Granger School Weekly Newsletter
February 10-14, 2020
Quick Reminders/Planning Ahead
Feb. 10 Student Council District Spring Convention
Feb. 12 Student Council Valentine Orders Due
Feb. 12 Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 12 NHS Meeting during Advisory
Feb. 14 Elementary Valentine Parties
Feb. 17 No School
Feb. 24 SHAC/PTO meeting 6:00 p.m. in cafeteria
Feb. 29 Junior/Senior Roaring 20's Prom 7-11pm @ Georgetown Community Center
Spring Break March 9-13, 2020
Planning Ahead:
March 18 Granger ISD K-6 Science Fair Exhibition
March 18 School Board Meeting 6:30 pm
March 28 Mother/Son Father/Daughter Dance
April 17 End of School Dance for grades 6-8th
Weather Watch:
*Please check the school website ( https://www.grangerisd.net ) or social media platforms (Facebook/Twitter) for any updates and possible school closures during inclement weather.
*Check your phones, emails, and phone call messages for closures and updates.
*Check local news.
*The website will have all of the protocols and procedures posted for inclement weather for your reference.
***Please make sure your child's contact information is up-to-date!***
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Tuesday: Crispy Taco
Wednesday: Pizza
Thursday: Chicken Nuggets
Friday: Cheeseburger
Will: Why do oars fall in love?
Eric: Why?
Will: Because they’re row-mantic.
Joke by Will A., Nashville, Tenn.
Honesty: Character Trait of the Month
Want to win one of these beauties?
Winner to be announced Friday, Feb. 14th.
Sponsored by SHAC (Student Health Advisory Committee)
Did you know?
Did you know?
Granger does have a leash law. Dogs are to be on a leash when out walking. They are also to be fenced in their yard or on a runner when at home.
If you see loose dogs, please call the Granger Police at 512-859-2644 or Granger City Hall at 512-859-2755.
If the dogs are on school grounds call Sgt. Thomas at 512-688-7760.
Did you know?
Or that the Pill Bug (Roly-Poly) is not an insect, but a crustacean?
Source: Science Fair Winners: Bug Science 20 A+ Projects and Experiments by Karen Romano Young
Book can be checked out from the school library!
100 Days of School + One Hundred Days of Learning = Older and Wiser
Helpful Information
Interested in Nursing?
Information sessions will be video-streamed to the Taylor Temple College campus this semester! Sessions discuss the LVN, LVN-RN Bridging and ADN programs. In addition, you will learn about the nursing application process.
Dates for the information sessions: February 4, 2020 March 3, 2020 April 7, 2020 May 4, 2020 **All sessions will begin at 4:00pm and will be video-streamed to the Taylor campus. Please sign in at the front desk upon arrival.
Need help with FAFSA?
Financial Aid Workshop
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 from 5pm to 7pm
Temple College-Taylor Campus ROOM 121
516 N Main St, Taylor TX 76574
The 2020 -2021 FAFSA IS OPEN!!! Financial Aid deadlines are approaching. (REMEMBER THIS, EVEN IF NOT ATTENDING TEMPLE COLLEGE!)
Visit FAFSA.GOV to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
How to get prepared:
Gather Parent & Student’s 2018 Tax Returns (For Fall 2020)
Gather Parent & Student’s 2018 Tax Returns (For Summer 2020)
Have Parent & Student’s social security numbers.
Create an FSA ID for parent & student at fsaid.ed.gov *Save the FSA ID! That is your federal student aid identification, allowing you to log in and sign your FAFSA. Be sure to use a different email for parent and student when creating the FSA ID.
Financial Aid Workshop
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 from 5pm to 7pm
Temple College-Taylor Campus ROOM 121
516 N Main St, Taylor TX 76574
Temple College New Student Checklist:
Complete an Application Visit www.templejc.edu and Click on “Apply Now.”
Create an account and fill in the online Temple College application. You may also submit applications through Apply Texas.
Apply for Financial Aid If this is your first time enrolling in college, create your Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) online at fsaid.ed.gov. (Both the student and parent must use different email addresses to create a separate FSA ID if the student is considered dependent.)
Fill in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online through fafsa.gov. (Temple College school code 003627)
Follow-up with the Financial Aid office within 2 weeks to see if additional documents are required and to view your financial aid award.
Turn in Admission Documents
Submit official high school or college transcripts.
In addition, if you are under the age of 22, provide proof of bacterial meningitis immunization (Valid if administered within 5 years).
Fulfill Testing Requirements If you do not have college placement scores to submit, you will need to take the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSI).
Complete the TSI Pre-Assessment online at www.templejc.edu.
Click on “Admissions” and then “Testing Center.”
Take the TSI assessment at the Temple Testing Center 254-298-8685 (Walk-In) or at the Hutto center 512-759-5925 (By Appointment).
Campus Phone Numbers:
Temple: 254-298-8282
Taylor: 512-352-2688
Hutto: 512-759-5900
Your School Contact:
Amber Thorsen,Granger ISD
Director of Federal Programs and College and Career Guidance Counselor
Help Granted to Those Who Try
Scholarships due:
Granger Tuesday Student Club
Taylor Czech Chorus
PB&J Scholarship (sounds yummy)
WCRTA Aspiring Educator
Sid Richardson Memorial Sid Richardson Memorial Scholarship
All scholarships which come to the school can be found at:
TSTC scholarships: https://www.tstc.edu/financialaid/addscholarship
Parent Review of Proclamation 2020
Samples for the English/Language Arts textbook adoption in grades 9-12 will be available for public review before the School Board meeting in the student center on February 12, 2020, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Teachers, students, staff, and community members will have an opportunity to review materials and fill out a rubric with their recommendations. The results will be used in conjunction with feedback from the Instructional Materials Selection Committee, and the final recommendation will be made in March. Below are links to digital access for the materials under consideration. If you choose to review the digital materials, please fill out the google form (link below) with your recommendations or contact Sara Cooper, Director of Curriculum, Accountability, and Testing for a paper copy of the rubric.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Literature
View Username: TXLiteratureStudent
View Username: txsync20
Password: txss20
Rubric for the English/Language Arts Textbook Adoption Review
What Valentine's Day Means to Second Graders
Luke: Not fighting with my sisters
Liam: Letting family and friends know they are special
Jordan: Candy
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Elementary Awards Dates
Time: PreK-2nd: 8:10AM - 9:10AM 3rd-4th: 9:20AM - 10:20AM
3rd 9 weeks, March 27, 2020
4th 9 weeks, May 27, 2020
Renaissance Universal Screening
April 6-10 Reading EOY
April 13-17 Math EOY
STAAR Testing
STAAR Spring Dates:
ENG I – April 7
4th/7th Writing – April 7
5th/8th Math – April 7
5th/8th Reading – April 8
ENG 2 – April 8
ALG 1 – May
BIO – May
US Hist – May
8th Science – May 7
8th Social Studies – May 8
3rd/4th/6th/7th Math, 5th/8th Retake – May 12
3rd/4th/6th/7th Reading, 5th/8th Retake – May 13
5th Science – May 14
Secondary Bell Schedule
Jr. High Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
Lunch 11:16-11:46
5th 11:50-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
High School Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
5th 11:20-12:06
Lunch 12:06-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
7th 1:30-2:16
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
· Pre K 10:25 – 10:55
· Kinder – 1st 10:30 – 11:00
· 2nd-3rd 10:35 – 11:05
· 4th 10:40 - 11:10
· 5th 11:10 - 11:40
· 6th - 8th 11:16 – 11:46
· 9th - 12th 12:06 - 12:36
8:50-9:36 Ivicic
12:40-1:26 Mr. Irisawa 3B
8:50-9:36 Chapman
2:00-2:30 Pre-K
8:50-9:36 Steffek
12:40-1:26 Marek
8:50-9:36 Repa
10:30-11:16 Q. Kubacak
12:40-1:26 Michalik
1:30-2:16 Lewis 3A
12:40-1:26 Vanek
1:30-2:16 Sessums
Ninth grade every other Friday during 2nd, 4th, 7th Periods
Morning Pickup: Between 6:50 am and 7:20 am.
Afternoon Routes: Depart campus at 3:50 pm.
NW Quadrant – Bus 23, Mr. Terry
NE Quadrant – Bus 18, Ms. Baker
SW Quadrant – Bus 22, Mr. Holubec
SE Quadrant – Bus 16, Mr. Davidson AM/Mr. Valdez PM
Monthly Character Development Themes:
October: Responsibility
November: Respect
December: Friendship
January: Perseverance
February: Honesty
March: Self-Discipline
April: Leadership
School Board:
Sandra Carpenter, Secretary
Chelsey Ellison, Member
Tommy Filla, President
Mark Harwell, Member
Scott Murrah, Member
Daryl Stefek, Member
Timmy Tidwell, Vice President
Helpful Links:
Academic Counseling Service link: https://www.grangerisd.net/79539_2
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder: https://www.arbookfind.com
Video guides to college financial aide:
Overview of the Financial Aid Process : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_iS7gmQd9o
How to Create Your FSA ID : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7ihhGk8mCY&t=2s
2019-2020 FAFSA Full Walkthrough : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1GmaBMD-oY
After the FAFSA: What Happens Next : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c1gNefSw78
Parent resource on E-Cigarettes and JUUL prevention: https://www.catch.org/pages/cmb-parent-resources
Parent Portal to grades & attendance: https://ascportal.esc13.net/ParentPortal/login?distid=246905
Resources and outreach available to students, teachers, and the community:
*Intervention Services: Alana Arndt or Aspen Weber are on campus daily during the school year for individual/family therapy and support (512-713-9886)
*Mobile Outreach Team: available for mental health crisis and can offer mental health resources in Williamson County area. (512-864-8277)
*The Christi Center: Offers free, ongoing support groups for adults grieving the loss of a child, spouse, parent, sibling or other loved one. (512-467-2600) http://christicenter.org/services/williamson-county/
* Bluebonnet Trials 1-800-841-1255
*Crisis Hotline Text 741741
*Crisis Hotline 1-800-273-8255
FRIENDLY REMINDER: Students in grades 7-12 are past due on the 2019-2020 school year laptop insurance. Please make sure your students' obligation has been met. Thank you.
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-859-2173
Facebook: facebook.com/Grangerisd
Twitter: @Granger_Lions