Lange Middle School Family. As your principal, I look forward each day to strengthening the relationships that I have begun building with all of our wonderful students, families, teachers, and talented staff. High expectations, which have been established by our qualified and dedicated staff, will be maintained while also providing a safe and nurturing student-centered community that fosters respect for individual differences. At Lange Middle School, we will strive to make the learning process a positive and rewarding experience while maintaining a desire to develop a generation of inquisitive young people who will become lifelong students in their various pursuits of excellence. I am excited about working with the active and involved parents that help to make Lange Middle School a wonderful place for our students to learn and grow. Everyone at Lange Middle School is looking forward to a productive and rewarding 2023-2024 school year as we work with your child and family.
With Leopard Pride,
Mr. Falls
Individual Student
· Backpack
· Folders for each class
· 2” Ring binder
· College ruled notebook paper/Spiral notebook
· Pencils/Pens/Highlighters (Kept in pencil pouch)
· Wired ear buds (Must Have Daily)
· iPad Charger (to be kept at home)
· Water Bottle
Community Share
· Colored Pencils
· Scissors
· 4 boxes of tissue
*Additional supplies may be required for specific classes throughout the school year. *
**Students will not have lockers; please note they may need items replenished throughout the year. **
Dear CPS Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We are so excited to welcome your scholar back for a new and inspiring school year.
As we prepare for the new year, we need your help to gather updated information about your student and your family. Additionally, information on school supplies, back-to-school nights, and more is now available on the district’s website at www.cpsk12.org/back2school.
The first step is to complete your scholar's annual registration information in the district’s new student information system. Campus Parent replaces Home Access. Campus Parent will be where you go to check your student’s attendance, scheduled courses, grades, and more.
To get started, log in to the CPS Families Portal with your CPS-issued user ID and password.
Forgot your user ID and/or password? Guardian ID and/or password information can be found at the CPS Families Portal Username and Guardian Email Check.
Once logged in to the CPS Families Portal locate the Campus Parent icon to begin the annual registration update process. Within the registration update process, you will have access to the following:
- School registration updates (updating your scholar's contact information, emergency contact information, health information, bus information, school lunch status, acknowledgements and agreements, etc.)
- Bus Opt-In - Families must indicate if they will require bus transportation services. This is included as a question within the registration update. It is a mandatory question that requires an answer to complete your registration submission. If you have already completed the early opt-in form, you will be asked to confirm your selection and enter in additional information. Bus opt-in information must be completed by August 8 to receive bus transportation on the first day of school.
As a reminder, Columbia Public Schools only offers transportation services to those students that meet the following qualifications based on home of residence: - High School (grades 9-12): reside 2 miles or more from school
- Middle School: (grades 6-8) reside 1 mile or more from school
- Elementary (grades K-5): reside 1 mile or more from school
Once in the Campus Parent system, use the instructions located on the Back 2 School website and also attached to this message to help you complete the annual registration process.
For questions regarding the annual online registration process, please contact your student’s school. You can find contact information for each school on the district website at: www.cpsk12.org/buildings.
For technical assistance related to accessing the CPS Families Portal, please contact the CPS Helpdesk at 573-214-3333 (M-F 7 a.m.-5 p.m.).
Schedules and teacher assignments will be available in Campus Parent after 5 p.m. on August 14.
Jump Start Day for incoming 6th and 9th graders will take place on August 21. Information is available on the back-to-school website.
The 2023-24 school year calendar can be found on the website at www.cpsk12.org/calendar.
We look forward to welcoming your scholar back to school on August 22!
Registration Update Support
- Forgot your ID: https://web.cpsk12.org/cpsonline/familyupdate/familyupdate.php#!
- Forgot your password: https://launchpad.classlink.com/resetpassword?scode=CPSFamilies
Parent/Guardian Information Updates
Parent/Guardian Legal Proof of Residence
Bring a current copy of one of the following:
-Contract of home purchase
-Real estate lease -Current water, electric, or gas bill showing address
-Notarized letter from owner of the residence with whom the family is living, along with owner’s legal proof of residence as listed above.
Jump Start Day
PTSA Information
Important Bus Information
Dear CPS Family,
Does your student need to ride a school bus this year? If the answer is YES, please complete the OPT IN for busing form. A bus route for those eligible for bus transportation will not be secured for your student unless you fill out this form!
The deadline is August 8 for students to have a bus pick them up on the first day of school. The date allows time for the district’s transportation provider, Student Transportation of America (STA), to route all eligible riders on a bus route.
Please go to https://web.cpsk12.org/bus/login.php and follow the instructions to complete the process to OPT IN for busing for the 2023-2024 school year. The form is also accessible through the CPS Families Portal at https://launchpad.classlink.com/cpsfamilies. Look for the icon labeled ‘2023-24 Bus Form.’
We will send out information for the 2023-2024 school year in another email very soon, including information on the annual registration process to update your students information for the new school year, school supply lists, and other important information. In the meantime, it is extremely important for you to complete the bus OPT IN form to ensure your student has a bus assigned for the first day of school.
Need help logging in to complete the form?
You must be flagged as the student's Guardian in our student information system in order to log in to access student records.
If you have questions about being able to login to view your student's information, please contact the Technology Services Help Desk at 573-214-3333.
If you forgot your Guardian ID, please visit forgot my Guardian ID(opens in a new tab). Note your Guardian ID is a 6-digit number assigned to you.
If you forgot your password, please visit forgot my password(opens in a new tab).
Additional Information About Transportation in CPS
Columbia Public Schools contracts with Student Transportation of America to provide bus transportation for the school district. In addition to the bus drivers, staff, and school buses provided by STA, Columbia Public Schools also provides a transportation director to assist in operations. This school year the district welcomes Tony Maltbia as the new district transportation director.
Columbia Public Schools is the fifth largest school district in the state with nearly 19,000 students. Additionally, the district is geographically large, covering more than 300 square miles of urban, suburban, and rural community. CPS’ bus transportation system is a reflection of the district’s size. Daily, there are approximately 9,000 students being transported by bus to school via more than 200 bus routes. In order to maximize efficiency with such a large system, the district operates on a three-tiered busing system made possible through the staggered start times of schools across the district.
In Missouri, the law requires that school districts provide transportation for K-8 students that reside 2 miles from their school and for students in grades 9-12 that reside 3 miles from their attendance area school. Columbia Public Schools has strived to provide access to transportation beyond what the state requires. In Columbia Public Schools, students in grades K-8 who reside 1 mile from their school and students grades 9-12 who reside 2 miles from their school are eligible to ride a bus.
Student Transportation is always looking for additional bus drivers. Having a fully staffed transportation fleet allows for routes to run smoothly and for buses to be used for field trips, athletics and fine arts events. You can learn more about driving opportunities here: https://share.peachjar.com/flyers/2498239/schools/148118
For additional transportation information, visit www.cpsk12.org/transportation.
Columbia Public Schools
1818 W. Worley Street
Columbia, MO 65203
Translations - Open this link:
Car Drop Off and Pick Up
• Parents, please know that we are trying to keep our Lange Family safe.
• Please follow the directions of the signs, arrows and adults when dropping off and picking up.
• Please do not go around the parking lot or drive through the lot.
• Remind your student to look for your car and walk to get in on the passenger side of the vehicle.
• Look over map for visual description
Car Riders
Parents, please note that it is an Exit Only for the northeast drive. We want to make sure to be safe when driving through our parking lot. Notice the Exit Only drive and please never pass on the right of cars in the drop off and pick up area.
Entering and Exiting
- Students should arrive ready to learn each day in time to be in their classroom by 7:25AM.
- Once students arrive they should grab breakfast (optional) and go directly to their Period 1 class.
- Students will be supervised by teachers and other adults as they are leaving the building. They are expected to leave the building and go directly to their bus or car transportation for that day.
- Any students who want to go home with someone other than their assigned bus or guardian, they will need a pass from the main office before the end of the school day. We are asking parents/guardians to make arrangements for a different mode of transportation (if needed) before 2:00PM. This will give us time to get the pass to the student before the bell rings at 2:35PM.
Passing Periods & Hallways
- Students will not be issued a locker. This will help minimize the chance of students congregating in the hallways.
- Passing periods are 3 minutes so students need to go directly from one class to their next class.
- Students should maintain as much physical distancing as possible when walking in the halls.
- A daily hot lunch
- Individual Pan Pizza
- Cheeseburger
Lunch menus/free & reduced price applications
Lunch Prices/ $ Accounts
We want to see you:
Where: Lange Middle School Cafeteria
When: First Day of School - August 22, 2022 @ 7:25AM
Why: To support and encourage a Lange student on the first day of school
Who: Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers, Supportive Male Neighbor/Family Friend, etc.
- Visitors are asked to schedule visits in advance with the person you need to see.
- Visitors will not be allowed to come for lunch with students in the cafeteria. An alternate eating location may be arranged if you contact the LMS main office in advance at (573)214-3250. We will let you know if it is possible at the time of your call. Please keep in mind that health protocols change constantly and we can't guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your request to be in the building.
- To schedule an appointment, please e-mail the person you would like to meet with OR call the LMS main office.
- If picking up your student, remain in your car and call the LMS main office and your student will be sent to your car.
Drinking Fountains
- Drinking fountains will be available for student use. Students should get permission from their teacher to fill their water bottle.
- Students are encouraged to bring a personal water bottle from home. We can provide a personal water bottle to any student who needs one.
Cell Phones
Cell phones are to remain off and out-of-sight from the time students arrive at school to the time they leave school
Cell phones are not to be used for any reason during the school day
NO phone calls - Must use office or classroom phone
NO Schoology on phones
NO E-Hallpass on phones
NO earbuds
SMART watches, when used in place of a phone, are considered the phone.
This applies to all classrooms and common spaces at LMS…. NO EXCEPTIONS
Lange Middle School Athletics
Dear Lange families,
As the Athletic and Activities Director at Lange Middle School. I am writing to let you know about different activities that your son or daughter can partake of this year. First, if your student is a 7th or 8th grader your student is eligible to participate in competitive team sports at Lange Middle School.
If your student is in 6th grade, they are eligible for intramural non-competitive sports/clubs.
For all students we have many various clubs, activities, and organizations that they will hear about after school gets started. We would like students to be involved and expect all our students to participate in all that our school has to offer!
For any potential Fall Student Athlete.
Fall Parent/Guardian Meeting on Monday August 7th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. We would like all potential Athletes and Guardians to be present.
The first Official Day that MSHSAA allows Middle School/Junior High is August 14th. Practices/Tryouts will be from 5 to 7 pm, that will allow for easy collection of Physicals and other information.
All Fall Sports and Activities for 7th and 8th Graders: Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football and Volleyball will begin their seasons on Monday, August 14th, 2023 (the week before the start of the school year). The first day of school for 7th and 8th graders will be August 22nd, 2023. Tryouts will begin on Monday August 14th from 5 to 7 pm. It is possible and probably certain that the coaches may change the individual practice times after the Tryout period. If you have any questions, you may reach out to the Main Office or to me via email.
- Football is available to 7th or 8th grade students wishing to participate. You can contact him directly at Dale Sykes dalems3@yahoo.com or Quittin Brown QBrown@cpsk12.org
- Volleyball is available to 7th or 8th grade students wishing to participate. You can reach Coach Mia Jefferson at mialjeff@gmail.com Coach Jordan Wolfe at Jordan Wolfe wolfe_jordan@rocketmail.com
- Cheerleading is available to 7th or 8th grade students wishing to participate. You can reach Coach Amber Peck apeck@cpsk12.org for more information.
- Cross Country is available to 7th or 8th grade students wishing to participate. You can reach Coach Angela Whitesides awhitesides@cpsk12.org
Expectations for all sports, athletes, and coaches:
- Athletes MUST have a current sports physical signed off by their doctor’s office and proof of insurance form filled out and given to the school BEFORE THE STUDENT CAN PARTICIPATE IN TRYOUTS OR PRACTICE! If the student does not have these then they cannot be on the field or court for the Tryouts until they do.
These forms can be found at these places: https://www.mshsaa.org/resources/SportsMedicine/MSHSAA-PPE-MH-SSMB.pdf
And https://www.mshsaa.org/resources/SportsMedicine/MSHSAA-AnDoc-ALL.pdf
Potential Free Physical Opportunity:
Join us for our Free sports physical event to help get mid-Missouri athletes ready for their upcoming year of sports! Register Here: https://sportsphysicalday.timetap.com/#/ Wednesday, July 19 at 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Missouri Orthopedic Institute, 1100 Virginia Avenue
In addition to offering standard sports physicals, we’ll also have sports medicine specialists — including our official team doctors for Mizzou Athletics — on hand to evaluate each athlete.
They also offer $30 sports physicals at Mizzou Quick Care using the
“Get in Line” online scheduling tool or as a walk-in at Mizzou Urgent Care.
You may also schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor
(Rates dependent on insurance).
Also, the Concussion Care Team with MU Healthcare is hosting a Free Baseline Concussion Screening for middle school and high school athletes on Saturday, July 22. This screening will involve a sports neurologist, therapy, and athletic trainer. This will be held at The Missouri Athletic Center (MAC)
2902 Forum Blvd, Columbia
Spaces Limited — Registration Required.
Register at: https://concussionscreening.timetap.com/#/
District Information and Forms for Athletics
Copy of CPS Middle School Athletic Handbook (cpsk12.org)
filedownload.ashx (cpsk12.org)
All athletes will need to participate in 14 practices, on different days, before they are able to participate in competition.
- Athletes are expected to bring their own filled water bottles and not share their drinks with other athletes. They are encouraged to bring more water than they expect they need.
- All Student Athletes are expected maintain good conduct and grades to be eligible for competition.
- Students will be suspended or cut from Athletics for failure to meet behavior or academic standards set by the school and coaches.
- Be a Part of the Winning culture in the in the Classroom, Hallways, and of course the Field/Court. Every Student Athlete will need to be a role Model for the other Students in the school.
- All Students Must show Leopard Pride (Prepared, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Engaged)!!!
Attending Lange Sporting Events this year:
Columbia Public Schools 2023-2023 Middle School Entry Fee’s
Basketball .......................................................$4.00 Adults
$3.00 Students
Football ..........................................................$4.00 Adults
$3.00 Students
Volleyball .......................................................$4.00 Adults
$3.00 Students
• Student price for all students grades 1-12.
• All children below first grade admitted free to all events when accompanied by an adult.
• Senior citizens age 65 and older are admitted free, this might not be eligible for some tournaments/invitationals.
• Family Pass = $75.00 – This is accepted at all Columbia Public School Games except for Tournaments/Invitationals and games outside of Columbia.
Columbia Public School sporting events student expectations
- Students should sit in the student section of the bleachers, commonly above the first two rows of bleachers. EVENTS AT BATTLE HIGH OR OTHER HIGH SCHOOLS, ALL FANS/SPECTATORS ARE TO SIT ON THE GRANDSTAND/PRESS BOX SIDE.
- All students should exhibit appropriate behavior meaning; no booing, name calling, yelling, or talking back to players, coaches, or officials
• All sporting events are subject to change. An updated sporting schedule can be found on the Lange Athletics Website.
Thank you for supporting Lange Middle School, our coaches, and our athletes.
See you soon!
Jeff Linhardt
Athletic Director
Amazon Smile & Lange PTSA
Support your favorite charity at no extra cost when you shop at smile.amazon.com. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible smile.amazon.com purchases. Please select PTA Missouri Congress Lange Middle School PTSA as your charity of choice.
Give back to LANGE MIDDLE SCHOOL with Casey’s Rewards
We’re excited to share that our school is participating in Cash for Classrooms, part of Casey’s Rewards. This opens up LANGE MIDDLE SCHOOL to new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students.
The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you buy from Casey’s and use their rewards program you can simply turn your points into a donation to our school.
Help LANGE MIDDLE SCHOOL make the most of this program and learn more at caseys.com/schools.
Dominique Falls
Earn Money for Lange Middle School PTSA when you use your Gerbes loyalty card!!!!
The Kroger Family of Companies is committed to community engagement, positive social impact and charitable giving at the national and local levels. Every community is unique, but our common goal is to partner with the neighborhoods we serve and help the people there live healthier lives.
One of the ways in which we do this is through our Gerbes Community Rewards program. This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Gerbes and swipe your Shopper’s Card. Here’s how it works:
1. Create a digital account.
A digital account is needed to participate in Gerbes Community Rewards. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
2. Link your Card to an organization.
Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the Gerbes Community Rewards selection on your digital account.
1. Sign in to your digital account.
2. Search for your organization here.
3. Enter the name (LANGE MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA) or NPO number (UI506) of the organization you wish to support.
4. Select the appropriate organization from the list and click “Save”.
Your selected organization will also display in the Gerbes Community Rewards section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
3. Your organization earns.
Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you. Gerbes donates annually to participating organizations based on your percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Gerbes Community Rewards organizations.
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Center.
Whether you’re a customer or an organization, get started today!
Note: If you are a customer, make sure you have a preferred store selected (GERBES ON PARIS RD) to view participating organizations. If you are applying on behalf of an organization, please select a store in the same area as your organization.